

"If you wish to follow the discourse in Latin," said the Hungarian, in very bad English, "I can oblige you; I learned to speak very good Latin in the college of Debreczen.""That's more," said I, "than I have done in the colleges where I have been; in any little conversation which we may yet have, I wish you would use German.""Well," said the jockey, taking a whiff, "make your conversation as short as possible, whether in Latin or Dutch, for, to tell you the truth, I am rather tired of merely playing listener.""You were saying you had been in Russia," said I; "I believe the Russians are part of the Sclavonian race."HUNGARIAN.Yes, part of the great Sclavonian family; one of the most numerous races in the world.The Russians themselves are very numerous; would that the Magyars could boast of the fifth part of their number!

MYSELF.What is the number of the Magyars?

HUNGARIAN.Barely four millions.We came a tribe of Tartars into Europe, and settled down amongst Sclavonians, whom we conquered, but who never coalesced with us.The Austrian at present plays in Pannonia the Sclavonian against us, and us against the Sclavonian; but the downfall of the Austrian is at hand; they, like us, are not a numerous people.

MYSELF.Who will bring about his downfall?

HUNGARIAN.The Russians.The Rysckie Tsar will lead his people forth, all the Sclavonians will join him, he will conquer all before him.

MYSELF.Are the Russians good soldiers?

HUNGARIAN.They are stubborn and unflinching to an astonishing degree, and their fidelity to their Tsar is quite admirable.See how the Russians behaved at Plescova, in Livonia, in the old time, against our great Batory Stephen;they defended the place till it was a heap of rubbish, and mark how they behaved after they had been made prisoners.

Stephen offered them two alternatives:- to enter into his service, in which they would have good pay, clothing, and fair treatment; or to be allowed to return to Russia.

Without the slightest hesitation they, to a man, chose the latter, though well aware that their beloved Tsar, the cruel Ivan Basilowits, would put them all to death, amidst tortures the most horrible, for not doing what was impossible -preserving the town.

MYSELF.You speak Russian?

HUNGARIAN.A little.I was born in the vicinity of a Sclavonian tribe; the servants of our house were Sclavonians, and I early acquired something of their language, which differs not much from that of Russia; when in that country Iquickly understood what was said.

MYSELF.Have the Russians any literature?

HUNGARIAN.Doubtless; but I am not acquainted with it, as Ido not read their language; but I know something of their popular tales, to which I used to listen in their izbushkas;a principal personage in these is a creation quite original -called Baba Yaga.

MYSELF.Who is the Baba Yaga?

HUNGARIAN.A female phantom, who is described as hurrying along the puszta, or steppe, in a mortar, pounding with a pestle at a tremendous rate, and leaving a long trace on the ground behind her with her tongue, which is three yards long, and with which she seizes any men and horses coming in her way, swallowing them down into her capacious belly.She has several daughters, very handsome, and with plenty of money;happy the young Mujik who catches and marries one of them, for they make excellent wives.

"Many thanks," said I, "for the information you have afforded me: this is rather poor wine," I observed, as I poured out a glass - "I suppose you have better wine in Hungary?""Yes, we have better wine in Hungary.First of all there is Tokay, the most celebrated in the world, though I confess Iprefer the wine of Eger - Tokay is too sweet.""Have you ever been at Tokay?"

"I have," said the Hungarian.

"What kind of place is Tokay?"

"A small town situated on the Tyzza, a rapid river descending from the north; the Tokay Mountain is just behind the town, which stands on the right bank.The top of the mountain is called Kopacs Teto, or the bald tip; the hill is so steep that during thunder-storms pieces frequently fall down upon the roofs of the houses.It was planted with vines by King Lajos, who ascended the throne in 1342.The best wine called Tokay is, however, not made at Tokay, but at Kassau, two leagues farther into the Carpathians, of which Tokay is a spur.If you wish to drink the best Tokay, you must go to Vienna, to which place all the prime is sent.For the third time I ask you, O young man of Horncastle! why does your Government always send fools to represent it at Vienna?""And for the third time I tell you, O son of Almus! that Icannot say; perhaps, however, to drink the sweet Tokay wine;fools, you know, always like sweet things.""Good," said the Hungarian; "it must be so, and when I return to Hungary, I will state to my countrymen your explanation of a circumstance which has frequently caused them great perplexity.Oh! the English are a clever people, and have a deep meaning in all they do.What a vision of deep policy opens itself to my view! they do not send their fool to Vienna in order to gape at processions, and to bow and scrape at a base Papist court, but to drink at the great dinners the celebrated Tokay of Hungary, which the Hungarians, though they do not drink it, are very proud of, and by doing so to intimate the sympathy which the English entertain for their fellow religionists of Hungary.Oh! the English are a deep people."

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