

Blanche turned upon her with streaming eyes; she could no longer control her emotion. "Alice, my sister, all the pride is gone out of me; all the reticence that woman loves to observe as to her wrongs and her inward feelings I have broken through for you this night. As sure as there is a heaven above us, I have told you the truth. Until you came I was engaged to Francis Levison."

An unnatural scene ensued. Blanche, provoked at Alice's rejection of her words, told all the ill she knew or heard of the man; she dwelt upon his conduct with regard to Lady Isabel Carlyle, his heartless after-treatment of that unhappy lady. Alice was passionate and fiery.

She professed not to believe a word of her sister's wrongs, and as to the other stories, they were no affairs of hers, she said: "what had she to do with his past life?"

But Alice Challoner did believe; her sister's earnestness and distress, as she told the tale, carried conviction with them. She did not very much care for Sir Francis; he was not entwined round her heart, as he was round Blanche's; but she was dazzled with the prospect of so good a settlement in life, and she would not give him up. If Blanche broke her heart--why, she must break it. But she need not have mixed taunts and jeers with her refusal to believe; she need not have /triumphed/ openly over Blanche. Was it well done? Was it the work of an affectionate sister! As we sow, so shall we reap. She married Sir Francis Levison, leaving Blanche to her broken heart, or to any other calamity that might grow out of the injustice. And there sat Lady Levison now, her three years of marriage having served to turn her love for Sir Francis into contempt and hate.

A little boy, two years old, the only child of the marriage, was playing about the room. His mother took no notice of him; she was buried in all-absorbing thought--thought which caused her lips to contract, and her brow to scowl. Sir Francis entered, his attitude lounging, his air listless. Lady Levison roused herself, but no pleasant manner of tone was hers, as she set herself to address him.

"I want some money," she said.

"So do I," he answered.

An impatient stamp of the foot and a haughty toss. "And I must have it. I /must/. I told you yesterday that I must. Do you suppose I can go on, without a sixpence of ready money day after day?"

"Do you suppose it is of any use to put yourself in this fury?" retorted Sir Francis. "A dozen times a week do you bother me for money and a dozen times do I tell you I have got none. I have got none for myself. You may as well ask that baby for money as ask me."

"I wish he had never been born!" passionately uttered Lady Levison; "unless he had had a different father."

That the last sentence, and the bitter scorn of its tone, would have provoked a reprisal from Sir Francis, his flashing countenance betrayed. But at that moment a servant entered the room.

"I beg your pardon, sir. That man, Brown, forced his way into the hall, and--"

"I can't see him--I won't see him!" interrupted Sir Francis backing to the furthest corner of the room, in what looked very like abject terror, as if he had completely lost his presence of mind. Lady Levison's lips curled.

"We got rid of him, sir, after a dreadful deal of trouble, I was about to say, but while the door was open in the dispute, Mr. Meredith entered. He has gone into the library, sir, and vows he won't stir till he sees you, whether you are sick or well."

A moment's pause, a half-muttered oath, and the Sir Francis quitted the room. The servant retired, and Lady Levison caught up her child.

"Oh, Franky dear," she wailed forth, burying her face in his warm neck. "I'd leave him for good and all, if I dared; but I fear he might keep you."

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    The Burning Spear

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  • 我真的不想选困难模式


    这就是末日世界?太难了吧! 别人的穿越,穿越到过去,拿点现代常识就出来就是天才。 我的穿越,穿越到未来,变成全世界最没常识的人。 别人的末日世界,荒野生存,美女房车,满地宝藏,有滋有味,快乐无边。 我的末日世界,末日战争,枪林弹雨离子炮小型黑洞,出去走两步随时渣都不剩。 别人的系统,完成任务,奖励武器金钱抽奖等级技能,走向人生巅峰。 我的系统,特么直接有毒!拥有者精神崩溃自残自杀。 别人的金手指,不劳而获,轻松杀怪,人生赢在起跑线上。 好在我也有特殊能力,看我的!等等…等等!这东西为什么怎么打都打不死? 好吧,我好歹枪法一流,百发百中。 不对啊!为什么给我一把刀?我不想做近战兵种! 一场针对碳基生物的全面战争爆发。未知的敌人涌入人类世界,人类军队被压倒性的科技与军事力量逐一歼灭。剩余的人类武装力量换上一个更贴切的名字——反抗军。 要让人类扭转种族灭亡的命运?太难啦,太难了啊!