
第51章 The Girl Behind the Counter--III(4)

"Oh,yes!Certainly he can take care of himself.Why not?""Rather creditable,don't you think?"


"Considering his aunts and everything."

She became haughty on the instant."Upon my word!And do you suppose the women of South Carolina don't wish their men to be men?Why"--she returned to mirth and that arch mockery which was her special charm--"we South Carolina women consider virtue our business,and we don't expect the men to meddle with it!""Primal,perpetual,necessary!"I cried."When that division gets blurred,society is doomed.Are you sure John can take care of himself every way?""I have other things than Mr.Mayrant to think about."She said this quite sharply.

It surprised me."To be sure,"I assented."But didn't you once tell me that you thought he was ******?"She opened her ledger."It's a great honor to have one's words so well remembered."I was still at a loss."Anyhow,the wedding is postponed,"I continued;"and the cake.Of course one can't help wondering how it's all coming out."She was now working at her ledger,bending her head over it."Have you ever met Miss Rieppe?"She inquired this with a sort of wonderful softness--which I was to hear again upon a still more memorable occasion.

"Never,"I answered,"but there's nobody at present living whom I long to see so much."She wrote on for a little while before saying,with her pencil steadily busy,"Why?""Why?Don't you?After all this fuss?"

"Oh,certainly,"she drawled."She is so much admired--by Northerners.""I do hope John is able to take care of himself,"I purposely repeated.

"Take care of yourself!"she laughed angrily over her ledger.

"Me?Why?I understand you less and less!"

"Very likely."

"Why,I want to help him!"I protested."I don't want him to marry her.

Oh,by the way do you happen to know what it is that she is coming here to see for herself?"In a moment her ledger was left,and she was looking at me straight.


"Soon.In an automobile.To see something for herself."She pondered for quite a long moment;then her eyes returned,searchingly,to me."You didn't make that up?"I laughed,and explained."Some of them,at any rate,"I finished,"know what she's coming for.They were rather queer about it,I thought."She pondered again.I noticed that she had deeply flushed,and that the flush was leaving her.Then she fixed her eyes on me once more."They wouldn't tell you?""I think that they came inadvertently near it,once or twice,and remembered just in time that I didn't know about it.""But since you do know pretty much about it!"she laughed.

I shook my head."There's something else,something that's turned up;the sort of thing that upsets calculations.And I merely hoped that you'd know."On those last words of mine she gave me quite an extraordinary look,and then,as if satisfied with what she saw in my face.--"They don't talk to me."

It was an assurance,it was true,it had the ring of truth,that evident genuineness which a piece of real confidence always possesses;she meant me to know that we were in the same boat of ignorance to-day.And yet,as I rose from my lunch and came forward to settle for it,I was aware of some sense of defeat,of having been held off just as the ladies on High Walk had held me off.

"Well,"I sighed,"I pin my faith to the aunt who says he'll never marry her."Miss La Heu had no more to say upon the subject."Haven't you forgotten something?"she inquired gayly;and,as I turned to see what I had left behind--"I mean,you had no Lady Baltimore to-day.""I clean forgot it!"

"No loss.It is very stale;and to-morrow I shall have a fresh supply ready."As I departed through the door I was conscious of her eyes following me,and that she had spoken of Lady Baltimore precisely because she was thinking of something else.

  • 天行


  • 他身上有条龙


  • 阴阳血鼎


  • 命运的摆钟


  • 殿下今天和离了吗


  • 空间在手慢慢走


  • 诡师卡尔


  • 和女友拯救世界


  • 废柴嫡小姐之魔帝爱上我


    她是二十三世纪的第一特工雪狐,医术、阵法、机关样样精通。一朝穿越,成为北宫世家嫡出大小姐。 什么!? 说她是废柴?不能修炼? 不好意思,本小姐手握虚无空间,身怀混元体质,顿悟更是家常便饭。 你说你是三系天才? 不好意思,本小姐不仅是全系灵师,更是灵武双修,分分钟打脸升级。 嘲笑她的医术? 不好意思,某女一根银针教你怎么做人! 说她不会炼丹? 某团子听到,将手中最后一颗丹药吞到了肚子里,抬起了头,眼神十分不屑,主人炼制的完美品质的丹药我都当糖豆吃。 什么?你说灵兽难寻?魔兽难找? 某女人揪了揪头发,有些疑惑,为什么我一抓一大把? 众人纷纷绝倒,大小姐!您可是千年难得一见的召唤师啊。 收神兽,契魔兽,炼丹药,虐渣渣。 *** 只是,当阴谋渐生,硝烟四起。 “混元出,生命现!乱世之女,人人得而诛之!”的预言席卷整个大陆。 她又该何去何从?是反抗还是听天由命? 他与她的命运又将如何? 某女人:嗤!我只信我命由我不由天! 男女双洁,1∨1,无虐恋,爽到飞起。
  • 贵族独宠之丫头快长大

