

AGAMEMNON, King of Argos CASSANDRA, daughter of Priam, and slave of AGAMEMNONAEGISTHUS, son of Thyestes, cousin of AGAMEMNONServants, Attendants, Soldiers AGAMEMNON(SCENE:-Before the palace of AGAMEMNON in Argos. In front of the palace there are statues of the gods, and altars prepared for sacrifice. It is night. On the roof of the palace can be discerned a WATCHMAN.)WATCHMAN

I pray the gods to quit me of my toils, To close the watch I keep, this livelong year;For as a watch-dog lying, not at rest, Propped on one arm, upon the palace-roof Of Atreus' race, too long, too well I know The starry conclave of the midnight sky, Too well, the splendours of the firmament, The lords of light, whose kingly aspect shows-What time they set or climb the sky in turn-The year's divisions, bringing frost or fire.

And now, as ever, am I set to mark When shall stream up the glow of signal-flame, The bale-fire bright, and tell its Trojan tale-Troy town is ta'en: such issue holds in hope She in whose woman's breast beats heart of man.

Thus upon mine unrestful couch I lie, Bathed with the dews of night, unvisited By dreams-ah me!-for in the place of sleep Stands Fear as my familiar, and repels The soft repose that would mine eyelids seal.

And if at whiles, for the lost balm of sleep, I medicine my soul with melody Of trill or song-anon to tears I turn, Wailing the woe that broods upon this home, Not now by honour guided as of old-But now at last fair fall the welcome hour That sets me free, whene'er the thick night glow With beacon-fire of hope deferred no more.

All hail!

(A beacon-light is seen reddening the distant sky.)Fire of the night, that brings my spirit day, Shedding on Argos light, and dance, and song, Greetings to fortune, hail!

Let my loud summons ring within the ears Of Agamemnon's queen, that she anon Start from her couch and with a shrill voice cry A joyous welcome to the beacon-blaze, For Ilion's fall; such fiery message gleams From yon high flame; and I, before the rest, Will foot the lightsome measure of our joy;For I can say, My master's dice fell fair-Behold! the triple sice, the lucky flame!

Now be my lot to clasp, in loyal love, The hand of him restored, who rules our home:

Home-but I say no more: upon my tongue Treads hard the ox o' the adage.

Had it voice, The home itself might soothliest tell its tale;I, of set will, speak words the wise may learn, To others, nought remember nor discern.

(He withdraws. The CHORUS OF ARGIVE ELDERS enters, each leaning on a staff. During their song CLYTEMNESTRAappears in the background, kindling the altars.)CHORUS (singing)

Ten livelong years have rolled away, Since the twin lords of sceptred sway, By Zeus endowed with pride of place, The doughty chiefs of Atreus' race, Went forth of yore, To plead with Priam, face to face, Before the judgment-seat of War!

A thousand ships from Argive land Put forth to bear the martial band, That with a spirit stern and strong Went out to right the kingdom's wrong-Pealed, as they went, the battle-song, Wild as the vultures' cry;When o'er the eyrie, soaring high, In wild bereaved agony, Around, around, in airy rings, They wheel with oarage of their wings, But not the eyas-brood behold, That called them to the nest of old;But let Apollo from the sky, Or Pan, or Zeus, but hear the cry, The exile cry, the wail forlorn, Of birds from whom their home is torn-On those who wrought the rapine fell,Heaven sends the vengeful fiends of hell.

Even so doth Zeus, the jealous lord And guardian of the hearth and board, Speed Atreus' sons, in vengeful ire, 'Gainst Paris-sends them forth on fire, Her to buy back, in war and blood, Whom one did wed but many woo'd!

And many, many, by his will, The last embrace of foes shall feel, And many a knee in dust be bowed, And splintered spears on shields ring loud, Of Trojan and of Greek, before That iron bridal-feast be o'er!

But as he willed 'tis ordered all, And woes, by heaven ordained, must fall-Unsoothed by tears or spilth of wine Poured forth too late, the wrath divine Glares vengeance on the flameless shrine.

And we in grey dishonoured eld, Feeble of frame, unfit were held To join the warrior array That then went forth unto the fray:

And here at home we tarry, fain Our feeble footsteps to sustain, Each on his staff-so strength doth wane, And turns to childishness again.

For while the sap of youth is green, And, yet unripened, leaps within, The young are weakly as the old, And each alike unmeet to hold The vantage post of war!

And ah! when flower and fruit are o'er, And on life's tree the leaves are sere, Age wendeth propped its journey drear, As forceless as a child, as light And fleeting as a dream of night Lost in the garish day!

But thou, O child of Tyndareus, Queen Clytemnestra, speak! and say What messenger of joy to-day Hath won thine ear? what welcome news, That thus in sacrificial wise E'en to the city's boundaries Thou biddest altar-fires arise?

Each god who doth our city guard, And keeps o'er Argos watch and ward From heaven above, from earth below-The mighty lords who rule the skies, The market's lesser deities, To each and all the altars glow, Piled for the sacrifice!

And here and there, anear, afar, Streams skyward many a beacon-star, Conjur'd and charm'd and kindled well By pure oil's soft and guileless spell, Hid now no more Within the palace' secret store.

O queen, we pray thee, whatsoe'er, Known unto thee, were well revealed, That thou wilt trust it to our ear, And bid our anxious heart be healed!

That waneth now unto despair-

Now, waxing to a presage fair, Dawns, from the altar, to scare From our rent hearts the vulture Care.

strophe 1

List! for the power is mine, to chant on high The chiefs' emprise, the strength that omens gave!

List! on my soul breathes yet a harmony, From realms of ageless powers, and strong to save!

How brother kings, twin lords of one command, Led forth the youth of Hellas in their flower, Urged on their way, with vengeful spear and brand, By warrior-birds, that watched the parting hour.

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  • 邬怨之是妃


  • 原来我还是个公主啊


    版本一 穿成小宝宝了,好吧……努力修炼,快快长大。终于在一个春暖花开的日子飞升了。什么?自己只是个分身,回到本体后,发现本体也是个小宝宝,怎么办?罢了罢了,随遇而安吧!值得安慰的是原来我还是个公主,神族受宠的五公主。 只是他怎么办,把我当女儿养吗,难为他了。 更难为的是他还要叫比他小一大截的父君喊岳父。谁叫他是老老老老牛吃嫩嫩嫩嫩草呢! 版本二 现代影后舒梦雅穿越到修真界,开始一段蜜罐里的生活,被青云老祖收为嫡传弟子,和大师兄林少峰约定终身,偶尔不靠谱的梦游式瞬移到七星阁阁主欧阳辰逸那散散心。 梦雅不靠谱的瞬移到魔帝历劫现场,帮魔帝挡了最后一道雷劫。魔帝饶她一命,却要把她变成自己人,其属下暗王先是把她丢到杀手营,不杀一人却成杀手营第一名。暗王抹抹汗,把她丢到销金谷,被魔帝看上,彻彻底底变成自己人。 当一切回归神位时,故事才刚刚开始……
  • 犹太艺术家传奇

