
第38章 The Homesteader (3)

Very frequently when the Eastern farmer came out to settle on such a tract and to meet the hard, new, and expensive conditions of life in the semi-arid regions he found that he could not pay out on the land.Perhaps he brought two or three thousand dollars with him.It usually was the industrial mistake of the land-boomer to take from this intending settler practically all of his capital at the start.Naturally, when the new farmers were starved out and in one way or another had made other plans, the country itself went to pieces.That part of it was wisest which did not kill the goose of the golden egg.But be these things as they may be and as they were, the whole readjustment in agricultural values over the once measureless and valueless cow country was a stupendous and staggering thing.

Now appeared yet another agency of change.The high dry lands of many of the Rocky Mountain States had long been regarded covetously by an industry even more cordially disliked by the cattleman than the industry of farming.The sheepman began to raise his head and to plan certain things for himself in turn.

Once the herder of sheep was a meek and lowly man, content to slink away when ordered.The writer himself in the dry Southwest once knew a flock of six thousand sheep to be rounded up and killed by the cattlemen of a range into which they had intruded.

The herders went with the sheep.All over the range the feud between the sheepmen and the cowmen was bitter and implacable.

The issues in those quarrels rarely got into the courts but were fought out on the ground.The old Wyoming deadline of the cowmen against intruding bands of Green River sheep made a considerable amount of history which was never recorded.

The sheepmen at length began to succeed in their plans.

Themselves not paying many taxes, not supporting the civilization of the country, not building the schools or roads or bridges, they none the less claimed the earth and the fullness thereof.

After the establishment of the great forest reserves, the sheepmen coveted the range thus included.It has been the governmental policy to sell range privileges in the forest reserves for sheep, on a per capita basis.Like privileges have been extended to cattlemen in certain of the reserves.Always the contact and the contest between the two industries of sheep and cows have remained.Of course the issue even in this ancient contest is foregone--as the cowman has had to raise his cows under fence, so ultimately must the sheepman also buy his range in fee and raise his product under fence.

The wandering bands of sheep belong nowhere.They ruin a country.

It is a pathetic spectacle to see parts of the Old West in which sheep steadily have been ranged.They utterly destroy all the game; they even drive the fish out of the streams and cut the grasses and weeds down to the surface of the earth.The denuded soil crumbles under their countless hoofs, becomes dust, and blows away.They leave a waste, a desert, an abomination.

There were yet other phases of change which followed hard upon the heels of our soldiers after they had completed their task of subjugating the tribes of the buffalo Indians.After the homesteads had been proved up in some of the Northwestern States, such as Montana and the Dakotas, large bodies of land were acquired by certain capitalistic farmers.All this new land had been proved to be exceedingly prolific of wheat, the great new-land crop.The farmers of the Northwest had not yet learned that no country long can thrive which depends upon a single crop.

But the once familiar figures of the bonanza farms of the Northwest--the pictures of their long lines of reapers or selfbinders, twenty, thirty, forty, or fifty machines, one after the other, advancing through the golden grain--the pictures of their innumerable stacks of wheat--the figures of the vast mileage of their fencing--the yet more stupendous figures of the outlay required to operate these farms, and the splendid totals of the receipts from such operations--these at one time were familiar and proudly presented features of boom advertising in the upper portions of our black land belt, which day just at the eastern edge of the old Plains.

There was to be repeated in this country something of the history of California.In the great valleys, such as the San Joaquin, the first interests were pastoral, and the cowmen found a vast realm which seemed to be theirs forever.There came to them, however, the bonanza wheat farmers, who flourished there about 1875 and through the next decade.Their highly specialized industry boasted that it could bake a loaf of bread out of a wheat field between the hours of sunrise and sunset.The outlay in stock and machinery on some of these bonanza ranches ran into enormous figures.But here, as in all new wheat countries, the productive power of the soil soon began to decrease.Little by little the number of bushels per acre lessened, until the bonanza farmer found himself with not half the product to sell which he had owned the first few years of his operations.In one California town at one time a bonanza farmer came in and covered three city blocks with farm machinery which he had turned over to the bank owning the mortgages on his lands and plant.He turned in also all his mules and horses, and retired worse than broke from an industry in which he had once made his hundreds of thousands.

Something of this same story was to follow in the Dakotas.

Presently we heard no more of the bonanza wheat farms; and a little later they were not.The one-crop country is never one of sound investing values; and a land boom is something of which to beware--always and always to beware.

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