
第14章 Capital of culture(7)

At No 138 of Xiwai Street, Xicheng District, the new planetarium neighbors the old planetarium and has seven floors, among which two are underground. The designers made the planetarium a giant stage of the Theory of Relativity, the String Theory and other theories of modern astrophysics. The new planetarium can be seen as an epitome of the universe. Looking from the north, the architecture appears like a transparent glass box, with a 30-m glass screen that bends gently near the dome of the old planetarium. At the main entrance, the screen bends into a tunnel that reminds visitors of the "wormhole" through which one could travel to other spaces and times. The new planetarium has the SGI Digital Space Theater, the 3D Popular Science Theater, the 4D Popular Science Theater, the Solar Observatory, the Public Observatory, an exhibition hall for solar science, a laboratory of astronomical science, an information center for the public, a public reading room and a library.

China World Trade Center Phase 3

The third phase of the China World Trade Center has a total investment of 800 million and takes up 6.27 hectares between the Eastern 3rd Ring Road and the Guanghua Street. With a floor space of 540,000 sq m, it will form an enormous building complex of 1.1 million sq m with the first and second phases of the China World Trade Center to become the world"s biggest international trade center. With 75 floors, the building will be 330 m tall, making it the highest skyscraper in Beijing. Besides a super 5 star hotel, office building, international top-end shops, movie theater and other facilities, the complex will include Beijing"s biggest banquet hall that spans over 10,000 sq m. The building complex will be a landmark of Beijing beyond the commercial landscape.

He who fails to reach the Great Wall is not a man.


In Yanqing District, the Badaling section of the Great Wall winds along gorgeous mountains like a giant dragon. This section is the most frequently visited part of the Great Wall with convenient transportation and fantastic view. There are many beacon towers, defense towers and a citadel to fend off enemies. From the citadel to the highest point — Northern 8th Tower, the popular northern route is 1.5 km long.

Juyong Pass

The crucial pass on the Great Wall lies in Changping District. In the Ming Dynasty, great efforts were made to enhance the defense system at Juyong Pass. From north to south, the defense consists of a northern entrance, the Juyong Outer Town (which is Badaling), the Upper Pass, the Middle Pass (known as Juyong Pass) and the southern entrance. Juyong Pass was the headquarters of the troops garrisoned here. Helmet, armor, spear, bow, arrow, firearm and other weaponry were stored at the pass, whose architecture shows many aspects of Chinese culture.


At 25 km away from Huairou Town, Mutianyu is the biggest section of the Great Wall that was built with the highest quality. Xu Da, a general under Zhu Yuanzhang who founded the Ming Dynasty in 1368, presided over the construction of Mutianyu section. Built on the basis of an older Wall dating back to the Northern Qi Dynasty (AD 550-577), the section is 2,250 m long with 22 defense towers.


Founded in 1368 of the Ming Dynasty in Beikou Town of northeastern Miyun District, Simatai is built on the most perilous mountains among the unconnected sections of the Great Wall that came into form over thousands of years. Qi Jiguang and Tan Lun, two famous patriotic generals of the Ming Dynasty, enhanced the defense work in the 16th century. There are 16 defense towers on the eastern part of the section.


Yanhecheng was a small town built with pebbles in Mentougou District of western Beijing. With its back on the Lingshan Mountain and facing the Yongding River, the town, which is also a part of the Great Wall defense work, controlled traffic both on land and on water. Its layout is carefully designed to suit the defense purposes.


Bordering Miyun District and Luanping County of Hebei Province, Jinshanling section is the most representative part of the Great Wall built in the Ming Dynasty. General Xu Da presided over its construction in 1368. Qi Jiguang and Tan Lun, who fought against Japanese invaders, enhanced and expanded the section in 1567. The national scenic area has been listed as a World Cultural Heritage Site.

Jiankou and Jiuyanlou

Jiankou is a section of the Great Wall that looks like a curving bow. It is one of the most dangerous parts of the Ming Dynasty Great Wall, located in Badaohe Township of Huairou District. Jiuyanlou Defense Tower is built at the Huoyan (Flame) Mountain bordering Yanqi Town of Huairou District and Sihai Town of Yanqing District. It is 155 m higher than the Wangjing Tower of Simatai section of the Great Wall. The two-storeyed square building is the biggest defense tower with the biggest number of observation posts on the entire Great Wall. Of all the defense towers, this is the most important as it sits on the conjuncture of the inner and outer parts of the Great Wall.


Gubeikou lies on the southern slopes of Panlong (Reclining Dragon) and Wohu (Crouching Tiger) mountains in the Yanshan Mountain Range of northeastern Miyun District. The Chaohe River flows into the Miyun Reservoir from the northern entrance of the valley. Situated between Shanhai and Juyong passes, the Gubeikou section of the Great Wall is less than 100 km away from downtown Beijing. It has been a defense pivot for the capital since ancient times. With many historic sites and natural scenery spots, the valley was the vital passage for Qing emperors to go on hunting and inspection tours, and hold sacrificial ceremonies for their ancestors in Northeast China. At the military camp here, Emperor Kangxi once stayed during the summer and Emperor Qianlong once inspected the troops.

Charming views over here

Beijing Botanical Garden

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