
第11章 宜人风景Natural Scenery(1)

Montjuic Hill



这里的西班牙广场,面积广阔,有不少精美的喷泉点缀其中。附近的卡特龙也美术馆(Museo de Arte de Catalunya),展现了众多珍贵油画。

着名的仿古村西班牙村(Poble Espanyol)也坐落在区内,这里1929年举办万国博览会的场址,集合了西班牙各地不同风格的建筑于一身,仿如一座建筑博物馆,内有广场及罗马式教堂等。

蒙祖依山上的西班牙村(Poble Espanyol)的建筑足以代表各种典型的西班牙式建筑。这里也是1929年的奥林匹克的举行地点,包括奥运体育场(Estadi Olimpic)、奥运体育馆(Palau Sant Jordi)和奥运主场地(Anilla Olimpica)。在蒙纠伊宫附近,还可以搭乘缆车到达蒙祖依山的山顶。山顶上有许多美丽的公园,以及一个17世纪的军事城堡Castell Militar。山上还可远眺市内的景色,是一个风景明媚的区域。

Montjuic, called Hill of the Jews after a Jewish necropolisnecropolis n.大墓地, 古代的埋葬地 there, gained fame in 1929 as the site of the World,s Fair and again in 1992 as the location for the summer Olympic Games. It,s main attractions are the Olympic installations, the Spanish Village and the hilltop fortressfortress n.堡垒, 要塞.

The Montjuic hill is part of the Neogene horst and graben system of the Catalan Coastal Ranges at the northwestern edge of the Valencia Trough. It is located to the SE of Barcelona City and consists of a 200 m thick strongly silicified detritaldetrital adj.由岩屑形成的 succession (mainly conglomerate and sandstone units alternating with lutitic units) of Miocene age. The geological constraints of this area (young age, shallow depositional environmentdepositional environment 沉积环境 and no evidence of burial processes) ensure that authigenic minerals formed during silicification have not been modified by further diagenetic processes and allow to constrain the age and nature of the silicificationsilicification n.[化]硅化(作用).

Although buses and taxis can be taken from Plaza de Espana to Montjuic, the best way to get there is by cablecar and tram. The cablecar departs from Port Vell and costs around 1,200ptas oneway. The views of the city from the glass car are quite breathtaking.

The whole of Montjuic is covered in ornamentalornamental n.装饰物, 观赏植物 adj.装饰性的, 装饰的, 装饰用的 gardens with water features and is the most popular destination in Barcelona on Sundays.

The Montjuic hill overlooks the city centre form the Southwest and is the home of many beautiful fine art galleries, entertaining leisure activities, large selection of restaurants and cafe,s, mindsoothing parks and the main sites of the 1992 Olympics.

Situated on the North side of the hill, you will see the Placa de Braus Les Arenes, which was originally a bullringbullring n.斗牛场, where the Beatles performed in 1966 and located behind the arena, you will find Parc Joan Miro, on which stands the sculpture Dona i Ocell, which is also known as the Woman and Bird.

Located nearby, you will find the Museu Nacional d,Art de Catalunya, which is home to an amazing collection of Roman art. Littering the terraces below the museum, are breathtakingly beautiful fountains, including the largest one La Font Magica, which livens spirits with lights and music shows during the hot summer months.

The Montserrat Hill


Montserrat位于巴塞罗那近郊(西北方60公里),是很壮观的一座山, 意指锯齿山。这是因为山峰长年受风的吹刮,远远看去山上的几个山峰就像锯齿那样。山上有不少人从事攀岩的活动,山上也有一座很有名的修道院,里头有座有名的“黑色圣母像”,所以也有人叫它圣母山。但也有人说,这山上有一块地方,它的自然造型看上去好像是一位圣母抱拥着婴儿,所以叫圣母山。


The Montserrat Hill offers three main points of interest: first, the site itself, which would be worth visiting even if there were nothing else there, as it is one of these very special “power spots” scatteredscattered adj.离散的,分散的 all over the world.

The second point of interest is the Santa María Benedictine monastery, formally founded at the beginning of the 11th century. As it is still a live monastery, only its Basilica is open to visitors.

The third main point of interest is a shrineshrine n.神龟, 神殿, 神祠, 圣地 to a Black Madonna: Our Lady of Montserrat or “La Moreneta” as she affectionately known all over Catalonia. Black Madonnas are one of Europe most mysteriousmysterious adj.神秘的 traditions as its origins and full significations have been lost in time.

The Montserrat Hill is alive and important to the Catalans, who flock there by the thousands on hundreds of diverse occasions throughout the year to gather and veneratevenerate v.崇敬 La Moreneta, but also to spend the day outdoors in a spectacular site. The timing of the tour will allow us to watch the performance of the “Escolania” or Montserrat boy choir.

Parc Güell


固爱公园是由安东尼高迪(Antoni Gaudi)设计,是巴塞罗那最有名的公园,被联合国教科文组织宣示为世界级人类遗产,它接受了各种类型的赞赏和批评,评语包括有荒谬绝伦的“现代主义”、“超现实主义的岛屿”、“梦魇表现主义的公园”。一开始原本构思为一座私人资产,但于1922年变成一座公立公园,由通往公园的主要入口和楼梯可到达百个圆周围成的屋室,高迪明明白白地让他的想像力在这座建筑里天马行空。

Parc Güell is a garden complex with architectural elements situated on the hill of El Carmel in the Gràcia district of Barcelona, Spain. It was designed by the Catalan architect Antoni Gaudí and built in the years 1900 to 1914. It is one of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

The Park was originally part of a commerciallycommercially adv.商业上, 通商上 unsuccessful housing site. It has been converted into a municipal garden. It can be reached by underground, although the stations are at a certain distance, by the regular buses, or best by the tourist buses. While the Park is free, Gaudí,s house - containing furniturefurniture n.家具, 设备, 储藏物 that he designed - can be visited at a cost.

As its name suggests, the park was commissioned by Antonio Gaudi,s friend, Eusebi Guell, and was intended to be a residential garden city, like those built in England. Planned and constructed by Gaudi between 1900 and 1914, the project was intended for a community of sixty singlefamily residences, and includes lush vegetation, winding roads, a covered market place, and a central plazaplaza n.广场, 露天汽车停车场, 购物中心 overlooking the sea. Also, the park has a grand stairway, which features the traditional symbol of the park: a large, colorful tile mosaic dragon.

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