

Franklin's influence among his fellow citizens in Philadelphia was very great.Always ostensibly keeping himself in the background and working through others, never contradicting, but carrying his point by shrewd questions which showed the folly of the contrary position, he continued to set on foot and carry out movements for the public good.He established the first circulating library in Philadelphia, and one of the first in the country, and an academy which grew into the University of Pennsylvania.He was instrumental in the foundation of a hospital."I am often ask'd by those to whom I propose subscribing," said one of the doctors who had made fruitless attempts to raise money for the hospital, "Have you consulted Franklin upon this business?" Other public matters in which the busy printer was engaged were the paving and cleaning of the streets, better street lighting, the organization of a police force and of a fire company.A pamphlet which he published, "Plain Truth", showing the helplessness of the colony against the French and Indians, led to the organization of a volunteer militia, and funds were raised for arms by a lottery.Franklin himself was elected colonel of the Philadelphia regiment, "but considering myself unfit, I declined the station and recommended Mr.Lawrence, a fine person and man of influence, who was accordingly appointed." In spite of his militari**, Franklin retained the position which he held as Clerk of the Assembly, though the majority of the members were Quakers opposed to war on principle.

The American Philosophical Society owes its origin to Franklin.

It was formally organized on his motion in 1743, but the society has accepted the organization of the Junto in 1727 as the actual date of its birth.From the beginning the society has had among its members many leading men of scientific attainments or tastes, not only of Philadelphia, but of the world.In 1769 the original society was consolidated with another of similar aims, and Franklin, who was the first secretary of the society, was elected president and served until his death.The first important undertaking was the successful observation of the transit of Venus in 1769, and many important scientific discoveries have since been made by its members and first given to the world at its meetings.

Franklin's appointment as one of the two Deputy Postmasters General of the colonies in 1753 enlarged his experience and his reputation.He visited nearly all the post offices in the colonies and introduced many improvements into the service.In none of his positions did his transcendent business ability show to better advantage.He established new postal routes and shortened others.There were no good roads in the colonies, but his post riders made what then seemed wonderful speed.The bags were opened to newspapers, the carrying of which had previously been a private and unlawful perquisite of the riders.Previously there had been one mail a week in summer between New York and Philadelphia and one a month in winter.The service was increased to three a week in summer and one in winter.

The main post road ran from northern New England to Savannah, closely hugging the seacoast for the greater part of the way.

Some of the milestones set by Franklin to enable the postmasters to compute the postage, which was fixed according to distance, are still standing.Crossroads connected some of the larger communities away from the seacoast with the main road, but when Franklin died, after serving also as Postmaster General of the United States, there were only seventy-five post offices in the entire country.

Franklin took a hand in the final struggle between France and England in America.On the eve of the conflict, in 1754, commissioners from the several colonies were ordered to convene at Albany for a conference with the Six Nations of the Iroquois, and Franklin was one of the deputies from Pennsylvania.On his way to Albany he "projected and drew a plan for the union of all the colonies under one government so far as might be necessary for defense and other important general purposes." This statesmanlike "Albany Plan of Union," however, came to nothing.

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