
第27章 Beijing folk culture(6)

"Guai" refers to the joint of goat"s leg. The bone is cleaned and steamed to become a toy. A game needs 4 or 8 joints and a small sandbag. The player throws the joints on the ground, then throws the sandbag up. Before catching the sandbag, the player arranges the joints with the same face to earth. An expert of the game could turn all the joints by throwing the sandbag only once, while the first- timers might fail to turn any joint and miss the sandbag.

Kicking shuttlecock

The shuttlecock is made by binding some feather onto two copper coins. The adroit player can kick it for hundreds of times w ith h is o r her f eet, k n ees , s h o u ld er s , forehead and not resolve to the arms.

Flapping pictures

Some foreign and local companies used to issue mini-pictures promoting their products. The children found the cards enjoyable toys. Some pictures portray characters in Romance of the Three Kingdoms and other classic novels. The player hits the ground where the pictures are scattered and the air would flip the pictures around. Then the player would sway the hand to keep the pictures turning.

Hotlines, accommodation, transportation, recreation


Beijing mayor"s hotline: 65128080

Beijing tourism hotline: 65130828

Police: 110

Information: 114

Fire alarm: 119

Medical emergency: 120

Traffic: 122

Red Cross: 999

Taxi service: 68373399

Aviation information/booking service: 2580/2581

Beijing Railway Station Information Service: 51019999

Beijing Western Railway Station Information Service: 51826273

Li Suli Transportation Hotline: 96166

Beijing Evening News Hotline: 65298020

Concert halls

Beijing Concert Hall:No 1, Beixinhua Street, 66057006

Zhongshan Concert Hall: Zhongshan Park to the west of the Forbidden City, 66056059

Fishing sites

Daoxiang Fishing Garden

Covering 0.5 sq km, the garden raises rare fish species and provides anglers some good spots to spend their time.

Add: to the west of Daoxiang Lake, Xixiaoying Town, Sujiasuo, Haidian District

Beijing Fishing Courtyard

Vi s i t o r s c a n l o d g e a t c l a s s i c a l s i h e y u a n c o u r t y a r d s , d i n e a t t h e central hall and participate in business meetings at any of the stylish villas.

Jinxiu Fishing Village

Sheltered by a hill and nestled near water, the village has many fruit trees. The water surface of

0.1 sq km has springs and ample fish for anglers to spend both day and night.

Add: Suyukou Reservoir, Yukou Village, Qiaozi Town, Huairou District

Tel: 69675450, 69675452

Franchised hotels

Jinjiang Inns Ltd Co: 021-51691218

Super 8 Hotel: 400-810-7822

Home Inn: 40082033337

Days Inn: 400 880 7777

Xinyandu Hotel: 66166661


Aviation: Beijing is the hubbub of domestic and international aviation. The Capital Airport is 30 km away from downtown Beijing and linked with many shuttle buses, an expressway and a light rail that entered operation in 2008.

Railway: As the national railway center, Beijing has five railway stations for passengers. Besides the old Beijing Railway Station and Beijing West Railway Station, which is the biggest railway station in Asia, there are also the northern, southern and Fengtai railway stations.

Opera houses

Beijing People"s Art Theater

Beijing People"s Art Theater was founded in 1952 with Cao Yu (1910-1996) as the first president. The first show staged here was Longxugou (Dragon Beard Ditch) by renowned writer Lao She. In following years, grand dramas like Leiyu (Thunderstorm) , Richu (Sun Rise) , Beijing Ren (Beijinger) , Hufu (Tiger Tally) , Chaguan (Teahouse) , Cai Wenji , Luotuo Xiangzi (Rickshaw Xiangzi) and Aesop were staged at the theater. Jiao Juyin, Ouyang Shanzun, Yu Shizhi and many other dramatists, actors and actresses, as well as stage artists gained national stardom at the venue. The dramas at this theater have been seen as classics of modern Chinese drama.

Chang"an Grand Theater

First founded in 1937, the renovated theater is located on the first floor of the Guanghua Chang"an Building to the north of the Chang"an Avenue. It combines classic and modern architectural elements in the sandalwood tables and soft seats. The house can hold 800 audience and most shows are from classic repertoire of folk operas.

Lao She Teahouse

At Qianmen West Street, the renowned teahouse is named after Lao She, a great writer who depicted old Beijing"s life. The bronze bust of the writer beneath the teahouse"s name plate gazes into the distance, giving the venue an air of literature and art. Besides savoring tea and folk snacks, visitors can enjoy dazzling performances with distinct Chinese flavor every night.

Jixiang Theater

Located to the north of Dong"an Market in Wangfujing, Jixiang Theater was built in 1906 by Liu Xiezhi and witnessed the performance of many heavy-weight Peking Opera masters. The new theater provides both Peking Opera live shows and movies. Its advantageous location has guaranteed a prosperous business.

Liyuan Theater

The Liyuan Theater is the first performance hall opened by Beijing Qianmen Hotel and Peking Opera House of Beijing. The world-renowned Peking Opera Troupe of Beijing gives a nightly performance here with many famous actors and actresses. The audience can savor local Beijing snacks and sip tea to enjoy the classic repertoire. The exhibition hall introduces the history of Peking Opera and celebrated masters. Aficionados can also buy costumes, facial masks and musical instruments.

Huguang Guild Theater

Located at No 3 of Hufang Street in Xuanwu District, the guild was built in 1807 to receive officials in Hunan and Hubei provinces when they visited the capital. Today it has become the Beijing Opera Museum. Yu Shuyan, Mei Lanfang and numerous other masters of Peking Opera and other arts left traces here. Every Saturday, opera fans would join masters to stage a show that features some of Peking Opera"s best-known arias.

Tianqiaole Tea Garden

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