

The only soul who was willing to exchange a word with me was the cook, and sometimes he and I had a little bit of discourse in a corner, and we condoled with each other, for he liked the change in the religious house almost as little as myself; but he told me that, for all the change below stairs, there was still card-playing on above, for that the ould thaif of a rector, and the sub-rector, and the almoner played at cards together, and that the rector won money from the others - the almoner had told him so - and, moreover, that the rector was the thaif of the world, and had once been kicked out of a club-house at Dublin for cheating at cards, and after that circumstance had apparently reformed and lived decently till the time when I came to the religious house with my pack, but that the sight of that had brought him back to his ould gambling.He told the cook, moreover, that the rector frequently went out at night to the houses of the great clergy and cheated at cards.

"In this melancholy state, with respect to myself, things continued a long time, when suddenly there was a report that his Holiness the Pope intended to pay a visit to the religious house in order to examine into its discipline.

When I heard this I was glad, for I determined after the Pope had done what he had come to do, to fall upon my knees before him, and make a regular complaint of the treatment I had received, to tell him of the cheating at cards of the rector, and to beg him to make the ould thaif give me back my pack again.So the day of the visit came, and his Holiness made his appearance with his attendants, and, having looked over the religious house, he went into the rector's room with the rector, the sub-rector, and the almoner.I intended to have waited until his Holiness came out, but finding he stayed a long time I thought I would e'en go into him, so I went up to the door without anybody observing me - his attendants being walking about the corridor - and opening it I slipped in, and there what do you think I saw? Why, his Holiness the Pope, and his reverence the rector, and the sub-rector, and the almoner seated at cards; and the ould thaif of a rector was dealing out the cards which ye had given me, Shorsha, to his Holiness the Pope, the sub-rector, the almoner, and himself."In this part of his history I interrupted Murtagh, saying that I was afraid he was telling untruths, and that it was highly improbable that the Pope would leave the Vatican to play cards with Irish at their religious house, and that Iwas sure, if on his, Murtagh's authority, I were to tell the world so, the world would never believe it.

"Then the world, Shorsha, would be a fool, even as you were just now saying you had frequently believed it to be; the grand thing, Shorsha, is to be able to believe oneself; if ye can do that, it matters very little whether the world believe ye or no.But a purty thing for you and the world to stickle at the Pope's playing at cards at a religious house of Irish;och! if I were to tell you and the world, what the Pope has been sometimes at, at the religious house of English thaives, I would excuse you and the world for turning up your eyes.

However, I wish to say nothing against the Pope.I am a son of the church, and if the Pope don't interfere with my cards, divil a bit will I have to say against him; but I saw the Pope playing, or about to play, with the pack which had been taken from me, and when I told the Pope, the Pope did not -Ye had better let me go on with my history, Shorsha; whether you or the world believe it or not, I am sure it is quite as true as your tale of the snake, or saying that Finn got his burnt finger from the thaives of Loughlin; and whatever you may say, I am sure the world will think so too."I apologized to Murtagh for interrupting him, and telling him that his history, whether true or not, was infinitely diverting, begged him to continue it.

  • 唯他


  • 天行


  • 魔王独宠傲娇妃


    经历人世浮华,蓝星雇佣兵排行老九的苏玖宁一朝穿越,在一次执行任务中,按了引爆按钮,却把自己给炸了,带着华夏唯一一只会吐人言的“奇兔”到了另一个世界——往生大陆。传言小爵爷长相俊美,却桀骜不驯,还生性纨绔,一朝历经生死竟生性大变…… 感悟世间万千道义,终得那人共白首。 苏玖宁:我说,死木头,这是你欠我的。 帝司暮:我知道,所以本尊这不是肉偿来了嘛! 什么?!不用了!还是算了!!
  • 虐杀原形之无限可能


  • 妖娆天下之绝美召唤


  • 天行


  • 魂武无敌


  • 校花的薄荷


  • 成功交际与实用口才


  • 我有一个神君外挂

