

"You sent for me," Laverick answered. "I arrived to find you pretty well in a state of collapse. Your sister has gone round to the theatre to ask them to excuse her this evening.""I remember now that I sent for you," Morrison continued. "Tell me, has any one been around at the office asking after me?""No one particular," Laverick answered, - "no one at all that I can think of. There were one or two inquiries through the telephone, but they were all ordinary business matters."The man on the bed drew a little breath which sounded like a sigh of relief.

"I have made a fool of myself, Laverick," he said hoarsely .

"You are ****** a worse one of yourself by lying here and giving way," Laverick declared, "besides frightening your sister half to death.

Morrison passed his hand across his forehead.

"We talked - some time ago," he went on, "about my getting away.

You promised that you would help me. You said that I could get off to Africa or America to-morrow.""Not the slightest difficulty about that," Laverick answered. "There are half-a-dozen steamers sailing, at least. At the same time, Isuppose I ought to remind you that the firm is going to pull through.

Mind - don't take this unkindly but the truth is best - I will not have you back again. There may have to be a more definite readjustment of our affairs now, but the old business is finished with.""I don't want to come back," Morrison murmured. "I have had enough of the city for the rest of my life. I'd rather get away somewhere and make a fresh start. You'll help me, Laverick, won't you?""Yes, I will help you," Laverick promised.

"You were always a good sort," Morrison continued, "much too good for me. It was a rotten partnership for you. We could never have pulled together.""Let that go," Laverick interrupted. "If you really mean getting away, that simplifies matters, of course. Have you made any plans at all? Where do you want to go?""To New York," answered Morrison; "New York would suit me best.

There is money to be made there if one has something to make a start with.""There will be some more money to come to you," Laverick answered, "probably a great deal more. I shall place our affairs in the hands of an accountant, and shall have an estimate drawn up to yesterday.

You shall have every penny that is due to you. You have quite enough, however, to get there with. I will see to your ticket to-night, if possible. When you've arrived you can cable me your address, or you can decide where you will stay before you leave, and I will send you a further remittance.""You're a good sort, Laverick," Morrison mumbled.

"You'd better give me the key of your rooms," Laverick continued, "and I will go back and put together some of your things. I suppose you will not want much to go away with. The rest can be sent on afterwards. And what about your letters?"Morrison, with a sudden movement, threw himself almost out of the bed. He clutched at Laverick's shoulder frantically.

"Don't go near my rooms, Laverick!" he begged. "Promise me that you won't! I don't want any letters! I don't want any of my things!"Laverick was dumfounded.

"You mean you want to go away without - ""I mean just what I have said," Morrison continued hysterically.

"If you go there they will watch you, they will follow you, they will find out where I am. I should be there now but for that."Laverick was silent for a moment. The matter was becoming serious.

"Very well," he said, "I will do as you say. I will not go near your rooms. I will get you a few things somewhere to start with."Morrison sank back upon his pillow.

"Thank you, Laverick," he said; "thank you. I wish - I wish - "His voice seemed to die away. Laverick glanced towards him, wondering at the unfinished sentence. Once again the man's face seemed to be convulsed with horror. He flung himself face downward upon the bed and tore at the sheets with both his hands.

"Don't be a fool," Laverick said sternly. "If you've anything on your mind apart from business, tell me about it and I'll do what I can to help you."Morrison made no reply. He was sobbing now like a child. Laverick rose to his feet and went to the window. What was to be done with such a creature! When he got back, Morrison had raised himself once more into a sitting posture. His appearance was absolutely spectral.

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  • 聘礼


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  • 一路之行


  • 重生狂妃快躺下


  • 我家王妃太坏了


    陆家有个小女娃,爹不宠娘不疼,八岁开始独自外居小山村,布衣粗食自给自足。十年后,陆家派人传来消息,说是给她说了一门天好的姻缘,让她立刻回去结婚。入府第二天,陆九发现自己还是个宝宝? 下定决心,当天再次献花王爷,还没碰到衣角就被人拎起来碰到门外。 陆九趴在地上,咬牙切齿:“今天你对我不理不睬,往后我要你……要你,哼!” 后来,某王天天追着陆九要举高高。 陆九躺在椅子上磕着瓜子儿哼着小曲儿:“听说王爷又要纳妃了?” 某王盛怒:“哪个不长眼的走漏风声?” 破坏本王给爱妃的惊喜!
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  • 晨夜:总裁的血契妻子


  • 逆凡道


  • 汤姆叔叔的小屋


  • 花都小兵王

