
第13章 Zhuge Liang Graduates

Zhuge Liang, as the prime minister of the State of Shu in the period of the Three Kingdoms (220-280), devoted himself completely to the service of his state. There were a lot of stories told about him.

When Zhuge Liang was young, he was a student of Master Sima Hui (widely known as Master Shuijing), a famous scholar. Xu Shu and Pang Tong (both well-known during the period of the Three Kingdoms) were his classmates. All of them were clever and studied very hard.

Three years went by. One day, Master Sima told his students, “It’s time for you to finish your studies. There will be a graduation test five days from now. You can begin to prepare for it.” The students were nervous. They busied themselves reviewing and reciting what they had learned. But it seemed that the impending exam had no effect whatsoever on Zhuge Liang. He was relaxed and spent every day just relaxing or sleeping late.

Five days passed quickly. The day the exam would be held came. Master Sima said to his students, “You’ve read a lot of books these three years, but I don’t know if you’re knowledgeable and intelligent enough yet. So, listen! My examination question is this—the one who succeeds in getting my permission to leave Shuijing Village before noon will be allowed to graduate from here!”

Hearing that, the students stood there in shock. No forms of poetry would be tested. All their hard work of revision was for nothing! They racked their brains about how they could pass this unique exam.

A few moments later, someone shouted out, “Fire! Fire! Run away! Flee!” Master Sima smiled and shook his head. Later, someone ran over and said, “Flood! It’s coming down from the mountain! Flee! Hurry up or we will all drown!.” The Master smiled and remained silent.

At that time, a servant came over and gave Master Sima a letter. It was from Xu Shu’s mother. She was very sick and asked for leave to allow Xu Shu to come back home. Xu Shu read the letter and shed bitter tears. He cried and said that he must go back to see his mother. Master Sima smiled, “You’re really good at playacting, but your handwriting has betrayed you. You may not leave.”

Pang Tong said, “Master, how did you come up with such a test? How difficult it is!

But, it’ll not defeat me. If you allow me to go out of the village for a walk, I’m sure I’ll find the solution. What do you say.” Master Sima smiled, “Don’t try silly tricks here. I wasn’t born yesterday.”

Noon was coming. All the students were as restless as ants on a hot pan, but Zhuge Liang, lay sprawled over his desk, fast asleep and even snoring from time to time. Master Sima couldn’t help getting a little angry. He would have kicked Zhuge Liang out if it had happened on another day.

All of a sudden, Zhuge Liang stood up, got hold of Master Sima’s clothes and yelled, “You have lead us astray, and intentionally tricked us with your crooked teaching methods. Refund my money! I quit!” How could Master Sima, an eminent teacher and scholar who enjoyed a very high reputation in those days, stand such disrespect and calumny? He shook with rage, “How dare you! I should have refused you permission to be my student. Xu Shu, Pang Tong, show him the door!”

Xu Shu and Pang Tong dragged Zhuge Liang out. At the very moment they were out of the village, Zhuge Liang burst into laughter. The other two were puzzled, and asked what was so funny. Zhuge Liang said, “Now look -what time is it, and where are we?” Xu Shu and Pang Tong suddenly realised their friend’s ploy. Zhuge Liang went back to beg his teacher’s pardon for his rudeness. Master Sima had seen through the trick just as Zhuge Liang had left the room, but it was too late. He smiled at Zhuge Liang, “You have now graduated, and,” he looked at Xu Shu and Pang Tong, “both of you also have now graduated.”

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