
第23章 The Empty Fort Strategy: Zhuge Liang Plays Music o

In the war between the States of Shu and Wei during the Three Kingdoms Period (220-280), Ma Su, a general of the State of Shu, lost Jieting due to his own negligence. Consequently, the troops of the State of Wei, under the leadership of Sima Yi and his two sons, marched towards Xicheng County which was garrisoned by Zhuge Liang.

Zhuge Liang was commanding his men to transport army provisions, when a spy came to report, “Sima Yi is leading a contingent of 150, 000 soldiers towards us. They are about to arrive in Xicheng County.” Zhuge Liang was shocked at the news. He had only 5,000 soldiers, of which almost a half were on ration and forage duty. What was worse, he had not a single general at his disposal. His subordinates were just some civilian officials. How could he possibly resist the attack of Sima Yi? All his subordinates were also stunned at the news. But Zhuge Liang told them, “Relax! I’ll go to the city walls to have a look first. I’m sure I’ll find a way to force them to retreat.”

Looking into the distance from the city wall, Zhuge Liang saw the troops of the State of Wei. They were separated into two columns, marching ahead towards Xicheng County. What could he do in such an urgent situation? After a slight thought, an idea rushed into his mind.

Zhuge Liang ordered his men to conceal all their banners and hide themselves at the foot of the city wall. They were not allowed to move or speak aloud. Anyone who disobeyed orders would be killed. Then, Zhuge Liang gave another order to open the city gates on all sides. Twenty soldiers were sent to the front of each where they disguised themselves as common people just doing some cleaning. Even if the enemy troops arrived, they were not authorized to take any action.

Zhuge Liang took two children up to the city walls. He sat on the balustrades, playing his musical instrument with the smell of sandalwood surrounding him. Before long, the vanguard of Sima Yi’s troops arrived. Seeing the situation on the city walls, they dared not move forward any further. Instead, a report was passed to Sima Yi.

Sima Yi was a little mystified. He hurried to the city walls to find out what on earth had happened. He saw Zhuge Liang sitting on the wall, playing his musical instrument, with a smile on his face. The two children standing on either side of him were playing with a sword and a horsetail whip. Outside the city door, over 20 common people seemed to be cleaning the road. It seemed that they didn’t even see him and his huge battalion of troops.

Sima Yi suspected that perhaps he was marching into an ambush. Sima Yi hurriedly ordered his men to retreat.

Sima Zhao, son of Sima Yi, asked his father, “I think Zhuge Liang is just making a show. Maybe it is indeed an empty city.” Sima Yi answered, “I have fought many many battles with him. He is a man of prudence. He doesn’t take risks.” In no time, he had ordered all his troops to retreat.

Zhuge Liang couldn’t help laughing at Sima Yi’s retreat. His subordinates asked him, “Sima Yi is a famous general in the State of Wei, and he led a troop of 150,000 soldiers. Why did they retreat all of a sudden when they saw you?”

Zhuge Liang said, “Sima Yi is a very suspicious man. He knows that I am prudent. Therefore, when he saw I was as cool as a cucumber, he suspected he was walking into an ambush. As a matter of fact, I felt very nervous, but I had no other choice!” Hearing this, all the subordinates admired him for his shrewd plan.

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