

He approached the school-house and unlocking the door closed it behind him, not so much to keep out human intrusion as the invasion of bats and squirrels. The nearly vertical moon, while it perfectly lit the playground and openings in the pines around the house, left the interior in darkness, except the reflection upon the ceiling from the shining gravel without. Partly from a sense of precaution and partly because he was familiar with the position of the benches, he did not strike a light, and reached his own desk unerringly, drew his chair before it and unlocked it, groped in its dark recess for the myrtle spray, felt its soft silken binding with an electrical thrill, drew it out, and in the security of the darkness, raised it to his lips.

To make room for it in his breast pocket he was obliged to take out his letters--among them the well-worn one he had tried to read that morning. A mingling of pleasure and remorse came over him as he felt that it was already of the past, and as he dropped it carelessly into the empty desk it fell with a faint, hollow sound as if it were ashes to ashes.

What was that?

The noise of steps upon the gravel, light laughter, the moving of two or three shadows on the ceiling, the sound of voices, a man's, a child's, and HERS!

Could it be possible? Was not he mistaken? No! the man's voice was Masters'; the child's, Octavia's; the woman's, HERS.

He remained silent in the shadow. The school-room was not far from the trail where she would have had to pass going home from the ball. But why had she come there? had they seen him arrive? and were mischievously watching him? The sound of Cressy's voice and the lifting of the unprotected window near the door convinced him to the contrary.

"There, that'll do. Now you two can step aside. 'Tave, take him over to yon fence, and keep him there till I get in. No--thank you, sir--I can assist myself. I've done it before. It ain't the first time I've been through this window, is it, 'Tave?"

Ford's heart stopped beating. There was a moment of laughing expostulation, the sound of retreating voices, the sudden darkening of the window, the billowy sweep of a skirt, the faint quick flash of a little ankle, and Cressy McKinstry swung herself into the room and dropped lightly on the floor.

She advanced eagerly up the moonlit passage between the two rows of benches. Suddenly she stopped; the master rose at the same moment with outstretched warning hand to check the cry of terror he felt sure would rise to her lips. But he did not know the lazy nerves of the girl before him. She uttered no outcry. And even in the faint dim light he could see only the same expression of conscious understanding come over her face that he had seen in the ball-room, mingled with a vague joy that parted her breathless lips. As he moved quickly forward their hands met; she caught his with a quick significant pressure and darted back to the window.

"Oh, 'Tave!" (very languidly.)


"You two had better wait for me at the edge of the trail yonder, and keep a lookout for folks going by. Don't let them see you hanging round so near. Do you hear? I'm all right."

  • 决战通天


  • 血的尘埃


  • 那夜清风无闲时


  • 被偏执霍爷夺了心


    京城里令人闻风丧胆的霍戾阴鸷残忍,心狠手辣。却被一个小姑娘勾走了心。有传言说小姑娘长相丑陋,智商为零,还是个疯子,实在配不上霍大少爷。但霍戾却自此失了心,发了狂,死也不要她离开他。他说:“糖糖,你不要丢下我,你丢下我,我会死的。”他抱着她,似要将她揉进骨子里:“我的手上不知染了多少人的血,我的心早就黑烂了,但只要你不嫌弃,我可以把它掏出来给你看。” 他以尸骨为基,血肉为墙,为她筑起一座城堡,将她困住。 注:女主后期会变成婴儿哦~【外表软萌呆傻实则武力值爆棚大佬X占有欲强且内心阴暗偏执大佬】 …… 推荐另一个马甲的新文《女配她只想当咸鱼》
  • 重生之绝霸天下


  • 小白兔吃橙子


  • 蛮妻有毒:腹黑大叔宠上天


  • 以少帝之名


  • 天行


  • 从鬼灭之刃开始的旅途

