

If you ever want me again,you will find me amongst my books.If my invention halts and other interests stale,you have furnished me this day with a problem which cannot fail to give continual occupation to my energies.If I succeed in solving it first,Ishall be happy to share my knowledge with you.Till then,trust the laws of nature.No man when once on the outside of a door can button it on the inside,nor could any one without the gift of complete invisibility,make a leap of over fifteen feet from the sill of a fourth story window on to an adjacent fire escape,without attracting the attention of some of the many children playing down below."He was half-way out the door,but his name quickly spoken by the Inspector drew him back.

"Anything mote?"he asked.

The Inspector smiled.

"You are a man of considerable analytic power,as I take it,Mr.

Brotherson.You must have decided long ago how this woman died.""Is that a question,Inspector?"

"You may take it as such."

"Then I will allow myself to say that there is but one common-sense view to take of the matter.Miss Challoner's death was due to suicide;so was that of the washerwoman.But there I stop.As for the means -the motive -such mysteries may be within your province but they are totally outside mine!God help us all!The world is full of misery.Again I wish you good-day."The air seemed to have lost its vitality and the sun its sparkle when he was gone.

"Now,what do you think,Gryce?"

The old man rose and came out of his corner.

"This:that I'm up against the hardest proposition of my lifetime.

Nothing in the man's appearance or manner evinces guilt,yet Ibelieve him guilty.I must.Not to,is to strain probability to the point of breakage.But how to reach him is a problem and one of no ordinary nature.Years ago,when I was but little older than Sweetwater,I had just such a conviction concerning a certain man against whom I had even less to work on than we have here.A murder had been committed by an envenomed spring contained in a toy puzzle.

I worked upon the conscience of the suspect in that case,by bringing constantly before his eyes a facsimile of that spring.It met him in the folded napkin which he opened at his restaurant dinner.He stumbled upon it in the street,and found it lying amongst his papers at home.I gave him no relief and finally he succumbed.He had been almost driven mad by remorse.But this man has no conscience.If he is not innocent as the day,he's as hard as unquarried marble.He might be confronted with reminders of his crime at every turn without weakening or showing by loss of appetite or interrupted sleep any effect upon his nerves.That's my opinion of the gentleman.He is either that,or a man of uncommon force and self-restraint.""I'm inclined to believe him the latter."

"And so give the whole matter the go-by?"


"It will be a terrible disappointment to Sweetwater.""That's nothing."

"And to me."

"That's different.I'm disposed to consider you,Gryce -after all these years.""Thank you;I have done the state some service.""What do you want?You say the mine is unworkable.""Yes,in a day,or in a week,possibly in a month.But persistence and a protean adaptability to meet his moods might accomplish something.I don't say will,I only say might.If Sweetwater had the job,with unlimited time in which to carry out any plan he may have,or even for a change of plans to suit a changed idea,success might be his,and both time,effort and outlay justified.""The outlay?I am thinking of the outlay."

"Mr.Challoner will see to that.I have his word that no reasonable amount will daunt him.""But this Brotherson is suspicious.He has an inventor's secret to hide,if none other.We can't saddle him with a guy of Sweetwater's appearance and abnormal loquaciousness.""Not readily,I own.But time will bring counsel.Are you willing to help the boy,to help me and possibly yourself by this venture in the dark?The Department shan't lose money by it;that's all I can promise.""But it's a big one.Gryce,you shall have your way.You'll be the only loser if you fail;and you will fail;take my word for it.""I wish I could speak as confidently to the contrary,but I can't.

I can give you my hand though,Inspector,and Sweetwater's thanks.

I can meet the boy now.An hour ago I didn't know how I was to do it."



"How many times has he seen you?"


"So that he knows your face and figure?"

"I'm afraid so.He cannot help remembering the man who faced him in his own room.""That's unfortunate."

"Damned unfortunate;but one must expect some sort of a handicap in a game like this.Before I'm done with him,he'll look me full in the face and wonder if he's ever seen me before.I wasn't always a detective.I was a carpenter once,as you know,and I'll take to the tools again.As soon as I'm handy with them I'll hunt up lodgings in Hicks Street.He may suspect me at first,but be won't long;I'll be such a confounded good workman.I only wish I hadn't such pronounced features.They've stood awfully in my way,Mr.Gryce.

I don't like to talk about my appearance,but I'm so confounded plain that people remember me.Why couldn't I have had one of those putty faces which don't mean anything?It would have been a deuced sight more convenient.""You've done very well as it is."

"But I want to do better.I want to deceive him to his face.He's clever,this same Brotherson,and there's glory to be got in ****** a fool of him.Do you think it could be done with a beard?I've never worn a beard.While I'm settling back into my old trade,Ican let the hair grow."

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  • 初心悠悠


    【正文+番外已完结】 文案②:S市顾氏集团老总顾泽初年轻有为,杀伐果断,快三十了还没个对象,助理莫墨及底下很多员工都在心里偷偷yy怀疑自家Boss……咳咳咳……不可说。直到有一天,莫墨在合照上看到了一个女孩,暗暗猜测这不会是以后的总裁夫人吧?后来果然看见Boss和她在一起,还在媒体面前宣示主权。这下子,S市大大小小的人都知道顾泽初一个白月光。身为助手的莫墨和公司股东,发现在白月光回来了以后,他们总裁高冷禁欲的人设……崩了……【HESC不是真正意义的总裁文,不会有车祸打胎等情节,小清新风格的,喜欢请入坑。】 V群:1103473434(盗版勿扰)
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    紫雷九击,蚩尤七大恨,天妖屠神法,如来神掌,一切神功,尽在本书。 无上宗师令东来:殿下,我去杀了他。一剑西来白衣杀神:殿下,我的剑需要血来磨砺。剑魔独孤求败:殿下,我只求一败。
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