
第8章 III(2)

Yes; this is Plunkett, of Woodbine Centre. Reserve four orchestra seats for Friday evening--my usual ones. Yes; Friday--good-bye.'

"'I run over to New York every two weeks to see a show,' says the farmer, hanging up the receiver. 'I catch the eighteen-hour flyer at Indianapolis, spend ten hours in the heyday of night on the Yappian Way, and get home in time to see the chickens go to roost forty-eight hours later. Oh, the pristine Hubbard squasherino of the cave-dwelling period is getting geared up some for the annual meeting of the Don't-Blow-Out-the-Gas Association, don't you think, Mr. Bunk?'

"'I seem to perceive,' says I, 'a kind of hiatus in the agrarian traditions in which heretofore, I have reposed confidence.'

"'Sure, Bunk,' says he. 'The yellow primrose on the river's brim is getting to look to us Reubs like a holiday edition de luxe of the Language of Flowers with deckle edges and frontispiece.'

"Just then the telephone calls him again.

"'Hello, hello!' says he. 'Oh, that's Perkins, at Milldale. I told you $800 was too much for that horse. Have you got him there? Good. Let me see him. Get away from the transmitter. Now make him trot in a circle.

Faster. Yes, I can hear him. Keep on--faster yet. . . . That'll do.

Now lead him up to the phone. Closer. Get his nose nearer. There. Now wait. No; I don't want that horse. What? No; not at any price. He interferes; and he's windbroken. Goodbye.'

"'Now, Bunk,' says the farmer, 'do you begin to realize that agriculture has had a hair cut? You belong in a bygone era. Why, Tom Lawson himself knows better than to try to catch an up-to-date agriculturalist napping. It's Saturday, the Fourteenth, on the farm, you bet. Now, look here, and see how we keep up with the day's doings.'

"He shows me a machine on a table with two things for your ears like the penny-in-the-slot affairs. I puts it on and listens. A female voice starts up reading headlines of murders, accidents and other political casualities.

"'What you hear,' says the farmer, 'is a synopsis of to-day's news in the New York, Chicago, St. Louis and San Francisco papers. It is wired in to our Rural News Bureau and served hot to subscribers. On this table you see the principal dailies and weeklies of the country. Also a special service of advance sheets of the monthly magazines.'

"I picks up one sheet and sees that it's headed: 'Special Advance Proofs. In July, 1909, the /Century/ will say'--and so forth.

"The farmer rings up somebody--his manager, I reckon--and tells him to let that herd of 15 Jerseys go at $600 a head; and to sow the 900-acre field in wheat; and to have 200 extra cans ready at the station for the milk trolley car. Then he passes the Henry Clays and sets out a bottle of green chartreuse, and goes over and looks at the ticker tape.

"'Consolidated Gas up two points,' says he. 'Oh, very well.'

"'Ever monkey with copper?' I asks.

"'Stand back!' says he, raising his hand, 'or I'll call the dog. I told you not to waste your time.'

"After a while he says: 'Bunk, if you don't mind my telling you, your company begins to cloy slightly. I've got to write an article on the Chimera of Communism for a magazine, and attend a meeting of the Race Track Association this afternoon. Of course you understand by now that you can't get my proxy for your Remedy, whatever it may be.'

  • 大唐逍遥地主爷


    魂回贞观之大唐地主爷花式种田 忆昔大唐贞观世,凌烟阁内二十四。 英雄壮志白发生,功名利禄后人评。 历史恢宏,仍有些许遗憾, 书笔刻画,再现盛世雄风。五姓七望?秋后的蚂蚱! 找我麻烦?我有西北大汉,奴仆三千! 李钰的梦想~做个最富有的地主大老爷 加入穿越大军的李钰对于土财主的身份不是很满意,也有幻想过自己要是皇子皇孙岂不是更加好玩… 或许是诸天大神听到了祈祷,又或者是命中注定,随着身世之谜,逐渐解开神秘的面纱,还真就是皇帝失散民间的大皇子…… …既如此那就来吧,生死看淡,不服就干 灭突厥,平吐蕃,定青海,开发岭南,三下大西洋…… 花式种田,有热血豪迈马革裹尸,还有平淡无奇的家长里短,三妻四妾东西两厢。三教九流上下尊卑。细节中体现封建王朝的时代文化,与复杂背景。各种大小人物都能爆发出独特的亮点,一样的大唐不一样的故事,值得阅读体验…
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