

Thomas Kidd, secretary of the Wood-Workers' International Union, was largely responsible for the agreement made with the manufacturers in 1897 for the establishment of a minimum wage of fifteen cents an hour for a ten-hour day, a considerable advance over the average wage paid up to that time.Kidd was the object of severe attacks in various localities, and in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, where labor riots took place for the enforcement of the Union demands, he was arrested for conspiracy but acquitted by the trial jury.

When the Amalgamated Association of Iron and Steel Workers lost their strike at Homestead, Pennsylvania, in 1892, the union was thought to be dead.It was quietly regalvanized into activity, however, by Theodore Schaffer, who has displayed adroitness in managing its affairs in the face of tremendous opposition from the great steel manufacturers who refuse to permit their shops to be unionized.

The International Typographical Union, composed of an unusually intelligent body of men, owes its singular success in collective contracting largely to James M.Lynch, its national president.

The great newspapers did not give in to the demands of the union without a series of struggles in which Lynch manipulated his forces with skill and tact.Today this is one of the most powerful unions in the country.

Entirely different was the material out of which D.J.Keefe formed his Union of Longshoremen, Marine and Transport Workers.

His was a mass of unskilled workers, composed of many nationalities accustomed to rough conditions, and not easily led.

Keefe, as president of their International Union, has had more difficulty in restraining his men and in teaching them the obligations of a contract than any other leader.At least on one occasion he employed non-union men to carry out the agreement which his recalcitrant following had made and broken.

The evolution of an American labor leader is shown at its best in the career of John Mitchell, easily the most influential trade unionist of this generation.He was born on February 4, 1870, on an Illinois farm, but at two years of age he lost his mother and at four his father.With other lads of his neighborhood he shared the meager privileges of the school terms that did not interfere with farm work.At thirteen he was in the coal mines in Braidwood, Illinois, and at sixteen he was the outer doorkeeper in the local lodge of the Knights of Labor.Eager to see the world, he now began a period of wandering, working his way from State to State.So he traversed the Far West and the Southwest, alert in observing social conditions and coming in contact with many types of men.These wanderings stood him in lieu of an academic course, and when he returned to the coal fields of Illinois he was ready to settle down.From his Irish parentage he inherited a genial personality and a gift of speech.These traits, combined with his continual reading on economic and sociological subjects, soon lifted him into local leadership.He became president of the village school board and of the local lodge of the Knights of Labor.He joined the United Mine Workers of America upon its organization in 1890.He rose rapidly in its ranks, was a delegate to the district and sub-district conventions, secretary-treasurer of the Illinois district, chairman of the Illinois legislative committee, member of the executive board, and national organizer.In January, 1898, he was elected national vice-president, and in the following autumn, upon the resignation of the president, he became acting president.The national convention in 1899 chose him as president, a position which he held for ten years.He has served as one of the vice-presidents of the American Federation of Labor since 1898, was for some years chairman of the Trade Agreement Department of the National Civic Federation and has held the position of Chairman of the New York State Industrial Commission.

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