

"He's to be sold for fifty pounds," said Jasper, "and is worth four times that sum; though, like many a splendid bargain, he is now going a begging; buy him, and I'm confident that, in a little time, a grand gentleman of your appearance may have anything he asks for him, and found a fortune by his means.Moreover, brother, I want to dispose of this fifty pounds in a safe manner.If you don't take it, I shall fool it away in no time, perhaps at card-playing, for you saw how I was cheated by those blackguard jockeys the other day - we gyptians don't know how to take care of money:

our best plan when we have got a handful of guineas is to make buttons with them; but I have plenty of golden buttons, and don't wish to be troubled with more, so you can do me no greater favour than vesting the money in this speculation, by which my mind will be relieved of considerable care and trouble for some time at least."Perceiving that I still hesitated, he said, "Perhaps, brother, you think I did not come honestly by the money: by the honestest manner in the world, for it is the money Iearnt by fighting in the ring: I did not steal it, brother, nor did I get it by disposing of spavined donkeys, or glandered ponies - nor is it, brother, the profits of my wife's witchcraft and dukkerin.""But," said I, "you had better employ it in your traffic.""I have plenty of money for my traffic, independent of this capital," said Mr.Petulengro; "ay, brother, and enough besides to back the husband of my wife's sister, Sylvester, against Slammocks of the Chong gav for twenty pounds, which Iam thinking of doing."

"But," said I, "after all, the horse may have found another purchaser by this time." "Not he," said Mr.Petulengro, "there is nobody in this neighbourhood to purchase a horse like that, unless it be your lordship - so take the money, brother," and he thrust the purse into my hand.Allowing myself to be persuaded, I kept possession of the purse."Are you satisfied now?" said I."By no means, brother," said Mr.

Petulengro, "you will please to pay me the five shillings which you lost to me." "Why," said I, "the fifty pounds which I found in my pocket were not mine, but put in by yourself." "That's nothing to do with the matter, brother,"said Mr.Petulengro, "I betted you five shillings that you had fifty pounds in your pocket, which sum you had: I did not say that they were your own, but merely that you had fifty pounds; you will therefore pay me, brother, or I shall not consider you an honourable man." Not wishing to have any dispute about such a matter, I took five shillings out of my under pocket, and gave them to him.Mr.Petulengro took the money with great glee, observing - "These five shillings Iwill take to the public-house forthwith, and spend in drinking with four of my brethren, and doing so will give me an opportunity of telling the landlord that I have found a customer for his horse, and that you are the man.It will be as well to secure the horse as soon as possible; for though the dook tells me that the horse is intended for you, I have now and then found that the dock is, like myself, somewhat given to lying."He then departed, and I remained alone in the dingle.Ithought at first that I had committed a great piece of folly in consenting to purchase this horse; I might find no desirable purchaser for him, until the money in my possession should be totally exhausted, and then I might be compelled to sell him for half the price I had given for him, or be even glad to find a person who would receive him at a gift; Ishould then remain sans horse, and indebted to Mr.

Petulengro.Nevertheless, it was possible that I might sell the horse very advantageously, and by so doing obtain a fund sufficient to enable me to execute some grand enterprise or other.My present way of life afforded no prospect of support, whereas the purchase of the horse did afford a possibility of bettering my condition, so, after all, had Inot done right in consenting to purchase the horse? the purchase was to be made with another person's property, it is true, and I did not exactly like the idea of speculating with another person's property, but Mr.Petulengro had thrust his money upon me, and if I lost his money, he could have no one but himself to blame; so I persuaded myself that I had, upon the whole, done right, and having come to that persuasion, Isoon began to enjoy the idea of finding myself on horseback again, and figured to myself all kinds of strange adventures which I should meet with on the roads before the horse and Ishould part company.

  • The Children

    The Children

  • 古小说钩沉


  • 针灸节要


  • 佛说未曾有因缘经


  • 要行舍身经


  • 轮回铁


  • 天行


  • 守护甜心之血冥蝶恋


  • 佛说最上意陀罗尼经


  • 鬼灭之刃之彼岸花开


  • 归圣之途


  • 花花女子那小玉


  • 肖想已久了


    (新书我在综艺里混日子已发) 【分手后成了粉丝百万的感情博主老姐姐х装无辜实则占有欲超强小学弟】【你看人设就知道多甜了】【看不出来也没关系,我给你介绍一下】叶眠最近碰上个小学弟,漂亮好看爱喝红枣味的奶茶,还会做哄人开心的小软件,美好得像只猫咪.......可是他昨晚和她前男友在雨中共用一把伞了,那画面美好得让人不忍拆散。然后共用一把伞的两个人第二天就出来澄清了。“我喜欢我前女友。”“巧了,我也喜欢楼上的前女友。”
  • 扶桑心悦你


  • 时斩万仞化神焉

