

From a speech delivered at the Queen‘s Hall,London,on September 19th,1914I envy you young people your opportunity.They have put up the age limit for the Army,but I am sorry to say I have marched a good many years even beyond that.It is a great opportunity,an opportunity that only comes once in many centuries to the children of men.For most generations sacrifice comes in drab weariness of spirit.It comes to you today,and it comes today to us all,in the form of the glow and thrill of a great movement for liberty,that impels millions throughout Europe to the same noble end.It is a great war for the emancipation of Europe from the thraldom of a military caste which has thrown its shadows upon two generations of men,and is now plunging the world into a welter of bloodshed and death.Some have already given their lives.There are some who have given more than their own lives;they have given the lives of those who are dear to them.I honour their courage,and may God be their comfort and their strength.But their reward is at hand;those who have fallen have died consecrated deaths.They have taken their part in the making of a new Europea new world.I can see signs of its coming in the glare of the battlefield.

The people will gain more by this struggle in all lands than they comprehend at the present moment.It is true they will be free of the greatest menace to their freedom.That is not all.There is something infinitely greater and more enduring which is emerging already out of this great conflicta new patriotism,richer,nobler,and more exalted than the old.I see amongst all classes,high and low,shedding themselves of selfishness,a new recognition that the honour of the country does not depend merely on the maintenance of its glory in the stricken field,but also in protecting its homes from distress.It is bringing a new outlook for all classes.The great flood of luxury and sloth which had submerged the land is receding,and a new Britain is appearing.We can see for the first time the fundamental things that matter in life,and that have been obscured from our vision by the tropical growth of prosperity.

May I tell you in a simple parable what I think this war is doing for us?I know a valley in North Wales,between the mountains and the sea.It is a beautiful valley,snug,comfortable,sheltered by the mountains from all the bitter blasts.But it is very enervating,and I remember how the boys were in the habit of climbing the hill above the village to have a glimpse of the great mountains in the distance,and to be stimulated and freshened by the breezes which came from the hilltops,and by the great spectacle of their grandeur.We have been living in a sheltered valley for generations.We have been too comfortable and too indulgent,many,perhaps,too selfish,and the stern hand of fate has scourged us to an elevationwhere we can see the great everlasting things that matter for a nationthe great peaks we had forgotten,of Honour,Duty,Patriotism,and,clad in glittering white,the great pinnacle of Sacrifice pointing like a rugged finger to Heaven.We shall descend into the valleys again;but as long as the men and women of this generation last,they will carry in their hearts the image of those great mountain peaks whose foundations are not shaken,though Europe rock and sway in the convulsions of a great war.

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    一穿越来,发现自己在荒山野岭...在荒山野岭就算了,自己却是裸身的。还好,我绮洛言运气好,捡到了一套漂漂亮亮滴衣服。可才走了几步,发现有只小狐狸。特别特别地萌。忍不住把它抱起走银....可谁知,抱走了一只狐狸,惹来了一妖孽。回到家,父亲急逼着她嫁给太子。我去,我只是唱了首歌,跳了只舞而已。怎么就成了太子妃了捏。先不说太子的事,光是那小狐狸天天哭就烦死我了。我惹你们了谁了啊(ノへ ̄、)竟这样对我QAQ