
第1章 CHAPTER I(1)

"Filth,"grunted Trent -"ugh!I tell you what it is,my venerable friend -I have seen some dirty cabins in the west of Ireland and some vile holes in East London.I've been in some places which Ican't think of even now without feeling sick.I'm not a particular chap,wasn't brought up to it -no,nor squeamish either,but this is a bit thicker than anything I've ever knocked up against.If Francis doesn't hurry we'll have to chuck it!We shall never stand it out,Monty!"The older man,gaunt,blear-eyed,ragged,turned over on his side.

His appearance was little short of repulsive.His voice when he spoke was,curiously enough,the voice of a gentleman,thick and a trifle rough though it sounded.

"My young friend,"he said,"I agree with you -in effect -most heartily.The place is filthy,the surroundings are repulsive,not to add degrading.The society is -er -not congenial -I allude of course to our hosts -and the attentions of these unwashed,and I am afraid I must say unclothed,ladies of dusky complexion is to say the least of it embarrassing.""Dusky complexion!"Trent interrupted scornfully,"they're coal black!"Monty nodded his head with solemn emphasis."I will go so far as to admit that you are right,"he acknowledged."They are as black as sin!But,my friend Trent,I want you to consider this:If the nature of our surroundings is offensive to you,think what it must be to me.I may,I presume,between ourselves,allude to you as one of the people.Refinement and luxury have never come in your way,far less have they become indispensable to you.You were,Ibelieve,educated at a Board School,I was at Eton.Afterwards you were apprenticed to a harness-maker,I -but no matter!Let us summarise the situation.""If that means cutting it short,for Heaven's sake do so,"Trent grumbled."You'll talk yourself into a fever if you don't mind.

Let's know what you're driving at."

"Talking,"the elder man remarked with a slight shrug of his shoulders,"will never have a prejudicial effect upon my health.

To men of your -pardon me -scanty education the expression of ideas in speech is doubtless a labour.To me,on the other hand,it is at once a pleasure and a relief.What I was about to observe is this:I belong by birth to what are called,I believe,the classes,you to the masses.I have inherited instincts which have been refined and cultivated,perhaps over-cultivated by breeding and associations -you are troubled with nothing of the sort.Therefore if these surroundings,this discomfort,not to mention the appalling overtures of our lady friends,are distressing to you,why,consider how much more so they must be to me!"Trent smiled very faintly,but he said nothing.He was sitting cross-legged with his back against one of the poles which supported the open hut,with his eyes fixed upon the cloud of mist hanging over a distant swamp.A great yellow moon had stolen over the low range of stony hills -the mist was curling away in little wreaths of gold.Trent was watching it,but if you had asked him he would have told you that he was wondering when the alligators came out to feed,and how near the village they ventured.Looking at his hard,square face and keen,black eyes no one would surely have credited him with any less material thoughts.

"Furthermore,"the man whom Trent had addressed as Monty continued,"there arises the question of danger and physical suitability to the situation.Contrast our two cases,my dear young friend.I am twenty-five years older than you,I have a weak heart,a ridiculous muscle,and the stamina of a rabbit.My fighting days are over.Ican shoot straight,but shooting would only serve us here until our cartridges were gone -when the rush came a child could knock me over.You,on the contrary,have the constitution of an ox,the muscles of a bull,and the wind of an ostrich.You are,if you will pardon my saying so,a magnificent specimen of the animal man.In the event of trouble you would not hesitate to admit that your chances of escape would be at least double mine.Trent lit a match under pretence of lighting his pipe -in reality because only a few feet away he had seen a pair of bright eyes gleaming at them through a low shrub.A little native boy scuttled away -as black as night,woolly-headed,and shiny;he had crept up unknown to look with fearful eyes upon the wonderful white strangers.Trent threw a lump of earth at him and laughed as he dodged it.

"Well,go ahead,Monty,"he said."Let's hear what you're driving at.What a gab you've got to be sure!"Monty waved his hand -a magnificent and silencing gesture.

"I have alluded to these matters,"he continued,"merely in order to show you that the greater share of danger and discomfort in this expedition falls to my lot.Having reminded you of this,Trent,I refer to the concluding sentence of your last speech.The words indicated,as I understood them,some doubt of our ability to see this thing through."He paused,peering over to where Trent was sitting with grim,immovable face,listening with little show of interest.He drew a long,deep breath and moved over nearer to the doorway.His manner was suddenly changed.

"Scarlett Trent,"he cried,"Scarlett Trent,listen to me!You are young and I am old!To you this may be one adventure amongst many -it is my last.I've craved for such a chance as this ever since I set foot in this cursed land.It's come late enough,too late almost for me,but I'm going through with it while there's breath in my body.Swear to me now that you will not back out!Do you hear,Trent?Swear!"Trent looked curiously at his companion,vastly interested in this sudden outburst,in the firmness of his tone and the tightening of the weak mouth.After all,then,the old chap had some grit in him.

  • 最是少时甜


    三个字简介:就,很甜。作天作地皮皮虾假小子女主×高冷深沉腹黑得一批伪仙男男主本想一心一意搞学习,结果天送仙男来渡劫。沈乔默念:心中有清北,万物皆尘埃。于是她好好学习,天天向上,饱读诗经,认认真真和蓝柯发展兄弟情。直到有一天,沈乔单方面掉马,被仙男发现女儿身。从那以后,仙男下凡了,会喘会笑会给沈乔抄作业买零食了。再有一天,烟花极盛,蓝柯牵着沈乔一起走上小桥。桥上的人好风景也好,牵着的手有些暖,满天满地的花火,沈乔看着身侧的仙男,小嘴羞羞地一弯——喜欢。沈乔对蓝柯的喜欢,同学们知道但同学们不同意。同学1:我们一中的排面校草仙男,你除了一张脸,哪里配得上?(誓死不让这头长得很帅的猪拱了一中几千年上下最好的白菜。)后来沈乔考进了年级前十,上了光荣榜,段位练到了王者,沈乔挥着拳头,“配吗?”同学1:配同学2:绝配同学3:天仙配沈乔:(* ̄︶ ̄)但大家都不知道,那颗一中上下五千年最好的白菜等着被那头长得很帅的猪拱,等了好久。我喜欢的少年从天上来,他会发光,笑起来好看,我怀疑他是太阳,一路烫进了心底。我喜欢的姑娘从夏天来,她浑身可爱,梨涡很甜,笑起来要命,我怀疑她是月亮,眼底的光比星星更盛
  • 大财阀的萌萌妻


  • 恋恋朗君


  • 这一段有你的旅程


  • 九霄之云外


  • 天行


  • 唯有深情永不负


  • 快穿之男主你过来


  • 驯兽师


  • 今天宿主人设又崩了

