

My lord, as the jockey called him, was a tall figure, of about five-and-thirty.He had on his head a hat somewhat rusty, and on his back a surtout of blue rather the worse for wear.His forehead, if not high, was exceedingly narrow; his eyes were brown, with a rat-like glare in them; the nose was rather long, and the mouth very wide; the cheek-bones high, and the cheeks, as to hue and consistency, exhibiting very much the appearance of a withered red apple; there was a gaunt expression of hunger in the whole countenance.He had scarcely glanced at the horse, when drawing in his cheeks, he thrust out his lips very much after the manner of a baboon, when he sees a piece of sugar held out towards him."Is this horse yours?" said he, suddenly turning towards me, with a kind of smirk."It's my horse," said I; "are you the person who wishes to make an honest penny by it?" "How!" said he, drawing up his head with a very consequential look, and speaking with a very haughty tone, "what do you mean?" We looked at each other full in the face; after a few moments, the muscles of the mouth of him of the hungry look began to move violently, the face was puckered into innumerable wrinkles, and the eyes became half closed."Well," said I, "have you ever seen me before? I suppose you are asking yourself that question." "Excuse me, sir," said he, dropping his lofty look, and speaking in a very subdued and civil tone, "I have never had the honour of seeing you before, that is" - said he, slightly glancing at me again, and again moving the muscles of his mouth, "no, I have never seen you before," he added, ****** me a bow."I have never had that pleasure; my business with you, at present, is to inquire the lowest price you are willing to take for this horse.My agent here informs me that you ask one hundred and fifty pounds, which I cannot think of giving - the horse is a showy horse, but look, my dear sir, he has a defect here, and there in his near fore leg I observe something which looks very like a splint - yes, upon my credit," said he, touching the animal, "he has a splint, or something which will end in one.

A hundred and fifty pounds, sir! what could have induced you ever to ask anything like that for this animal? I protest that, in my time, I have frequently bought a better for -Who are you, sir? I am in treaty for this horse," said he to a man who had come up whilst he was talking, and was now looking into the horse's mouth."Who am I?" said the man, still looking into the horse's mouth; "who am I? his lordship asks me.Ah, I see, close on five," said he, releasing the horse's jaws, and looking at me.This new corner was a thin, wiry-made individual, with wiry curling brown hair; his face was dark, and wore an arch and somewhat roguish expression;upon one of his eyes was a kind of speck or beam; he might be about forty, wore a green jockey coat, and held in his hand a black riding whip, with a knob of silver wire.As I gazed upon his countenance, it brought powerfully to my mind the face which, by the light of the candle, I had seen staring over me on the preceding night, when lying in bed and half asleep.Close beside him, and seemingly in his company, stood an exceedingly tall figure, that of a youth, seemingly about one-and-twenty, dressed in a handsome riding dress, and wearing on his head a singular hat, green in colour, and with a very high peak."What do you ask for this horse?" said he of the green coat, winking at me with the eye which had a beam in it, whilst the other shone and sparkled like Mrs.

Colonel W-'s Golconda diamond."Who are you, sir, I demand once more?" said he of the hungry look."Who am I? why, who should I be but Jack Dale, who buys horses for himself and other folk; I want one at present for this short young gentleman," said he, motioning with his finger to the gigantic youth."Well, sir," said the other, "and what business have you to interfere between me and any purchase Imay be disposed to make?" "Well, then," said the other, "be quick and purchase the horse, or, perhaps, I may." "Do you think I am to be dictated to by a fellow of your description?" said his lordship, "begone, or - " "What do you ask for this horse?" said the other to me, very coolly.

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  • 异世狂逆:至尊二小姐


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  • 呆萌宠宝:校草竹马你别逃


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  • 哈士奇保卫女票日记


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  • 诗意环江


  • 凰谋之暴走世子妃


  • 杀戮的游戏


  • 沐劫而生

