

1.Rose. See how it rains!Oh dear,dear,dear!how dull it is!Must I stay in doors all day.

2.Father. Why,Rose,are you sorry that you had any breadand butter for breakfast,this morning.

3.Rose. Why,father,what a question!I should be sorry,indeed,if I could not get any.

4.Father. Are you sorry,my daughter,when you see the.owers and the trees growing in the garden.

5.Rose. Sorry. No,indeed. Just now,I wished very much to go out and see them,-they look so pretty.

6.Father. Well,are you sorry when you see the horses,cows,or sheep drinking at the brook to quench their thirst.

7.Rose. Why,father,you must think I am a cruel girl,to wish that the poor horses that work so hard,the beautiful cows that give so much nice milk,and the pretty lambs should always be thirsty.

8.Father. Do you not think they would die,if they had nowater to drink.

9.Rose. Yes,sir,I am sure they would. How shocking to thinkof such a thing!

10.Father. I thought little Rose was sorry it rained. Do you think the trees and flowers would grow,if they never had any water on them.

11.Rose. No,indeed,father,they would be dried up by thesun. Then we should not have any pretty.owers to look at,and to make wreaths of for mother.

12.Father. I thought you were sorry it rained. Rose,what isour bread made of.

13.Rose. It is made of flour,and the flour is made from wheat,which is ground in the mill.

14.Father. Yes,Rose,and it was rain that helped to makethe wheat grow,and it was water that turned the mill to grind the wheat. I thought little Rose was sorry it rained.

15.Rose. I did not think of all these things,father. I am trulyvery glad to see the rain falling.

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