
第71章 CHAPTER XV(1)


After this it seemed to me that I dreamed a long and very troubled dream concerning all sorts of curious things which I cannot remember.

At last I opened my eyes and observed that I lay on a low bed raised about three inches above the floor, in an Eastern-looking room, large and cool. It had window-places in it but no windows, only grass mats hung upon a rod which, I noted inconsequently, worked on a rough, wooden hinge, or rather pin, that enabled the curtain to be turned back against the wall.

Through one of these window-places I saw at a little distance the slope of the forest-covered hill, which reminded me of something to do with a child--for the life of me I could not remember what. As I lay wondering over the matter I heard a shuffling step which I recognized, and, turning, saw Hans twiddling a new hat made of straw in his fingers.

"Hans," I said, "where did you get that new hat?""They gave it me here, Baas," he answered. "The Baas will remember that the devil Jana ate the other."Then I did remember more or less, while Hans continued to twiddle the hat. I begged him to put it on his head because it fidgeted me, and then inquired where we were.

"In the Town of the Child, Baas, where they carried you after you had seemed to die down yonder. A very nice town, where there is plenty to eat, though, having been asleep for three days, you have had nothing except a little milk and soup, which was poured down your throat with a spoon whenever you seemed to half wake up for a while.""I was tired and wanted a long rest, Hans, and now I feel hungry. Tell me, are the lord and Bena here also, or were they killed after all?""Yes, Baas, they are safe enough, and so are all our goods. They were both with Har?t when he saved us down by the village yonder, but you went to sleep and did not see them. They have been nursing you ever since, Baas."Just then Savage himself entered, carrying some soup upon a wooden tray and looking almost as smart as he used to do at Ragnall Castle.

"Good day, sir," he said in his best professional manner. "Very glad to see you back with us, sir, and getting well, I trust, especially after we had given you and Mr. Hans up as dead."I thanked him and drank the soup, asking him to cook me something more substantial as I was starving, which he departed to do. Then I sent Hans to find Lord Ragnall, who it appeared was out walking in the town. No sooner had they gone than Har?t entered looking more dignified than ever and, bowing gravely, seated himself upon the mat in the Eastern fashion.

"Some strong spirit must go with you, Lord Macumazana," he said, "that you should live today, after we were sure that you had been slain.""That's where you made a mistake. Your magic was not of much service to you there, friend Har?t.""Yet my magic, as you call it, though I have none, was of some service after all, Macumazana. As it chanced I had no opportunity of breathing in the wisdom of the Child for two days from the hour of our arrival here, because I was hurt on the knee in the fight and so weary that Icould not travel up the mountain and seek light from the eyes of the Child. On the third day, however, I went and the Oracle told me all.

Then I descended swiftly, gathered men and reached those fools in time to keep you from harm. They have paid for what they did, Lord.""I am sorry, Har?t, for they knew no better; and, Har?t, although Isaved myself, or rather Hans saved me, we have left your brother behind, and with him the others.""I know. Jana was too strong for them; you and your servant alone could prevail against him.""Not so, Har?t. He prevailed against us; all we could do was to injure his eye and the tip of his trunk and escape from him.""Which is more than any others have done for many generations, Lord.

But doubtless as the beginning was, so shall the end be. Jana, Ithink, is near his death and through you."

"I don't know," I repeated. "Who and what is Jana?""Have I not told you that he is an evil spirit who inhabits the body of a huge elephant?""Yes, and so did Mar?t; but I think that he is just a huge elephant with a very bad temper of his own. Still, whatever he is, he will take some killing, and I don't want to meet him again by that horrible lake.""Then you will meet him elsewhere, Lord. For if you do not go to look for Jana, Jana will come to look for you who have hurt him so sorely.

Remember that henceforth, wherever you go in all this land, it may happen that you will meet Jana.""Do you mean to say that the brute comes into the territory of the White Kendah?""Yes, Macumazana, at times he comes, or a spirit wearing his shape comes; I know not which. What I do know is that twice in my life Imyself have seen him upon the Holy Mount, though how he came or how he went none can tell.""Why was he wandering there, Har?t?"

"Who can say, Lord? Tell me why evil wanders through the world and Iwill answer your question. Only I repeat--let those who have harmed Jana beware of Jana.""And let Jana beware of me if I can meet him with a decent gun in my hand, for I have a score to settle with the beast. Now, Har?t, there is another matter. Just before he was killed Mar?t, your brother, began to tell me something about the wife of the Lord Ragnall. I had no time to listen to the end of his words, though I thought he said that she was upon yonder Holy Mount. Did I hear aright?"Instantly Har?t's face became like that of a stone idol, impenetrable, impassive.

"Either you misunderstood, Lord," he answered, "or my brother raved in his fear. Wherever she may be, that beautiful lady is not upon the Holy Mount, unless there is another Holy Mount in the Land of Death.

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