

This assault of images became for a moment, in the address of the distinguished sculptor, almost formidable: Gloriani showed him, in such perfect confidence, on Chad's introduction of him, a fine worn handsome face, a face that was like an open letter in a foreign tongue.With his genius in his eyes, his manners on his lips, his long career behind him and his honours and rewards all round, the great artist, in the course of a single sustained look and a few words of delight at receiving him, affected our friend as a dazzling prodigy of type.Strether had seen in museums--in the Luxembourg as well as, more reverently, later on, in the New York of the billionaires--the work of his hand; knowing too that after an earlier time in his native Rome he had migrated, in mid-career, to Paris, where, with a personal lustre almost violent, he shone in a constellation: all of which was more than enough to crown him, for his guest, with the light, with the romance, of glory.Strether, in contact with that element as he had never yet so intimately been, had the consciousness of opening to it, for the happy instant, all the windows of his mind, of letting this rather grey interior drink in for once the sun of a clime not marked in his old geography.He was to remember again repeatedly the medal-like Italian face, in which every line was an artist's own, in which time told only as tone and consecration; and he was to recall in especial, as the penetrating radiance, as the communication of the illustrious spirit itself, the manner in which, while they stood briefly, in welcome and response, face to face, he was held by the sculptor's eyes.He wasn't soon to forget them, was to think of them, all unconscious, unintending, preoccupied though they were, as the source of the deepest intellectual sounding to which he had ever been exposed.He was in fact quite to cherish his vision of it, to play with it in idle hours; only speaking of it to no one and quite aware he couldn't have spoken without appearing to talk nonsense.Was what it had told him or what it had asked him the greater of the mysteries?

Was it the most special flare, unequalled, supreme, of the aesthetic torch, lighting that wondrous world for ever, or was it above all the long straight shaft sunk by a personal acuteness that life had seasoned to steel? Nothing on earth could have been stranger and no one doubtless more surprised than the artist himself, but it was for all the world to Strether just then as if in the matter of his accepted duty he had positively been on trial.

The deep human expertness in Gloriani's charming smile--oh the terrible life behind it!--was flashed upon him as a test of his stuff.

Chad meanwhile, after having easily named his companion, had still more easily turned away and was already greeting other persons present.

He was as easy, clever Chad, with the great artist as with his obscure compatriot, and as easy with every one else as with either:

this fell into its place for Strether and made almost a new light, giving him, as a concatenation, something more he could enjoy.

He liked Gloriani, but should never see him again; of that he was sufficiently sure.Chad accordingly, who was wonderful with both of them, was a kind of link for hopeless fancy, an implication of possibilities--oh if everything had been different! Strether noted at all events that he was thus on terms with illustrious spirits, and also that--yes, distinctly--he hadn't in the least swaggered about it.Our friend hadn't come there only for this figure of Abel Newsome's son, but that presence threatened to affect the observant mind as positively central.Gloriani indeed, remembering something and excusing himself, pursued Chad to speak to him, and Strether was left musing on many things.One of them was the question of whether, since he had been tested, he had passed.Did the artist drop him from having made out that he wouldn't do? He really felt just to-day that he might do better than usual.Hadn't he done well enough, so far as that went, in being exactly so dazzled? and in not having too, as he almost believed, wholly hidden from his host that he felt the latter's plummet? Suddenly, across the garden, he saw little Bilham approach, and it was a part of the fit that was on him that as their eyes met he guessed also HIS knowledge.If he had said to him on the instant what was uppermost he would have said: "HAVE Ipassed?--for of course I know one has to pass here." Little Bilham would have reassured him, have told him that he exaggerated, and have adduced happily enough the argument of little Bilham's own very presence; which, in truth, he could see, was as easy a one as Gloriani's own or as Chad's.He himself would perhaps then after a while cease to be frightened, would get the point of view for some of the faces--types tremendously alien, alien to Woollett--that he had already begun to take in.Who were they all, the dispersed groups and couples, the ladies even more unlike those of Woollett than the gentlemen?--this was the enquiry that, when his young friend had greeted him, he did find himself ******.

"Oh they're every one--all sorts and sizes; of course I mean within limits, though limits down perhaps rather more than limits up.There are always artists--he's beautiful and inimitable to the cher confrere; and then gros bonnets of many kinds--ambassadors, cabinet ministers, bankers, generals, what do I know? even Jews.

Above all always some awfully nice women--and not too many;sometimes an actress, an artist, a great performer--but only when they're not monsters; and in particular the right femmes du monde.

You can fancy his history on that side--I believe it's fabulous:

they NEVER give him up.Yet he keeps them down: no one knows how he manages; it's too beautiful and bland.Never too many--and a mighty good thing too; just a perfect choice.But there are not in any way many bores; it has always been so; he has some secret.

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    十年前的文理分科,让肖若水遇见了贵公子沈约。那时的沈约,少年恣意,风头无两;那时的肖若水,一文不名,沉静如水。这样遥远的两个人,倾心相爱,却又因距离而矛盾频生,终致破裂。少年时,肖若水以为人的一生很长,命运之线很牢固,她摆脱沈约,去奋力追求更好的人生,可那个男孩一转身,就消失在人海之中…… 恍然如梦间,十年转瞬即逝,故友单文佳归国,带来沈约的婚讯。肖若水心灰意冷,萌生退意,沈约却忽然出现,他重提旧事,热切追求。单文佳的谎言被戳穿,十年过往被翻开,原来他的爱一如往昔,可肖若水却没有勇气成全心中夙愿…… (1短篇,全文字数3~4w(2国际惯例1v1,he(3长篇开文前的小甜品,有助于各位读者朋友了解作者的行文风格,希望大家喜欢。
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