

Enter LORENZO, JESSICA, and SALERIO, a messenger from VeniceBASSANIO.Lorenzo and Salerio, welcome hither, If that the youth of my new int'rest here Have power to bid you welcome.By your leave, I bid my very friends and countrymen, Sweet Portia, welcome.PORTIA.So do I, my lord; They are entirely welcome.LORENZO.I thank your honour.For my part, my lord, My purpose was not to have seen you here; But meeting with Salerio by the way, He did entreat me, past all saying nay, To come with him along.SALERIO.I did, my lord, And I have reason for it.Signior Antonio Commends him to you.[Gives BASSANIO a letter] BASSANIO.Ere I ope his letter, I pray you tell me how my good friend doth.SALERIO.Not sick, my lord, unless it be in mind; Nor well, unless in mind; his letter there Will show you his estate.[BASSANIO opens the letter] GRATIANO.Nerissa, cheer yond stranger; bid her welcome.Your hand, Salerio.What's the news from Venice? How doth that royal merchant, good Antonio? I know he will be glad of our success: We are the Jasons, we have won the fleece.SALERIO.I would you had won the fleece that he hath lost.PORTIA.There are some shrewd contents in yond same paper That steals the colour from Bassanio's cheek: Some dear friend dead, else nothing in the world Could turn so much the constitution Of any constant man.What, worse and worse! With leave, Bassanio: I am half yourself, And I must freely have the half of anything That this same paper brings you.BASSANIO.O sweet Portia, Here are a few of the unpleasant'st words That ever blotted paper! Gentle lady, When I did first impart my love to you, I freely told you all the wealth I had Ran in my veins- I was a gentleman; And then I told you true.And yet, dear lady, Rating myself at nothing, you shall see How much I was a braggart.When I told you My state was nothing, I should then have told you That I was worse than nothing; for indeed I have engag'd myself to a dear friend, Engag'd my friend to his mere enemy, To feed my means.Here is a letter, lady, The paper as the body of my friend, And every word in it a gaping wound Issuing life-blood.But is it true, Salerio? Hath all his venturesfail'd? What, not one hit? From Tripolis, from Mexico, and England, From Lisbon, Barbary, and India, And not one vessel scape the dreadful touch Of merchant-marring rocks? SALERIO.Not one, my lord.Besides, it should appear that, if he had The present money to discharge the Jew, He would not take it.Never did I know A creature that did bear the shape of man So keen and greedy to confound a man.He plies the Duke at morning and at night, And doth impeach the ******* of the state, If they deny him justice.Twenty merchants, The Duke himself, and the magnificoes Of greatest port, have all persuaded with him; But none can drive him from the envious plea Of forfeiture, of justice, and his bond.JESSICA.When I was with him, I have heard him swear To Tubal and to Chus, his countrymen, That he would rather have Antonio's flesh Than twenty times the value of the sum That he did owe him; and I know, my lord, If law, authority, and power, deny not, It will go hard with poor Antonio.PORTIA.Is it your dear friend that is thus in trouble? BASSANIO.The dearest friend to me, the kindest man, The best condition'd and unwearied spirit In doing courtesies; and one in whom The ancient Roman honour more appears Than any that draws breath in Italy.PORTIA.What sum owes he the Jew? BASSANIO.For me, three thousand ducats.PORTIA.What! no more? Pay him six thousand, and deface the bond; Double six thousand, and then treble that, Before a friend of this description Shall lose a hair through Bassanio's fault.First go with me to church and call me wife, And then away to Venice to your friend; For never shall you lie by Portia's side With an unquiet soul.You shall have gold To pay the petty debt twenty times over.When it is paid, bring your true friend along.My maid Nerissa and myself meantime Will live as maids and widows.Come, away; For you shall hence upon your wedding day.Bid your friends welcome, show a merry cheer; Since you are dear bought, I will love you dear.But let me hear the letter of your friend.BASSANIO.[Reads] 'Sweet Bassanio, my ships have all miscarried, my creditors grow cruel, my estate is very low, my bond to the Jew is forfeit; and since, in paying it, it is impossible I should live, all debts are clear'd between you and I, if I might but see you at my death.Notwithstanding, use your pleasure; if your love do not persuade you to come, let not my letter.' PORTIA.O love, dispatch allbusiness and be gone! BASSANIO.Since I have your good leave to go away, I will make haste; but, till I come again, No bed shall e'er be guilty of my stay, Nor rest be interposer 'twixt us twain.

  • Condensed Novels

    Condensed Novels

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  • 台湾府志


  • 太上玄灵北斗本命延生真经


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    【重生】【强强】【1v1】 [女主阴狠帅气中性装扮×男主斯文败类白切黑] 顾十七十一岁就被亲生父亲为了钱而双手奉出去实验药物,多疑、阴郁、狂躁、偏执,是人尽皆知的疯子。 而沈江野,是她阴暗生活里的唯一的一丝曙光。 顾十七暗自喜欢了他十余年,将他奉做心头朱砂痣。直到临死前,才知道原来他一直深爱着自己。 他说:“小十七,我带你回家。” 她重生回了十七岁,将那些曾经害她的全都知置于死地,到达了演艺圈的顶峰,扭转上一世的悲剧,顺便撩回沈江野的芳心。 放火灭了顾氏满门! 可她的父亲顾格却在临死前却说出了一个让她这辈子都无法接受的事实。她恨自己…… ——沈老师的声音很好听,好听到让她几乎判断不出他的善恶。—— 经年以前,那个人嗓音含笑,轻唤她,“小十七。”一声叹息,成了她一生的执着。 —— 【女主:顾十七】【男主:沈江野】【女二:温良】 【小群欢迎读者唠嗑:883106102】
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  • 天行


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