

Mary could feel her single eye fixed on her now in a deep, brooding look.It made her uncomfortable.

She turned slowly and spoke in gentle tones.

"You've been so sweet to me today, Ella--father and mother and best friend.I'll never forget your kindness.You'd better rest awhile now until we go to Dr.Craddock's.I want you to be there, too----""To see the marriage--ja?" she asked softly."Yes.""Oh, no, my dear, no--I stay here and wait for you to come.I keep the lights burning bright.I welcome the bride and groom to their little home--ja."A quick glance of suspicion shot from Mary's blue eyes.Could it be possible that this forlorn scrubwoman would carry her hostility to her lover to the same point of ungracious refusal to witness the ceremony? It was nonsense, of course.Ella would feel out of place in the minister's parlor, that was all.She wouldn't insist.

"All right, Ella; you can receive us here with ceremony.You'll be our maid, butler, my father, my mother and my friends!"There was a moment's silence and still no move on Ella's part to go.The girl felt her single eye again fixed on her in mysterious, wistful gaze.She would send her away if it were possible without hurting her feelings.

Mary lifted her eyes suddenly, and Ella stirred awkwardly and smiled.

"I hope you are very happy, meine liebe--ja?""I couldn't be happier if I were in Heaven," was the quick answer."I'm so glad----"Again an awkward pause.

"I was once young and pretty like you, meine liebe," she began dreamily, "--slim and straight and jolly--always laughing."Mary held her breath in eager expectancy.Ella was going to lift the veil from the mystery of her life, stirred by memories which the coming wedding had evoked.

"And you had a thrilling romance--Ella?I always felt it." Again silence, and then in low tones the woman told her story.

"Ja--a romance, too.I was so young and foolish--just a baby myself-- not sixteen.But I was full of life and fun, and I had a way of doing what I pleased.

"The man was older than me--Oh, a lot older--with gray hairs on the side of his head.I was wild about him.I never took to kids.They didn't seem to like me----"She paused as if hesitating to give her full confidence, and quickly went on:

"My folks were German.They couldn't speak English.I learned when I was five years old.They didn't like my lover.We quarrel day and night.I say they didn't like him because they could not speak his language.They say he was bad.I fight for him, and run away and marry him----"Again she paused and drew a deep breath.

"Ah, I was one happy little fool that year! He make good wages on the docks--a stevedore.They had a strike, and he got to drinking.The baby came----"She stopped suddenly.

"You had a little baby, Ella?" the girl asked in a tender whisper.

"Ja--ja" she sobbed--"so sweet, so good--so quiet--so beautiful she was.I was very happy--like a little girl with a doll--only she laugh and cry and coo and pull my hair!He stop the drink a little while when she come,and he got work.And then he begin worse and worse.It seem like he never loved me any more after the baby.He curse me, he quarrel.He begin to strike me sometimes.I laugh and cry at first and make up and try again----"Again she paused as if for courage to go on, and choked into silence."Yes--and then?" the girl asked.

"And then he come home one night wild drunk.He stumble and fall across the cradle and hurt my baby so she never cry--just lie still and tremble--her eyes wide open at first and then they droop and close and she die!

"He laugh and curse and strike me, and I fight him like a tiger.He was strong--he throw me down on the floor and gouge my eye out with his big claw----""Oh, my God," Mary sobbed.

Ella sprang to her feet and bent over the girl with trembling eagerness."You keep my secret, meine liebe?""Yes--yes----"

"I never tell a soul on earth what I tell you now-- I just eat my heart out and keep still all the years, I can tell you--ja?""Yes, I'll keep it sacred--go on----"

"When I know he gouge my eye out, I go wild.I get my hand on his throat and choke him still.I drag him to the stairs and throw him head first all the way down to the bottom.He fall in a heap and lie still.I run down and drag him to the door.I kick his face and he never move.He was dead.I kick him again--and again.And then I laugh--I laugh--I laugh in his dead face--I was so glad I kill him!"She sank in a paroxy** of sobs on the floor, and the girl touched her smooth black hair tenderly, strangled with her own emotions.

Ella rose at last and brushed the tears from her hollow cheeks.

"Now, you know, meine liebe! Why I tell you this today, I don't know--maybe I must! I dream once like you dream today----"The girl slipped her arms around the drooping, pathetic figure and stroked it tenderly.

"The sunshine is for some, maybe," Ella went on pathetically; "for some the clouds and the storms.I hope you are very, very happy today and all the days----""I will be, Ella, I'm sure.I'll always love you after this." "Maybe I make you sad because I tell you----""No--no! I'm glad you told me.The knowledge of your sorrow will make my life the sweeter.I shall be more humble in my joy."It never occurred to the girl for a moment that this lonely, broken woman had torn her soul's deepest secret open in a last pathetic effort to warn her of the danger of her marriage.The wistful, helpless look in her eye meant to Mary only the anguish of memories.Each human heart persists in learning the big lessons of life at first hand.We refuse to learn any other way.The tragedies of others interest us as fiction.We make the application to others--never to ourselves.

Jim's familiar footstep echoed through the hall, and Mary sprang to the door with a cry of joy.

  • The Diary of an Old Soul

    The Diary of an Old Soul

  • Smoke Bellew

    Smoke Bellew

  • 杌近志


  • Bygone Beliefs

    Bygone Beliefs

  • 三国志平话


  • 沙雕不需要说话


  • 九玄圣体


  • 无与开


  • 天行


  • 天行


  • 粉丝经济


  • 异界之我要做老大


  • 雨必将落下


    “我叫凯蒂·拉塞克,在罗瑟雷村小学读七年级。上周,这里发生了一件非常可怕的事。我们的老师麦克沙恩女士正在给我们上数学课,她丈夫带着一把霰弹枪进了教室……” 弗朗西斯是一名儿童心理学家,看着学生作文她喃喃自语:“一切都会好的。” 上帝独自玩耍,宇宙拾荒。这一天,他捡到了地球。沉入睡梦之际,他听到一个男孩带着哭腔低语:“上帝,你在吗?我能和你说话吗? 坠入爱河:它究竟是怎么回事?多少年来,他搜寻着零星的线索,却总是一无所获,直到他入职爱的隧道——一家色情放映厅兼书店…… 上帝、宇宙、爱与卫生棉——无不在其笔下。《雨必将落下》收录了法柏几乎所有获奖短篇,或怪诞,或温暖,或讽刺,精准捕捉当代人的生存和精神困境。
  • 凡人意识


  • 豪门新婚:亿万绯闻冷妻

