


When Mascarin spoke of suppressing the man who stood in his way as easily as if he was alluding to extinguishing a candle, he was not aware that there was one circumstance which considerably enhanced the difficulty of his task, for Andre had been forewarned, and this note of warning had been sounded on the day on which he had received that letter from Sabine, in which she spoke in such despairing terms of her approaching marriage, which she had been compelled to agree to to save the honor of her family.This feeling was strengthened by a long conversation he had had with M.de Breulh-Faverlay and the Viscountess de Bois Arden, in which it was unanimously decided that the Count and Countess de Mussidan were victims of some plot of which Henri de Croisenois was certainly one of the promoters.He had no conception on what side to look for the danger, but he had an instinctive feeling that it was impending.He prepared, therefore, to act on the defensive.It was not only his life that was in danger, but his love and his future happiness.M.de Breulh-Faverlay had also serious apprehensions for the safety of a man for whom he entertained so great a respect and regard.

"I would lay a heavy wager," said he, "that we have to do with some villainous blackmailers, and the difficulty of the business is, that we must do the work ourselves, for we dare not invite the aid of the police.We have no proof to offer, and the police will not stir a foot on mere suppositions, and we should not earn the thanks of those we are desirous of assisting if we called the attention of the law to certain acts in their past lives; for who can say what the terrible secret is, that some vile wretch holds over the heads of M.and Madame de Mussidan? And it is quite on the cards that the Count and the Countess might be compelled to join the blackmailers and oppose us.We must act with the greatest prudence and caution.Remember, that if you are out at night, you must avoid dark corners, for it would be the easiest thing in the world to put a knife into your back."The conclusion that was arrived at, at this interview, was that for the present Andre and De Breulh should cease to see each other so frequently.They felt convinced that a watch had been set on them, and that their intimacy would certainly be notified to De Croisenois; and of course they had every desire to cause him to imagine that they were not acting in any way together.The arrangement, therefore, that they entered into was that each should act from his own point of vantage against Henri de Croisenois, and that when necessary they should meet in the evening to compare notes in a small /café/ in the Champs Elysees, not far from the house in which Andre was at work.

His courage was still as high as ever, but the first symptoms of rashness had vanished.He was a born diplomatist, and fully realized that cunning and treachery must be met by similar weapons.He must not break his engagement to M.Gandelu; but how could he superintend the workmen and keep an eye on Croisenois at the same time? Money was absolutely necessary, and yet he felt a strange disinclination to accept a loan from M.de Breulh.If he were to throw up his work, it would naturally create suspicion.

M.Gandelu had a shrewd head, and Andre, remembering the old man's kindness to him on all occasions, determined to confide the matter to him, and with this object he called on him the next morning as the clock was striking nine.His surprise was extreme when he saw Gaston de Gandelu in the courtyard.He was just the same looking Gaston, the lover of Madame de Chantemille, to the outward eye, but some grave calamity had evidently entirely changed the inner man.He was smoking his cigar with an air of desperation, and seemed to be utterly weary of the world and its belongings.

At the moment Andre entered the young man caught sight of him.

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  • 若你回眸我便在


  • 精灵的爱人


  • 因为你世界不过如此


  • 撷月来


  • 一梦千年:队长很腹黑


  • 就让我的爱与你无关


  • 墨先生借个路


    甜宠无虐,欢迎入坑~ 禁抄袭借梗,违者必究!遇见顾橙前,苏橘是一个披荆斩棘无所不能的大英雄。遇见顾橙后,苏橘是一个连瓶盖都拧不开的小公主。……………………………….她原是新晋的顶级流量,因为“秀恩爱”被雷给劈死了。 穿进了前不久看的一本小说里,听闻她是一位空有好皮囊,却心狠手辣,泼辣娇蛮的千金,第一章就挂了。传说男二,宛如谪仙下凡却只钟情女主。不,她坚信神仙哥哥只能是她的。 俗话说的好,没有撬不动的墙角,只有挥不好的锄头。 可,可她还没挥锄头呢,墙就全塌在了她的院子里。 一四七更新。写作不易,多多支持。投推荐票哟,小可爱~
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