

"He is a very abrupt King," said Pon, "so it was the least I could expect.Up to that time I had not thought of loving Princess Gloria, but realizing it would be impolite not to return her love, I did so.We met at evening, now and then, and she told me the King wanted her to marry a rich courtier named Googly-Goo, who is old enough to be Gloria's father.She has refused Googly-Goo thirty-nine times, but he still persists and has brought many rich presents to bribe the King.On that account King Krewl has commanded his niece to marry the old man, but the Princess has assured me, time and again, that she will wed only me.This morning we happened to meet in the grape arbor and as I was respectfully saluting the cheek of the Princess, two of the King's guards seized me and beat me terribly before the very eyes of Gloria, whom the King himself held back so she could not interfere.""Why, this King must be a monster!" cried Trot.

"He is far worse than that," said Pon, mournfully.

"But, see here," interrupted Cap'n Bill, who had listened carefully to Pon."This King may not be so much to blame, after all.Kings are proud folks, because they're so high an' mighty, an' it isn't reasonable for a royal Princess to marry a common gardener's boy.""It isn't right," declared Button-Bright."A Princess should marry a Prince.""I'm not a common gardener's boy," protested Pon."If Ihad my rights I would be the King instead of Krewl.As it is, I'm a Prince, and as royal as any man in Jinxland.""How does that come?" asked Cap'n Bill.

"My father used to be the King and Krewl was his Prime Minister.But one day while out hunting, King Phearse --that was my father's name -- had a quarrel with Krewl and tapped him gently on the nose with the knuckles of his closed hand.This so provoked the wicked Krewl that he tripped my father backward, so that he fell into a deep pond.At once Krewl threw in a mass of heavy stones, which so weighted down my poor father that his body could not rise again to the surface.It is impossible to kill anyone in this land, as perhaps you know, but when my father was pressed down into the mud at the bottom of the deep pool and the stones held him so he could never escape, he was of no more use to himself or the world than if he had died.Knowing this, Krewl proclaimed himself King, taking possession of the royal castle and driving all my father's people out.I was a small boy, then, but when I grew up I became a gardener.I have served King Krewl without his knowing that I am the son of the same King Phearse whom he so cruelly made away with.""My, but that's a terr'bly exciting story!" said Trot, drawing a long breath."But tell us, Pon, who was Gloria's father?""Oh, he was the King before my father," replied Pon.

"Father was Prime Minister for King Kynd, who was Gloria's father.She was only a baby when King Kynd fell into the Great Gulf that lies just this side of the mountains -- the same mountains that separate Jinxland from the rest of the Land of Oz.It is said the Great Gulf has no bottom; but, however that may be, King Kynd has never been seen again and my father became King in his place.""Seems to me," said Trot, "that if Gloria had her rights she would be Queen of Jinxland.""Well, her father was a King," admitted Pon, "and so was my father; so we are of equal rank, although she's a great lady and I'm a humble gardener's boy.I can't see why we should not marry if we want to except that King Krewl won't let us.""It's a sort of mixed-up mess, taken altogether,"remarked Cap'n Bill."But we are on our way to visit King Krewl, and if we get a chance, young man, we'll put in a good word for you.""Do, please!" begged Pon.

"Was it the flogging you got that broke your heart?"inquired Button-Bright.

"Why, it helped to break it, of course," said Pon.

"I'd get it fixed up, if I were you," advised the boy, tossing a pebble at a chipmunk in a tree."You ought to give Gloria just as good a heart as she gives you.""That's common sense," agreed Cap'n Bill.So they left the gardener's boy standing beside the path, and resumed their journey toward the castle.

  • 木经




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    (小说里面的吴渣男来源于现实生活改编,所以看书等于吃瓜。) 在遭遇喜欢了七年的渣男劈腿后,陆星晴被迫接受了爸爸安排的相亲,一看到相亲对象竟然是自己的老板,陆星晴只觉得:我的妈呀!这真是佛了!!!贺家别墅内,贺振家抬头对着贺霖笑着说道:“周六爸爸给你安排了一场相亲。”贺霖简短的回答道:“不去。”明知道贺霖不会愿意去,但贺振家还是继续的抬着头说道:“那个姑娘可是你爸爸我大恩人的女儿,听说她好像就在你的工作室上班。叫个陆……陆星晴。”听到陆星晴的名字,贺霖愣了一下,他瞟了一眼正抬着头盯着他的贺振家平静的说道:“我去。”相亲后,看着陆星晴贺霖直截了当的说道:“既然你生无可恋,反正我也到了这个年纪,不如我们合作吧。”“合作?贺总您跟我这个小喽啰有什么好合作的?”陆星晴的心里嘀咕着,你可是我的金主爸爸,还合作,我只有服从服从再服从好吗?贺霖随意的说道:“我们结婚吧。”陆星晴虽是一惊,但她还是挤出了一抹微笑对着贺霖说道:“贺总,不知是我听错了还是您脑袋瓜子抽风了,我哪配得上您啊!”
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