
第19章 Chelsea. A Room in More's House.(2)

INCLINATION. Inclination the Vice, my lord.

MORE. Gramercies, now I may take the vice if I list: and wherefore hast thou that bridle in thy hand?

INCLINATION. I must be bridled anon, my lord.

MORE. And thou beest not saddled too, it makes no matter, for then Wit's inclination may gallop so fast, that he will outstrip Wisdom, and fall to folly.

INCLINATION. Indeed, so he does to Lady Vanity; but we have no folly in our play.

MORE. Then there's no wit in 't, I'll be sworn: folly waits on wit, as the shadow on the body, and where wit is ripest there folly still is readiest. But begin, I prithee: we'll rather allow a beardless Wit than Wit all beard to have no brain.

INCLINATION. Nay, he has his apparel on too, my lord, and therefore he is the readier to enter.

MORE. Then, good Inclination, begin at a venter.-- [Exit Inclination.]

My Lord Mayor, Wit lacks a beard, or else they would begin: I'd lend him mine, but that it is too thin. Silence, they come.

[The trumpet sounds; enter the Prologue.]

PROLOGUE. Now, for as much as in these latter days, Throughout the whole world in every land, Vice doth increase, and virtue decays, Iniquity having the upper hand; We therefore intend, good gentle audience, A pretty short interlude to play at this present, Desiring your leave and quiet silence, To show the same, as is meet and expedient, It is called The Marriage of Wit and Wisdom, A matter right pithy and pleasing to hear, Whereof in brief we will show the whole sum; But I must be gone, for Wit doth appear.

[Exit. Enter Wit ruffling, and Inclination the Vice.]

WIT. In an arbor green, asleep whereas I lay, The birds sang sweetly in the midst of the day, I dreamed fast of mirth and play,-- In youth is pleasure, in youth is pleasure, Methought I walked still to and fro, And from her company I could not go; But when I waked, it was not so,-- In youth is pleasure, in youth is pleasure. Therefore my heart is surely plight, Of her alone to have a sight, Which is my joy and heart's delight,-- In youth is pleasure, in youth is pleasure.

MORE. Mark ye, my lord, this is Wit without a beard: what will he be by that time he comes to the commodity of a beard?

INCLINATION. Oh, sir, the ground is the better on which she doth go; For she will make better cheer with a little she can get, Than many a one can with a great banquet of meat.

WIT. And is her name Wisdom?

INCLINATION. I, sir, a wife most fit For you, my good master, my dainty sweet Wit.

WIT. To be in her company my heart it is set: Therefore I prithee to let us begone; For unto Wisdom Wit hath inclination.

INCLINATION. Oh, sir, she will come her self even anon; For I told her before where we would stand. And then she said she would beck us with her hand.-- Back with these boys and saucy great knaves!

[Flourishing a dagger.]

What, stand ye here so big in your braves? My dagger about yourcoxcombs shall walk, If I may but so much as hear ye chat or talk.

WIT. But will she take pains to come for us hither?

INCLINATION. I warrant ye; therefore you must be familiar with her; When she commeth in place, You must her embrace Somewhat handsomely, Least she think it danger, Because you are a stranger, To come in your company.

WIT. I warrant thee, Inclination, I will be busy: Oh, how Wit longs to be in Wisdom's company!

[Enter Lady Vanity singing, and beckoning with her hand.]

VANITY. Come hither, come hither, come hither, come: Such cheer as I have, thou shalt have some.

MORE. This is Lady Vanity, I'll hold my life:-- Beware, good Wit, you take not her to wife.

INCLINATION. What, unknown honesty? a word in your ear. [She offers to depart.]

You shall not be gone as yet, I swear: Here's none but friends, you need not to fray; This young gentleman loves ye, therefore you must stay.

WIT. I trust in me she will think no danger, For I love well the company of fair women; And though to you I am a stranger, Yet Wit may pleasure you now and then.

VANITY. Who, you? nay, you are such a holy man, That to touch on you dare not be bold; I think you would not kiss a young woman, If one would give ye twenty pound in gold.

WIT. Yes, in good sadness, lady, that I would: I could find in my heart to kiss you in your smock.

VANITY. My back is broad enough to bear that mock; For it hath been told me many a time That you would be seen in no such company as mine.

WIT. Not Wit in the company of Lady Wisdom? Oh Jove, for what do I hither come?

INCLINATION. Sir, she did this nothing else but to prove Whether a little thing would you move To be angry and fret: What, and if one said so? Let such trifling matters go And with a kind kiss come out of her debt.--Is Luggins come yet with the beard? [Enter another Player.]

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