

"And look out for ****erson. Ask him for the things he borrowed. You'll need 'em, p'r'aps, if you're goin' to do any farmin' for Mis' Atterson." She bustled away. Hiram thought he had heard enough about his neighbors for a while, and he went out to look over the pasture fencing, which was to be his first repair job. He would have that ready to turn thecow and her calf into as soon as the grass began to grow.

He rummaged about in what had been half woodshed and half workshop in Uncle Jeptha's time, and found a heavy claw-hammer, a pair of wire cutters, and a pocket full of fence staples.

With this outfit he prepared to follow the line fence, which was likewise the pasture fence on the west side, between Mrs. Atterson's and ****erson's.

Where he could, he mended the broken strands of wire. In other places the wires had sagged and were loose. The claw-hammer fixed these like a charm. Slipping the wire into the claw, a single twist of the wrist would usually pick up the sag and make the wire taut again at that point.

He drove a few staples, as needed, as he walked along. The pasture partook of the general conformation of the farm--it was rather long and narrow.

It had grown to clumps of bushes in spots, and there was sufficient shade. But he did not come to the water until he reached the lower end of the lot.

The branch trickled from a spring, or springs, farther east. It made an elbow at the corner of the pasture--the lower south-west corner--and there a water-hole had been scooped out at some past time.

This waterhole was deep enough for all purposes, and was shaded by a great oak that had stood there long before the house belonging to Jeptha Atterson had been built.

Here Hiram struck something that puzzled him. The boundary fence crossed this water-hole at a tangent, and recrossed to the west bank of the outflowing branch a few yards below, leaving perhaps half of the water-hole upon the neighbor's side of the fence.

Some of this wire at the water-hole was practically new. So were the posts. And after a little Hiram traced the line of old postholes which had followed a straight line on the west side of the water-hole.

In other words, this water-privilege for ****erson's land was of recent arrangement--so recent indeed, that the young farmer believed he could see some fresh-turned earth about the newly-set posts.

That's something to be looked into, I am afraid," thought Hiram, as he moved along the southern pasture fence.

But the trickle of the branch beckoned him; he had not found the fountain-head of the little stream when he had walked over a part of the timbered land with Henry Pollock, and now he struck into the open woods again, digging into the soil here and there with his heavy boot, marking the quality and age of the timber, and casting-up in his mind the possibilities and expense of clearing these overgrown acres.

"Mrs. Atterson may have a very valuable piece of land here in time," muttered Hiram. "A sawmill set up in here could cut many a hundred thousand feet of lumber--and good lumber, too. But it would spoil the beauty of the farm."However, as must ever be in the case of the utility farm, the house was set on its ugliest part. The cleared fields along the road had nothing but the background of woods on the south and east to relieve their monotony.

On the brow of the steeper descent, which he had noted on his former visit to the back end of the farm, he found a certain clearing in the wood. Here the pines surrounded the opening on three sides.

  • 明伦汇编官常典县尉部


  • 黄帝阴符经注


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  • 佛母般泥洹经


  • 辨非集


  • 魅惑公主碰上霸道校草


  • 幼安南絮在等你


  • 惜余春


    「 沈家有女,恬静贤淑,才貌双冠,气质美如兰,才华馥比仙。 就算是金陵各家小姐,后宫嫔妃公主,见了她也要逊色三分。 」一朝穿越,沈卿发现自己竟然穿成了小说中的透明小女配,透明到那种被作者一笔带过的那种,若不是她与自己的名字一字不差,沈卿还真不会知道她。但透明女配好啊! 没有什么狗血感情线,一心一意专心搞事业。沈卿来到凤华国第一件事便是学着不归杀了夏晓晓,可谁能告诉她,为什么学霸哥哥也会跟着她穿越过来了!!她分明记得小说中没有宋知意这个人啊!某年某月某日,沈卿后知后觉发现自己是被宋知意坑蒙拐骗,稀里糊涂,才嫁给他后,一气之下挑着担子就要出家。“怎么,嫁给我宋知意还委屈你了!”某人一手抓住沈卿的衣袖,对她微微笑着,“也不知道当初是谁从小说内封上写着大大的‘宋知意’三个字。”沈卿:“你……”宋知意:“卿卿,既然你已经上了我这条贼船,此生就别想下去了。”
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    唐伯远去了古代,并获得一个军火库,里面包含了枪、炮、手雷、炸药、步战车、坦克、飞机、战舰、导弹……主线任务:建国称帝支线任务:娶一个漂亮的老婆…… ps.主角有点好色,且观看本书不要带脑子
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