

"I don't want to go to bed," he wailed."Ain't he Santa Claus? He SAID he was Santa Claus.Where are my presents? Where's my air-gun? I want my presents.Oh--Oh--Oh!"

He went out crying.Emily ran to him.

"Hush, hush, Georgie, dear," she begged."Come upstairs with sister--come.If you don't you may be here when the real Santa comes and you will frighten him away.Come with me; that's a good boy.Auntie, I will be down by and by."She led the disappointed and still sobbing boy from the room.

Thankful turned to her brother.

"Now you march out into that kitchen," she commanded."I'll get you warm first and then I'll see about a bed for you.You'll have to sleep up on the third floor tonight.After that I'll see about a better room to put you in."Jedediah stared at her.

"What--what," he faltered."Do you mean--Thankful, do you mean you're goin' to let me stay here for--for good?""Yes, of course I do.You don't think I'll let you get out of my sight again, do you? That is, unless you're real set on goin'

gold-huntin'.I'm sure you shan't go cook on any whaler; I've got too much regard for sailors' digestions to let you do that.""Thankful, I--I'll work my hands off for you.I'll--""All right, all right.Now trot along and warm those hands or you won't have any left to work off; they'll be SHOOK off with the shivers.Come, Jed, I forgive you; after all, you're my brother, though you did run away and leave me.""Then--then you're glad I came back?"

"Glad!" Thankful shook her head with a tearful smile."Glad!" she repeated."I've been workin' heavens and earth to get you back ever since I got that pitiful letter of yours.You poor thing!

You MUST have had a hard time of it.Well, you can tell me all about it by and by.Now you march into that kitchen."Another hour had passed before Mrs.Barnes reentered the living-room.There, to her astonishment, she found Emily awaiting her.

"Why, for goodness sakes!" cried Thankful."What are you doin'

here? I thought you'd gone to bed long ago."Emily's reply was given in an odd tone.She did not look at her cousin when she spoke.

"No, no," she said, quickly."I--I haven't gone to bed.""I see you haven't, but why?"

"I didn't want to.I--I'm not sleepy."

"Not sleepy! At two o'clock in the mornin'? Well," with a sigh, "I suppose 'tain't to be wondered at.What's happened this night is enough to keep anybody awake.I can't believe it even yet.To think of his comin' back after I've given him up for dead twice over.It's like a story-book.""Where is he?"

"Up in bed, in one of the attic rooms.If he hasn't got his death of cold it'll be a wonder.And SUCH yarns as he's been spinnin' to me.I--Emily, what's the matter with you? What makes you act so queer?"Emily did not answer.Mrs.Barnes walked across the room and, stooping, peered into her face.

"You're white as a sheet!" she cried, in alarm."And you're tremblin' all over.What in the world IS the matter?"Emily tried to smile, but it was a poor attempt.

"Nothing, nothing, Auntie," she said."That is, I--I'm sure it can't be anything to be afraid of.""But you are afraid, just the same.What is it? Tell me this minute."For the first time Emily looked her cousin in the face.

"Auntie," she whispered, "I am--I have been frightened.Something I heard upstairs frightened me.""Somethin' you heard upstairs? Where? Has Georgie--""No, Georgie is asleep in his room.I locked the door.It wasn't Georgie; it was something else.""Somethin'--Emily Howes, do you want to scare me to DEATH? What ISit?"

"I don't know what it is.I heard it first when I came out of Georgie's room a few minutes ago.Then I went down the hall to his door and listened.Aunt Thankful, he--he is in there talking--talking to someone."

"He? Talkin'? Who?"

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    警告:文中有恶犬猛兽,小心入坑,此书不是yy无敌小白文,不喜者请绕道。 忽然有一天,我家旅馆多出了无数座关押着神魔妖的大山,接着,我就莫名其妙的成为了万狱山守护者,然后……“孽畜,休得作乱,看我抓捕技能逮捕你。”“大胆妖魔,吃本守护者一招偷袭技能,打残你。”“神祗大大,乖乖跟我回万狱山受刑,不然别怪本守护者使用掠夺技能。”秦煜手持万狱山,面对逃走的万界囚犯,一脸得意洋洋。