

She never called her son by any name but John; 'love,' and 'dear,' and such like terms, were reserved for Fanny. But her heart gave thanks for him day and night; and she walked proudly among women for his sake. 'Fanny dear I shall have horses to the carriage to-day, to go and call on these Hales. Should not you go and see nurse? It's in the same direction, and she's always so glad to see you. You could go on there while I am at Mrs. Hale's.' 'Oh! mamma, it's such a long way, and I am so tired.' 'With what?' asked Mrs. Thornton, her brow slightly contracting. 'I don't know--the weather, I think. It is so relaxing. Couldn't you bring nurse here, mamma? The carriage could fetch her, and she could spend the rest of the day here, which I know she would like.' Mrs. Thornton did not speak; but she laid her work on the table, and seemed to think. 'It will be a long way for her to walk back at night!' she remarked, at last. 'Oh, but I will send her home in a cab. I never thought of her walking.' At this point, Mr. Thornton came in, just before going to the mill. 'Mother! I need hardly say, that if there is any little thing that could serve Mrs. Hale as an invalid, you will offer it, I'm sure.' 'If I can find it out, I will. But I have never been ill myself, so I am not much up to invalids' fancies.' 'Well! here is Fanny then, who is seldom without an ailment. She will be able to suggest something, perhaps--won't you, Fan?' 'I have not always an ailment,' said Fanny, pettishly; 'and I am not going with mamma. I have a headache to-day, and I shan't go out.' Mr. Thornton looked annoyed. His mother's eyes were bent on her work, at which she was now stitching away busily. 'Fanny! I wish you to go,' said he, authoritatively. 'It will do you good, instead of harm. You will oblige me by going, without my saying anything more about it.' He went abruptly out of the room after saying this. If he had staid a minute longer, Fanny would have cried at his tone of command, even when he used the words, 'You will oblige me.' As it was, she grumbled. 'John always speaks as if I fancied I was ill, and I am sure I never do fancy any such thing. Who are these Hales that he makes such a fuss about?' 'Fanny, don't speak so of your brother. He has good reasons of some kind or other, or he would not wish us to go. Make haste and put your things on.' But the little altercation between her son and her daughter did not incline Mrs. Thornton more favourably towards 'these Hales.' Her jealous heart repeated her daughter's question, 'Who are they, that he is so anxious we should pay them all this attention?' It came up like a burden to a song, long after Fanny had forgotten all about it in the pleasant excitement of seeing the effect of a new bonnet in the looking-glass. Mrs. Thornton was shy. It was only of late years that she had had leisure enough in her life to go into society; and as society she did not enjoy it. As dinner-giving, and as criticising other people's dinners, she took satisfaction in it. But this going to make acquaintance with strangers was a very different thing. She was ill at ease, and looked more than usually stern and forbidding as she entered the Hales' little drawing-room. Margaret was busy embroidering a small piece of cambric for some little article of dress for Edith's expected baby--'Flimsy, useless work,' as Mrs. Thornton observed to herself. She liked Mrs. Hale's double knitting far better; that was sensible of its kind. The room altogether was full of knick-knacks, which must take a long time to dust; and time to people of limited income was money. She made all these reflections as she was talking in her stately way to Mrs. Hale, and uttering all the stereotyped commonplaces that most people can find to say with their senses blindfolded. Mrs. Hale was ****** rather more exertion in her answers, captivated by some real old lace which Mrs.

Thornton wore; 'lace,' as she afterwards observed to Dixon, 'of that old English point which has not been made for this seventy years, and which cannot be bought. It must have been an heir-loom, and shows that she had ancestors.' So the owner of the ancestral lace became worthy of something more than the languid exertion to be agreeable to a visitor, by which Mrs.

Hale's efforts at conversation would have been otherwise bounded. And presently, Margaret, racking her brain to talk to Fanny, heard her mother and Mrs.

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    印象轮回游戏!一款由玄学界众位长老呕心沥血研发的真人游戏,玩他就是赚到!想要起死回生吗?想要财富美人吗?……这些通通给你实现!奖品由天道和某神秘大佬赞助印象循环规则:一切解释由印象本心解释开局一张嘴,过程全靠扯!人间嘴炮王顾玖玖表示:能用嘴解决的事全都不是事! 某大佬:我可以…… 顾玖玖:不,我不行人间祸害顾玖玖阴差阳错与神秘男人签订契约,她必须保护他侍候他哄他开心!顾玖玖表示心累苍澜城小霸王顾玖玖作恶多端在华国树敌众多,为世人厌恶!一朝结契无奈走上被迫洗白之路“顾玖玖,你为什么要争对我们风斛城!还到处宣扬封建迷信!”顾玖玖:对不起我不是争对你们一个城而是争对所有城后来,风斛城获得全国创文第一名。城内民众表示:当初错怪顾三了,她是为我们好顾玖玖:???众人:我们懂,我们懂洗白前:强抢民男,欺男霸女,杀人放火无恶不做!实乃人间祸害洗白后:好人!大好人!怎么会有这么善良的女孩子……顾玖玖:……伪恶霸实三观正女主X伪残疾腹黑实高冷大佬你看人间四时,云深花树却比不过你眼里的刹那芳华
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