

"Mr. Gray," said she, "I am sure you are not well; and that makes you exaggerate childish faults into positive evils. It is always the case with us when we are not strong in health. I hear of your exerting yourself in every direction: you overwork yourself, and the consequence is, that you imagine us all worse people than we are."And my lady smiled very kindly and pleasantly at him, as he sat, a little panting, a little flushed, trying to recover his breath. I am sure that now they were brought face to face, she had quite forgotten all the offence she had taken at his doings when she heard of them from others; and, indeed, it was enough to soften any one's heart to see that young, almost boyish face, looking in such anxiety and distress.

"Oh, my lady, what shall I do?" he asked, as soon as he could recover breath, and with such an air of humility, that I am sure no one who had seen it could have ever thought him conceited again. "The evil of this world is too strong for me. I can do so little. It is all in vain. It was only to-day--" and again the cough and agitation returned.

"My dear Mr. Gray," said my lady (the day before I could never have believed she could have called him My dear), "you must take the advice of an old woman about yourself. You are not fit to do anything just now but attend to your own health: rest, and see a doctor (but, indeed, I will take care of that), and when you are pretty strong again, you will find that you have been magnifying evils to yourself.""But, my lady, I cannot rest. The evils do exist, and the burden of their continuance lies on my shoulders. I have no place to gather the children together in, that I may teach them the things necessary to salvation. The rooms in my own house are too small; but I have tried them. I have money of my own; and, as your ladyship knows, Itried to get a piece of leasehold property, on which to build a school-house at my own expense. Your ladyship's lawyer comes forward, at your instructions, to enforce some old feudal right, by which no building is allowed on leasehold property without the sanction of the lady of the manor. It may be all very true; but it was a cruel thing to do,--that is, if your ladyship had known (which I am sure you do not) the real moral and spiritual state of my poor parishioners. And now I come to you to know what I am to do. Rest!

I cannot rest, while children whom I could possibly save are being left in their ignorance, their blasphemy, their uncleanness, their cruelty. It is known through the village that your ladyship disapproves of my efforts, and opposes all my plans. If you think them wrong, foolish, ill-digested (I have been a student, living in a college, and eschewing all society but that of pious men, until now:

I may not judge for the best, in my ignorance of this sinful human nature), tell me of better plans and wiser projects for accomplishing my end; but do not bid me rest, with Satan compassing me round, and stealing souls away.""Mr. Gray," said my lady, "there may be some truth in what you have said. I do not deny it, though I think, in your present state of indisposition and excitement, you exaggerate it much. I believe--nay, the experience of a pretty long life has convinced me--that education is a bad thing, if given indiscriminately. It unfits the lower orders for their duties, the duties to which they are called by God; of submission to those placed in authority over them; of contentment with that state of life to which it has pleased God to call them, and of ordering themselves lowly and reverently to all their betters. I have made this conviction of mine tolerably evident to you; and I have expressed distinctly my disapprobation of some of your ideas. You may imagine, then, that I was not well pleased when I found that you had taken a rood or more of Farmer Hale's land, and were laying the foundations of a school-house. You had done this without asking for my permission, which, as Farmer Hale's liege lady, ought to have been obtained legally, as well as asked for out of courtesy. I put a stop to what I believed to be calculated to do harm to a village, to a population in which, to say the least of it, I may be disposed to take as much interest as you can do. How can reading, and writing, and the multiplication-table (if you choose to go so far) prevent blasphemy, and uncleanness, and cruelty? Really, Mr. Gray, I hardly like to express myself so strongly on the subject in your present state of health, as I should do at any other time.

  • 奇幻冒险


  • 重生成天地宠女


    【穿越重生】喻将军喻天衍在任务结束之后莫名被一颗透明的陨石砸中,当场身亡。再次睁开眼她就到了修仙大陆,成为了天道与大道的亲闺女。别人都是人命天定,她是天命由心。只是等天衍认识了帝冕之后,她就觉得帝冕生来就是克她的!她可管世间万物的气运,除了他!天地都要为她让步,她却要给帝冕让步,气死!————刚开始的帝冕对天衍爱答不理,冷漠以待,后来…… 帝冕捧着让渡劫期都想要杀人夺宝的花草对天衍告白,被拒;提着亲自为天衍酿造的让大成期喝一口就能飞升的酒对天衍告白,被拒;抱着能让所有修仙者趋之若鹜的衣服首饰对天衍告白,还是被拒…… 帝冕:我现在很后悔当初对她爱答不理,现在她只想让我高攀不起……这是一个在修仙界谈着甜甜恋爱的正经修仙文。真大佬男主帝冕×天地亲闺女女主天衍。标签:甜宠爽,无虐,幻想空间。
  • 顾笙的姐姐会算卦


  • 异世全能大小姐


  • 学院里的传说


  • 为她战天又何妨


  • 隔世喊话


  • 我们老了花什么


  • 荒魔纪万世之歌


  • 借我一个江湖

