

"Mariana...I bow down before you...you pity me, and each of us has implicit faith in the other's honesty-- that is our position.But there is no love between us.""Stop, Alexai! what are you saying? The police may come for us today...we must go away together and not part--""And get Father Zosim to marry us at Solomin's suggestion.I know that you merely look upon our marriage as a kind of passport-- a means of avoiding any difficulties with the police...but still it will bind us to some extent; necessitate our living together and all that.Besides it always presupposes a desire to live together.""What do you mean, Alexai? You don't intend staying here?"Nejdanov said hesitatingly.The word "yes" nearly escaped his lips, but he recollected himself in time.

"Then you are going to a different place-- not where I am going?"Nejdanov pressed her hand which still lay in his own.

"It would indeed be vile to leave you without a supporter, without a protector, but I won't do that, as bad as I may be.You shall have a protector-- rest assured."Mariana bent down towards him and, putting her face close against his, looked anxiously into his eyes, as though trying to penetrate to his very soul.

"What is the matter, Alexai? What have you on your mind? Tell me...you frighten me.Your words are so strange and enigmatical...And your face! I have never seen your face like that!"Nejdanov put her from him gently and kissed her hand tenderly.

This time she made no resistance and did not laugh, but sat still looking at him anxiously.

"Don't be alarmed, dear.There is nothing strange in it.They say Markelov was beaten by the peasants; he felt their blows-- they crushed his ribs.They did not beat me, they even drank with me--drank my health-- but they crushed my soul more completely than they did Markelov's ribs.I was born out of joint, wanted to set myself right, and have made matters worse.That is what you notice in my face.""Alexai," Mariana said slowly, "it would be very wrong of you not to be frank with me."He clenched his hands.

"Mariana, my whole being is laid bare before you, and whatever Imight do, I tell you beforehand, nothing will really surprise you; nothing whatever!"Mariana wanted to ask him what he meant, but at that moment Solomin entered the room.

His movements were sharper and more rapid than usual.His eyes were half closed, his lips compressed, the whole of his face wore a drier, harder, somewhat rougher expression.

"My dear friends," he began, "I must ask you not to waste time, but prepare yourselves as soon as possible.You must be ready in an hour.You have to go through the marriage ceremony.There is no news of Paklin.His horses were detained for a time at Arjanov and then sent back.He has been kept there.They've no doubt brought him to town by this time.I don't think he would betray us, but he might let things out unwittingly.Besides, they might have guessed from the horses.My cousin has been informed of your coming.Pavel will go with you.He will be a witness.""And you...and you?" Nejdanov asked."Aren't you going? I see you're dressed for the road," he added, indicating Solomin's high boots with his eyes.

"Oh, I only put them on...because it's rather muddy outside.""But you won't be held responsible for us, will you?""I hardly think so...in any case...that's my affair.So you'll be ready in an hour.Mariana, I believe Tatiana wants to see you.She has something prepared for you.""Oh, yes! I wanted to see her too..." Mariana turned to the door.

A peculiar expression of fear, despair, spread itself over Nejdanov's face.

"Mariana, you're not going?" he asked in a frightened tone of voice.

She stood still.

"I'll be back in half an hour.It won't take me long to pack.""Come here, close to me, Mariana."

"Certainly, but what for? "

"I wanted to have one more look at you." He looked at her intently.Goodbye, goodbye, Mariana!"She seemed bewildered.

"Why...what nonsense I'm talking! You'll be back in half an hour, won't you, eh?"Of course--"

"Never mind; forgive me, dear.My brain is in a whirl from lack of sleep.I must begin...packing, too."Mariana went out of the room and Solomin was about to follow her when Nejdanov stopped him.


"What is it? "

"Give me your hand.I must thank you for your kindness and hospitality."Solomin smiled.

"What an idea!" He extended his hand.

"There's another thing I wished to say," Nejdanov continued.

"Supposing anything were to happen to me, may I hope that you won't abandon Mariana?""Your future wife?


"I don't think anything is likely to happen to you, but you may set your mind at rest.Mariana is just as dear to me as she is to you.""Oh, I knew it...knew it, knew it! I'm so glad! thanks.So in an hour?""In an hour."

"I shall be ready.Goodbye, my friend!"

Solomin went out and caught Mariana up on the staircase.He had intended saying something to her about Nejdanov, but refrained from doing so.And Mariana guessed that he wished to say something about him and that he could not.She, too, was silent.

  • 阿拉德笑传


  • 天行


  • 重生巫女万万岁


  • 爱就不一样


  • 诸天飞升狂人


  • 最幸福的时间


  • 天行


  • 轮天


  • 不灭天狱


  • 你宠我好不好

