

Maskull frowned. "Is love such a manly sport, then? I should have thought it effeminate.""It doesn't matter. You won't always be so boyish. But don't try my patience too far.""Let us talk about something else - and, above all, let' us get on our road."She suddenly broke into a laugh, so rich, sweet, and enchanting, that he grew half inflamed, and half wished to catch her body in his arms.

"Oh, Maskull, Maskull - what a fool you are!""In what way am I a fool?" he demanded, scowling not at her words, but at his own weakness.

"Isn't the whole world the handiwork of innumerable pairs of lovers?

And yet you think yourself above all that. You try to fly away from nature, but where will you find a hole to hide yourself in?""Besides beauty, I now credit you with a second quality:


"Read me well, and then it is natural law that you'll think twice and three times before throwing me away.. .. And now, before we go, we had better eat.""Eat?" said Maskull thoughtfully.

"Don't you eat? Is food in the same category as love?""What food is it?"

"Fish from the river."

Maskull recollected his promise to Joiwind. At the same time, he felt hungry.

"Is there nothing milder?"

She pulled her mouth scornfully. "You came through Poolingdred, didn't you? All the people there are the same. They think life is to be looked at, and not lived. Now that you are visiting Ifdawn, you will have to change your notions.""Go catch your fish," he returned, pulling down his brows.

The broad, clear waters flowed past them with swelling undulations, from the direction of the mountains. Oceaxe knelt down on the bank, and peered into the depths. Presently her look became tense and concentrated; she dipped her hand in and pulled out some sort of little monster. It was more like a reptile than a fish, with its scaly plates and teeth. She threw it on the ground, and it started crawling about. Suddenly she darted all her will into her sorb. The creature leaped into the air, and fell down dead.

She picked up a sharp - edged slate, and with it removed the scales and entrails. During this operation, her hands and garment became stained with the light scarlet blood.

"Find the drude, Maskull," she said, with a lazy smile. "You had it last night."He searched for it. It was hard to locate, for its rays had grown dull and feeble in the sunlight, but at last he found it. Oceaxe placed it in the interior of the monster, and left the body lying on the ground.

"While it's cooking, I'll wash some of this blood away, which frightens you so much. Have you never seen blood before?"Maskull gazed at her in perplexity. The old paradox came back - the contrasting sexual characteristics in her person. Her bold, masterful, masculine egotism of manner seemed quite incongruous with the fascinating and disturbing femininity of her voice. A startling idea flashed into his mind.

"In your country I'm told there is an act of will called 'absorbing.'

What is that?"

She held her red, dripping hands away from her draperies, and uttered a delicious, clashing laugh. "You think I am half a man?""Answer my question."

"I'm a woman through and through, Maskull - to the marrowbone. But that's not to say I have never absorbed males.""And that means ..

"New strings for my harp, Maskull. A wider range of passions, a stormier heart ...""For you, yes - But for them ... ?"

"I don't know. The victims don't describe their experiences.

Probably unhappiness of some sort - if they still know anything.""This is a fearful business!" he exclaimed, regarding her gloomily.

"One would think Ifdawn a land of devils."Oceaxe gave a beautiful sneer. as she took a step toward the river.

"Better men than you - better in every sense of the word - are walking about with foreign wills inside them. You may be as moral as you like, Maskull, but the fact remains, animals were made to be eaten, and ****** natures were made to be absorbed.""And human rights count for nothing!"

She had bent over the river's edge, to wash her arms and hands, but glanced up over her shoulder to answer his remark. "They do count.

But we only regard a m an as human for just as long as he's able to hold his own with others."The flesh was soon cooked, and they breakfasted in silence. Maskull cast heavy, doubtful glances from time to time toward his companion.

Whether it was due to the strange quality of the food, or to his long abstention, he did not know, but the meal tasted nauseous, and even cannibalistic. He ate little, and the moment he got up he felt defiled.

"Let me bury this drude, where I can find it some other time," said Oceaxe. "On the next occasion, though, I shall have no Maskull with me, to shock.... Now we have to take to the river."They stepped off the land onto the water. It flowed against them with a sluggish current, but the opposition, instead of hindering them, had the contrary effect - it caused them to exert themselves, and they moved faster. They climbed the river in this way for several miles. The exercise gradually improved the circulation of Maskull's blood, and he began to look at things in a far more way.

The hot sunshine, the diminished wind, the cheerful marvellous cloud scenery, the quiet, crystal forests-all was soothing and delightful.

They approached nearer and nearer to the gaily painted heights of Ifdawn.

There was something enigmatic to him in those bright walls. He was attracted by them, yet felt a sort of awe. They looked real, but at the same time very supernatural. If one could see the portrait of a ghost, painted with a hard, firm outline, in substantial colors, the feelings produced by such a sight would be exactly similar to Maskull's impressions as he studied the Ifdawn precipices.

  • 口腔保健专家谈


  • 天行


  • 百炼红尘客


  • 出自异世的他


  • 娇艳如你


  • 七零小哑妻


    猫猫小白死了。再次醒来,竟然穿越了!还成了一个毫不起眼的哑巴女宋念君!有个母亲,懦弱可欺。有个父亲,渣的逆天。有个哥哥,刚刚因为有她这个哑巴妹妹且一无是处而被人嫌弃退了婚。而她,就是个怂得只会用选择自杀来逃避人生的土包子...不过,这都不是事!物资紧缺?没关系,打兔子,掏鸟蛋,她无所不能!妗子嫌弃?没关系,过不下去就分家!哥哥没媳妇?那就把姑娘送到他面前!渣父带着妻子来了,不会说话?难道我还不会动手!打架不说话少了气势?嘲笑她不会说话?她自己治!不开口则以,一开口,吓死你们!宋念君拍拍手,下巴一扬,得意的不行。脚下突然有一团白白的猫挠了挠她。“还有个男人需要你去拯救。”宋念君浑身一激灵,妈妈呀,那是我的男人!①猫穿人,续写前世今生 ②完全架空,时间线以文中为主,请勿考究 ③家长里短,发家致富 ④女主哑疾后期会好 北鸟坑品保证,绝对暖文虐渣
  • 当显示器坏掉时


  • 古武战帝


  • 天行


  • 易烊千玺之不要离开我

