

"I AM a friend of your husband's," he said, bowing very low, as if anxious to conceal his frightened face, "and also of Vassily Fedotitch.I hear Alexai Dmitritch is asleep and not very well.

Unfortunately, I have brought bad news.I have already told Vassily Fedotitch something about it and am afraid decisive measures will have to be taken.

Paklin's voice broke continually, like that of a man who was tortured by thirst.The items of news he had to communicate were certainly very unpleasant ones.Some peasants had seized Markelov and brought him to the town.The stupid clerk had betrayed Golushkin, who was now under arrest, he in his turn was betraying everything and everybody, wanted to go over to the Orthodox Church, had offered to present a portrait of the Bishop Filaret to the public school, and had already given five thousand roubles to be distributed among crippled soldiers.There was not a shadow of a doubt that he had informed against Nejdanov; the police might make a raid upon the factory any moment.Vassily Fedotitch was also in danger."As for myself," Paklin added, "I am surprised that I'm still allowed to roam at large, although it's true that I've never really interested myself in practical politics or taken part in any schemes.I have taken advantage of this oversight on the part of the police to put you on your guard and find out what had best be done to avoid any unpleasantness."Mariana listened to Paklin to the end.She did not seem alarmed;on the other hand she was quite calm.But something must really be done! She fixed her eyes on Solomin.

He was also composed; only around his lips there was the faintest movement of the muscles; but it was not his habitual smile.

Solomin understood the meaning of Mariana's glance; she waited for him to say what had best be done.

"It's a very awkward business," he began; "I don't think it would do Nejdanov any harm to go into hiding for a time.But, by the way, how did you get to know that he was here, Mr.Paklin?"Paklin gave a wave of the hand.

"A certain individual told me.He had seen him preaching about the neighbourhood and had followed him, though with no evil intent.He is a sympathiser.Excuse me," he added, turning to Mariana, "is it true that our friend Nejdanov has been very...

very careless?"

"It's no good blaming him now," Solomin began again."What a pity we can't talk things over with him now, but by tomorrow he will be all right again.The police don't do things as quickly as you seem to imagine.You will have to go away with him, Mariana Vikentievna.""Certainly," she said resolutely, a lump rising in her throat.

"Yes," Solomin said, "we must think it over, consider ways and means.""May I make a suggestion?" Paklin began."It entered my head as Iwas coming along here.I must tell you, by the way, that Idismissed the cabman from the town a mile away from here.""What is your suggestion?" Solomin asked.

"Let me have some horses at once and I'll gallop off to the Sipiagins.""To the Sipiagins!" Mariana exclaimed."Why?""You will see."

"But do you know them?"

"Not at all! But listen.Do think over my suggestion thoroughly.

It seems to me a brilliant one.Markelov is Sipiagin's brother-in-law, his wife's brother, isn't that so? Would this gentleman really make no attempt to save him? And as for Nejdanov himself, granting that Mr.Sipiagin is most awfully angry with him, still he has become a relation of his by marrying you.And the danger hanging over our friend--""I am not married," Mariana observed.

Paklin started.

"What? Haven't managed it all this time! Well, never mind," he added, "one can pretend a little.All the same, you will get married directly.There seems nothing else to be done! Take into consideration the fact that up until now Sipiagin has not persecuted you, which shows him to be a man capable of a certain amount of generosity.I see that you don't like the expression--well, a certain amount of pride.Why should we not take advantage of it? Consider for yourself!"Mariana raised her head and passed her hand through her air.

"You can take advantage of whatever you like for Markelov, Mr.

Paklin...or for yourself, but Alexai and I do not desire the protection or patronage of Mr.Sipiagin.We did not leave his house only to go knocking at his door as beggars.The pride and generosity of Mr.Sipiagin and his wife have nothing whatever to do with us!""Such sentiments are extremely praiseworthy," Paklin replied ("How utterly crushed!" he thought to himself), "though, on the other hand, if you think of it...However, I am ready to obey you.I will exert myself only on Markelov's account, our good Markelov! I must say, however, that he is not his blood relation, but only related to him through his wife--while you--""Mr Paklin, I beg of you!"

"I'm sorry...Only I can't tell you how disappointing it is--Sipiagin is a very influential man."

"Have you no fears for yourself?" Solomin asked.

Paklin drew himself up.

"There are moments when one must not think of oneself!" he said proudly.And he was thinking of himself all the while.Poor little man! he wanted to run away as fast as he could.On the strength of the service rendered him, Sipiagin might, if need be, speak a word in his favour.For he too--say what he would--was implicated, he had listened and had chattered a little himself.

"I don't think your suggestion is a bad one," Solomin observed at last," although there is not much hope of success.At any rate there is no harm in trying.""Of course not.Supposing they pitch me out by the scruff of the neck, what harm will it do?""That won't matter very much" ("Merci," Paklin thought to himself)."What is the time? " Solomin asked." Five o'clock.We mustn't dawdle.You shall have the horses directly.Pavel!"But instead of Pavel, Nejdanov appeared in the doorway.He staggered and steadied himself on the doorpost.He opened his mouth feebly, looked around with his glassy eyes, comprehending nothing.Paklin was the first to approach him.

  • 世宗實錄(穆宗實錄)


  • 贺邢州卢员外


  • 延福里秋怀


  • 象台首末


  • 五鉴


  • 跨越心灵的7大障碍


  • 中国台坛


  • 天行


  • 天行


  • 一品女仵作


  • 都市之终极医神


  • 剑神雪痕


  • 天生就是你冤家


  • 苍天饶过谁:天道好轮回


  • 重生之帝少的娇妻

