
第28章 How the Brigadier Saved the Army(6)

There was the black muzzle and there the dark, angry eyes behind it.What could I do? I was helpless.I raised my hands in the air.At the same moment voices sounded from all parts of the wood, there were crying and calling and rushing of many feet.A swarm of dreadful figures broke through the green bushes, a dozen hands seized me, and I, poor, luckless, frenzied I, was a prisoner once more.Thank God, there was no pistol which I could have plucked from my belt and snapped at my own head.Had I been armed at that moment I should not be sitting here in this cafe and telling you these old-world tales.

With grimy, hairy hands clutching me on every side I was led along the pathway through the wood, the villain de Pombal giving directions to my Captors.Four of the brigands carried up the dead body of Duplessis.

The shadows of evening were already falling when we cleared the forest and came out upon the mountain-side.

Up this I was driven until we reached the headquarters of the guerillas, which lay in a cleft close to the summit of the mountain.There was the beacon which had cost me so much, a square stack of wood, immediately above our heads.Below were two or three huts which had belonged, nodoubt, to goatherds, and which were now used to shelter these rascals.Into one of these I was cast, bound and helpless, and the dead body of my poor comrade was laid beside me.

I was lying there with the one thought still consuming me, how to wait a few hours and to get at that pile of fagots above my head, when the door of my prison opened and a man entered.Had my hands been free I should have flown at his throat, for it was none other than de Pombal.A couple of brigands were at his heels, but he ordered them back and closed the door behind him.

"You villain!" said I.

"Hush!" he cried."Speak low, for I do not know who may be listening, and my life is at stake.I have some words to say to you, Colonel Gerard; I wish well to you, as I did to your dead companion.As I spoke to you beside his body I saw that we were surrounded, and that your capture was unavoidable.I should have shared your fate had I hesitated.I instantly captured you myself, so as to preserve the confidence of the band.

Your own sense will tell you that there was nothing else for me to do.I do not know now whether I can save you, but at least I will try."This was a new light upon the situation.I told him that I could not tell how far he spoke the truth, but that I would judge him by his actions.

"I ask nothing better," said he."A word of advice to you! The chief will see you now.Speak him fair, or he will have you sawn between two planks.Contradict nothing he says.Give him such information as he wants.It is your only chance.If you can gain time something may come in our favour.Now, I have no more time.Come at once, or suspicion may be awakened."He helped me to rise, and then, opening the door, he dragged me out very roughly, and with the aid of the fellows outside he brutally pushed and thrust me to the place where the guerilla chief was seated, with his rude followers gathered round him.

A remarkable man was Manuelo, "The Smiler." He was fat and florid and comfortable, with a big, clean- shaven face and a bald head, the very model of a kindly father of a family.As I looked at his honest smile Icould scarcely believe that this was, indeed, the infamous ruffian whose name was a horror through the English Army as well as our own.It is well known that Trent, who was a British officer, afterward had the fellow hanged for his brutalities.He sat upon a boulder and he beamed upon me like one who meets an old acquaintance.

I observed, however, that one of his men leaned upon a long saw, and the sight was enough to cure me of all delusions.

"Good evening, Colonel Gerard," said he."We have been highly honoured by General Massena's staff: Major Cortex one day, Colonel Duplessis the next, and now Colonel Gerard.Possibly the Marshal himself may be induced to honour us with a visit.You have seen Duplessis, I understand.Cortex you will find nailed to a tree down yonder.It only remains to be decided how we can best dispose of yourself."It was not a cheering speech; but all the time his fat face was wreathed in smiles, and he lisped out his words in the most mincing and amiable fashion.Now, however, he suddenly leaned forward, and I read a very real intensity in his eyes.

"Colonel Gerard," said he, "I cannot promise you your life, for it is not our custom, but I can give you an easy death or I can give you a terrible one.Which shall it be?""What do you wish me to do in exchange?"

"If you would die easy I ask you to give me truthful answers to the questions which I ask."A sudden thought flashed through my mind.

"You wish to kill me," said I; "it cannot matter to you how I die.If I answer your questions, will you let me choose the manner of my own death?""Yes, I will," said he, "so long as it is before midnight to-night." "Swear it!" I cried.

"The word of a Portuguese gentleman is sufficient," said he."Not a word will I say until you have sworn it."He flushed with anger and his eyes swept round toward the saw.But he understood from my tone that I meant what I said, and that I was not aman to be bullied into submission.He pulled a cross from under his zammara or jacket of black sheepskin.

"I swear it," said he.

Oh, my joy as I heard the words! What an end-- what an end for the first swordsman of France! I could have laughed with delight at the thought.

"Now, your questions!" said I.

"You swear in turn to answer them truly?""I do, upon the honour of a gentleman and a soldier."It was, as you perceive, a terrible thing that I promised, but what was it compared to what I might gain by compliance?

"This is a very fair and a very interesting bargain," said he, taking a note-book from his pocket.

"Would you kindly turn your gaze toward the French camp?"Following the direction of his gesture, I turned and looked down upon the camp in the plain beneath us.In spite of the fifteen miles, one could in that clear atmosphere see every detail with the utmost distinctness.

  • 瞬间花火


  • 重瞳劫


  • 流年逝去


  • 我愿流浪在小镇


  • 空界远征


    “抬头看看,那里有一切。”在所有的故事中,有关于「宇宙」的故事总是带有史诗的感觉。人们总会在深夜时不时地抬起头看看,暗叹一声星空美丽,然后低下头继续奋力前行。对于星空的向往从未停止,未来也在那璀璨的星空之上,生命来自于星辰,前路亦在其中。天玄帝国远征军正式在二代玄皇的带领下开启了空界远征,在这道无可匹敌的璀璨光辉之下,封闭的空界被一一打开,无数的文明被彼此连接,而每个文明独特又绚烂的故事也由此迸发。与此同时,一个隐藏了无数年的秘密也静静地在黑暗之中等待着年轻的玄皇发现,诡异的水晶,神秘的军队,违背常理的事件…… 一切,注定无法平静。————————————新书《索尔兰门徒》已发布。
  • 九狐圣子


  • 通灵意默


  • 邂逅在你身边


  • 天行


  • 补心

