

The coachman, as I have said before, was very much disliked upon the road, but there was an esprit de corps amongst the coachmen, and those who stood by did not like to see their brother chastised in such tremendous fashion."I never saw such a fight before," said one."Fight! why, I don't call it a fight at all; this chap here ha'n't got a scratch, whereas Tom is cut to pieces; it is all along of that guard of his;if Tom could have got within his guard he would have soon served the old chap out." "So he would," said another, "it was all owing to that guard.However, I think I see into it, and if I had not to drive this afternoon, I would have a turn with the old fellow and soon serve him out." "I will fight him now for a guinea," said the other coachman, half taking off his coat; observing, however, that the elderly individual made a motion towards him, he hitched it upon his shoulder again, and added, "that is, if he had not been fighting already, but as it is, I am above taking an advantage, especially of such a poor old creature as that." And when he had said this, he looked around him, and there was a feeble titter of approbation from two or three of the craven crew, who were in the habit of currying favour with the coachmen.

The elderly individual looked for a moment at these last, and then said, "To such fellows as you I have nothing to say;"then turning to the coachmen, "and as for you," he said, "ye cowardly bullies, I have but one word, which is, that your reign upon the roads is nearly over, and that a time is coming when ye will no longer be wanted or employed in your present capacity, when ye will either have to drive dung-carts, assist as ostlers at village ale-houses, or rot in the workhouse." Then putting on his coat and hat, and taking up his bundle, not forgetting his meerschaum, and the rest of his smoking apparatus, he departed on his way.Filled with curiosity, I followed him.

"I am quite astonished that you should be able to use your hands in the way you have done," said I, as I walked with this individual in the direction in which he was bound.

"I will tell you how I became able to do so," said the elderly individual, proceeding to fill and light his pipe as he walked along."My father was a journeyman engraver, who lived in a very riotous neighbourhood in the outskirts of London.Wishing to give me something of an education, he sent me to a day-school, two or three streets distant from where we lived, and there, being rather a puny boy, Isuffered much persecution from my schoolfellows, who were a very blackguard set.One day, as I was running home, with one of my tormentors pursuing me, old Sergeant Broughton, the retired fighting-man, seized me by the arm - ""Dear me," said I, "has it ever been your luck to be acquainted with Sergeant Broughton?""You may well call it luck," said the elderly individual; but for him I should never have been able to make my way through the world.He lived only four doors from our house; so, as Iwas running along the street, with my tyrant behind me, Sergeant Broughton seized me by the arm.'Stop, my boy,'

said he; 'I have frequently seen that scamp ill-treating you;now I will teach you how to send him home with a bloody nose;down with your bag of books; and now, my game chick,'

  • 正室战场


  • 修天问道


  • 三少你马甲又掉了


  • 活力美人的护发秘诀(女性生活百宝箱)


  • 天行


  • 异度春秋


  • 无限之死灵魔法师


  • 足步天下


  • 闻道可归矣


  • 扯蛋道士之阳世宿命

