
第34章 核!合!和!(20)

24."After hearing her out," Huang proceeded,"I thought it was a good idea.They made good analysis; they had a good plan,clear goal and starting fund as well.As long as they work hard,they will surely make money.As the secretary,I was supposed to give them whatever support I could,only warning them to be careful with the condiments.Look,they have been doing this for over one year.The thirty-odd women working under them all make money.What a wonderful thing!"

25.Cai interrupted him again with a serious look: "I have to put you right.You call yourself a PARTY SECRETARY over and again.Are you a SECRETARY?What kind of SECRETARY do you think you are?Old fool,old fool,check yourself carefully.You are exactly a village PARTY SECRETARY,the lowest rank village cadre without salary.Don't call yourself a PARTY SECRETARY anymore." They were arguing when several people came to Cai to buy meat.Immediately he busied himself with his customers: "What do you want?Five kilograms of meat,half to be sliced and the other half cut into cubes for braised pork?Well,Huang over there is a good meat cutter.You can go to him for that.Next one,next one.You want some pork from the hind leg?How much?Fifteen kilograms?No problem!" He raised his knife to cut off a piece of meat which he then placed on the scales."Look,over fourteen kilograms.Is that OK?It is very good meat and I will give you three Liangs free of charge.You are welcome.You are welcome.See you next time." With these words,Cai finished a deal very quickly.After a while,he had got another customer."Is this OK?What do you want?" Cai raised and landed his knife upon the pork.


26.Their quarrel went on like this for years.Once they met in the market early in the morning,they would argue with each other,sometimes their faces turning red.People gathered and listened to them in front of their tables,thinking the quarrel would grow into a fight.With more and more people gathering there,naturally the two old guys had more customers.In the right time,Huang would announce to the crowd,"I am not good at quarreling,but at slicing and cutting meat.And that big old fool,he is skilled in chopping ribs,elbows and hind legs." Such an advertisement to the crowd took very good effect,bringing a lot of customers for them both.

27.Their business had prospered since they first came to this market.Each of them could sell out as much as two pigs every day.Some pork retailers,in contrast,sold out as little as half a big.Cai and Huang,therefore,set a rule between themselves that they should only sell one pig each day,except on festivals,so that other retailers could have more business.Toward the end of each trading day,they would meet and argue over their old topics endlessly until they sold out everything on the table and return home.

28.The senior apprentice of Cai often quoted his master,"My master often says,I wouldn't chat or tell jokes with Huang like friends from morning to evening; we were not born for that,but for quarreling.In that way we don't feel lonely or bored.Strangely,you won't have many customers if the workplace is too quiet.And my master says,a barber needs to talk with his customers to become a friend to them so they will come back again.My master says again,quarrelling is a sort of art,just like north-east Errenzhuan."


29.Early in the morning of May 12,2008,Cai welcomed an old customer whom people called Miss Fatty.She worked as a purchasing manager at Jingyang restaurant along the eastern avenue.She had been a waitress in a small restaurant in her hometown and accumulated rich experience in restaurant management.In addition,she was a cousin of the boss of Jingyang restaurant.Therefore she was invited to work in the grand restaurant.Despite her youth,she had an acute sense about purchasing.Once she made a walk around the market,she was able to decide whose goods were the best.A good bargainer,she greatly cut down the costs of the restaurant.As Chinese people say: The customer is God.An important client like Miss Fatty was therefore highly respected by Cai and Huang,who called her Madame.On that day,as she stood for a few minutes in front of Cai's table,she decided to buy the whole pig on the table,which she thought was good material for braised pork and steamed pork with preserved vegetable en casserole since it was tender meat from a black pig. When Miss Fatty went away,Cai completed the work of the day even without raising his knife,only to give her some discount as usual.What an easy deal!When he stuffed the huge stack of money into the big pocket upon his belly,he said with a smile to the pork retailer opposite him: "Do you see?This is the convenience of a front pocket: first,you can put big money into it very easily.Second,you don't have to watch it all the time,worrying it would be lost.Third,here is the closest place to your heart.Your heart is warm when you feel your money right there." As he was saying this,he habitually took out several pieces of tissue paper to clean his hands.Then he took off his hat and spun it upon his hand for a few seconds.He untied his plastic apron and spread it over the table.With his knives carefully folded and held in his hand,and other tools put in place,Cai announced proudly to his fellow workers: "I have finished my work in advance again.Now I am going back to pick up my grandson in the village school.See you!"

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