
第7章 高一年级(7)

D. The milu deer has returned to China and its number is increasing every year.


II. Get them to answer the two questions at the top of the passage.

Step Ⅲ Intensive Reading1.Play the tape of the passage for the students to listen.

2.Get the students to read aloud each paragraph.

3.Talk about the general idea for each paragraph.

Answer the questions in paragraph I:Where are most of the milu deer in China?

Answer the questions in paragraph 2:1) What kind of animal is the milu deer?

2) When and why did milu deer disappear?

Answer the question in paragraph 3:Why do they grow well in Britain?

Answer the questions in paragraphs 4 and 5:How many milu deer research centres are there in China? Where are they?

Answer the question in paragraph 6:What do people plan to do with milu deer in the future?

Main idea of the text:

Part 1

(Paragraph 1) The number of milu deer in nature parks in China is increasing every year.

Part 2

(Paragraphs 2-3) The history of milu deer in China and in England.

(Paragraph 2) The milu deer disappeared during the Ming and the Qing penods.

(Paragraph 3) The only milu deer alive belonged to the Duke of Bedford in England.

Part 3

(Paragraphs 4-5) The milu deer centers in China.

(Paragraph 4) The life of milu is being studied in the Nanhaizi Milu Park.

(Paragraph 5 ) The number of milu deer has greatly increased in Dafeng.

Part 4

(Paragraph 6) It’s hoped that there will be milu deer living in the wild in China.

Step Ⅳ Workbook

Do Ex.2,Do Ex.3 and Ex.4.

StepⅤLanguage focus

Study the language points.

at present = now

research= scientific studyused to common=There were lots of milu deer in China in the past but not nowreturn this kind of deer to the wild=set the deer free in a forest or in the countrysideStep ⅥRetelling

Give your description of the milu deer. What kind of animal is milu deer? What about the animal in the past, at present and in the future?

Step Ⅶ Homework

1.Finish off the Workbook exercises.

2.Read the passage again and try to retell the story about milu deer.

Lesson 67

Teaching Aims

1.Review Lesson 66.

2.Study the present continuous passive voice.


Say “Tell me about the milu deer”。

1.What happened in Ming and Qing periods?

2.What did the Duke of Bedford do?

3.What would people like to do with the milu deer in some places in England?

4.Where are the milu deer usually kept in China?

5. What is the people’s hope for the milu deer?

Step II Lead in

Say to the students: Listen carefully. There are a lot of milu deer in England. Some are being sent to China. In China, the deer are being studied by scientists. More and more deer are being set free year by year.

Say the sentences again and get the students to repeat them.

Step III Language focusWrite two of the sentences on the blackboard.

1. In China, the deer is being studied by scientists.

2. More milu deer are being moved to a new large nature park.

Point out the form of the Present Continuous Passive Voice:be + being + Past ParticipleExplain these sentences are used:A. to be more scientificB. when the doer is not important, or unknownC. when we want to highlight the object of the active sentence:In sentence 1, we want to highlight the deer. We would say, in China, scientists are studying the deer.

In sentence 2, it is unknown or unimportant who are moving the deer to a new large nature park.

StepⅣ Drill

Old drill. Get the students to transform active sentences into passive ones, e.g.

They are looking after the deer in three centres.

They are sending more deer to China.

They are setting free many deer.(etc.)

Step V Practice

SB Lesson 67, Part 2. Teach the meaning of report and protect. Do one or two examples with the whole classs, then get the Ss to work alone. Let the Ss check the answers in pairs.

Suggested answers :

1.Money is being collected for the nature project.

2.A report is being written about wildlife in China.

3.Some animals are not being protected well enough.

4.A sick milu deer is being kept alive at the center (by scientists)。

5.A new lake is being made in the park.

6.The buildings are being painted at present.

7.More wildlife research centers are being built.

Step VI Pairwork

SB Lesson 67, Part 3. Go through the exercise with the whole class and check that they form the questions correctly. Pairwork: Student A asks the questions. Student B answers. Then change roles. If time is limited, A should ask the first set of questions for B to answer, and then B asks the second set of questions for A to answer.

Step V II Workbook

Do Part 2, Part 3 Practice and all the exercises on Page 61

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