

"It's no use, Jane dear; we speak a different language.I don't in the least know what you're talking about, and what's more, I'm glad I don't.I've a vague idea that your drift is indecent.But we're different.I realize that.I don't sit in judgment on you.You're wasting your breath on me.I'm going into this marriage with my eyes wide open.It's the fulfillment of my brightest hopes and aspirations.That I shall be happy with this man and make him supremely happy I know by an intuition deeper and truer than reason.I'm going to trust that intuition without reservation.""All right, honey," the artist agreed with a smile."I won't say anything more, except that you're fooling yourself about the depth of this intuitive knowledge.Your infatuation is not based on the verdict of your deepest and truest instincts.""On what, then?"

"The crazy ideals of the novels you've been reading--that's all." "Ridiculous!""You're absolutely sure, for instance, that God made just one man the mate of one woman, aren't you?""As sure as that I live." "Where did you learn it?""So long ago I can't remember." "Not in your Bible?""No."

"The Sunday school?" "No."

"Craddock didn't tell you that, did he?" "Hardly----""I thought not.He has too much horse-sense in spite of his emotional gymnastics.You learned it in the first dime-novel you read.""I never read a dime-novel in my life," she interrupted, indignantly.

"I know--you paid a dollar and a quarter for it-- but it was a dime- novel.The philosophy of this school of trash you have built into a creed of life.How can you be so blind? How can you make so tragic ablunder?"

"That's just it, Jane: I couldn't if your impressions of his character were true.I couldn't make a mistake about so vital a question.I couldn't love him if he really were a coarse, illiterate brute.What you see is only on the surface.He hasn't had his chance yet----""Who is he?What does he do?Who are his people?" "He has no people----""I thought not."

"I love him all the more deeply," she went on firmly, "because of his miserable childhood.I'll do my best to make up for the years of cruelty and hunger and suffering through which he passed.What right have you to sit in judgment on him without a hearing? You've known him two hours----"Jane shrugged her shoulders."Two minutes was quite enough.""And you judge by what standard?"

"My five senses, and my sixth sense above all.One look at his square bulldog jaw, his massive neck and the deformity of his delicate hands and feet! I hear the ignorant patois of the East Side underworld.I smell the brimstone in his suppressed rage at my dislike.There's something uncanny in the sensuous droop of his heavy eyelids and the glitter of his steel-blue eyes.There's something incongruous in his whole personality.I was afraid of him the moment I saw him."Mary broke into hysterical laughter.

"And if my five senses and my intuitions contradict yours? Who is to decide? If I loved him on sight---- If I looked into his eyes and saw the soul of my mate?If their cold fires thrill me with inexpressible passion? If I see in his massive neck and jaw the strength of an irresistible manhood, the power to win success and to command the world? If I see in his slender hands and small feet lines of exquisite beauty--am I to crush my senses and strangle my love to please your idiotic prejudice?"Jane threw up her hands in despair.

"Certainly not!If you're blind and deaf I can't keep you fromcommitting suicide.I'd lock you up in an asylum for the insane if I had the power to save you from the clutches of the brute."Mary drew herself erect and faced her friend.

"Please don't repeat that word in my hearing-- there's a limit to friendship.I think you'd better go----"Jane rose and walked quickly to the door, her lips pressed firmly.

"As you like--our lives will be far apart from tonight.It's just as well."She closed the door with a bang and reached the head of the stairs before Mary threw her arms around her neck.

"Please, dear, forgive me--don't go in anger."The older woman kissed her tenderly, glad of the dim light to hide her own tears.

"There, it's all right, honey--I won't remember it.Forgive me for my ugly words.""I love him, Jane--I love him!It's Fate.Can't you understand?" "Yes, dear, I understand, and I'll love you always--good-by." "You'll come to my wedding?""Perhaps----"

"I'll let you know----"

Another kiss, and Jane Anderson strode down the stairs and out into the night with a sickening, helpless fear in her heart.

  • 名卿绩纪


  • 六度集经




  • 大方广佛花严经普贤菩萨行愿王品


  • 淞故述


  • 披肩


  • 苍茫古仙


  • 时光隧道之阴阳路上


  • 遗失的碎片


  • 如果时光还爱我


  • 特殊事物收容所


  • 天衍古神道


  • 皇上卖萌无效:给我接客去


  • 爱情有点小错过


  • 痴暗

