

Wildfire ran on down the valley far beyond the yelling crowd lined along the slope.Bostil was deaf to the throng; he watched the stallion till Lucy forced him to stop and turn.

Then Bostil whirled to see where Van was with the King.Most of the crowd surged down to surround the racers, and the yells gave way to the buzz of many voices.Some of the ranchers and riders remained near Bostil, all apparently talking at once.Bostil gathered that Holley's Whitefoot had ran second, and the Navajo's mustang third.It was Holley himself who verified what Bostil had heard.The old rider's hawk eyes were warm with delight.

"Boss, he run second!" Holley kept repeating.

Bostil had the heart to shake hands with Holley and say he was glad, when it was on his lips to blurt out there had been no race.Then Bostil's nerves tingled at sight of Van trotting the King up the course toward the slope.

Bostil watched with searching eyes.Sage King did not appear to be injured.

Van rode straight up the slope and leaped off.He was white and shaking.

The King's glossy hide was dirty with dust and bits of cactus and brush.He was not even hot.There did not appear to be a bruise or mark on him.He whinnied and rubbed his face against Bostil, and then, flinching, he swept up his head, ears high.Both fear and fire shone in his eyes.

"Wal, Van, get it out of your system," said Bostil, kindly.He was a harder loser before a race was run than after he had lost it.

"Thet red hoss run in on the King before the start an' scared the race out of him," replied Van, swiftly."We had a hunch, you know, but at thet Lucy's hoss was a surprise.I'll say, sir, thet Lucy rode her wild hoss an' handled him.

Twice she pulled him off the King.He meant to kill the King!...Ask any of the boys....We got started.I took the lead, sir.The King was in the lead.I never looked back till I heard Lucy scream.She couldn't pull Wildfire.He was rushin' the King--meant to kill him.An' Sage King wanted to fight.If I could only have kept him runnin'! Thet would have been a race!..

.But Wildfire got in closer an' closer.He crowded us.He bit at the King's flank an' shoulder an' neck.Lucy pulled till I yelled she'd throw the hoss an' kill us both.Then Wildfire jumped for us.Runnin' an' strikin' with both feet at once! Bostil, thet hoss's hell! Then he hit us an' down we went.I had a bad spill.But the King's not hurt an' thet's a blessed wonder.""No race, Van! It was hard luck.Take him home," said Bostil.

Van's story of the accident vindicated Bostil's doubts.A new horse had appeared on the scene, wild and swift and grand, but Sage King was still unbeaten in a fair race.There would come a reckoning, Bostil grimly muttered.

Who owned this Wildfire?

Holley might as well have read his mind."Reckon this feller ridin' up will take down the prize money," remarked Holley, and he pointed to a man who rode a huge, shaggy, black horse and was leading Lucy's pony.

"A-huh!" exclaimed Bostil."A strange rider.""An' here comes Lucy coaxin' the stallion back," added Holley.

"A wild stallion never clear broke!" ejaculated Cordts.

All the men looked and all had some remark of praise for Lucy and her mount.

Bostil gazed with a strange, irresistible attraction.Never had he expected to live to see a wild stallion like this one, to say nothing of his daughter mounted on him, with the record of having put Sage King out of the race!

A thousand pairs of eyes watched Wildfire.He pranced out there beyond the crowd of men and horses.He did not want to come closer.Yet he did not seem to fight his rider.Lucy hung low over his neck, apparently exhausted, and she was patting him and caressing him.There were horses and Indians on each side of the race track, and between these lines Lucy appeared reluctant to come.

Bostil strode down and, waving and yelling for everybody to move back to the slope, he cleared the way and then stood out in front alone.

"Ride up, now," he called to Lucy.

It was then Bostil discovered that Lucy did not wear a spur and she had neither quirt nor whip.She turned Wildfire and he came prancing on, head and mane and tail erect.His action was beautiful, springy, and every few steps, as Lucy touched him, he jumped with marvelous ease and swiftness.

Bostil became all eyes.He did not see his daughter as she paraded the winner before the applauding throng.And Bostil recorded in his mind that which he would never forget--a wild stallion, with unbroken spirit; a giant of a horse, glistening red, with mane like dark-striped, wind-blown flame, all muscle, all grace, all power; a neck long and slender and arching to the small, savagely beautiful head; the jaws open, and the thin-skinned, pink-colored nostrils that proved the Arabian blood; the slanting shoulders and the deep, broad chest, the powerful legs and knees not too high nor too low, the symmetrical dark hoofs that rang on the little stones--all these marks so significant of speed and endurance.A stallion with a wonderful physical perfection that matched the savage, ruthless spirit of the desert killer of horses!

Lucy waved her hand, and the strange rider to whom Holley had called attention strode out of the crowd toward Wildfire.

Bostil's gaze took in the splendid build of this lithe rider, the clean-cut face, the dark eye.This fellow had a shiny, coiled lasso in hand.He advanced toward Wildfire.The stallion snorted and plunged.If ever Bostil raw hate expressed by a horse he saw it then.But he seemed to be tractable to the control of the girl.Bostil swiftly grasped the strange situation.Lucy had won the love of the savage stallion.That always had been the secret of her power.And she had hated Sage King because he alone had somehow taken a dislike to her.Horses were as queer as people, thought Bostil.

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