

Excursions-Adventurous English-Opaque forests-The greatest patience.

TIME passed on,and Belle and I lived in the dingle;when I say lived,the reader must not imagine that we were always there.She went out upon her pursuits,and I went out where inclination led me;but my excursions were very short ones,and hers occasionally occupied whole days and nights.If I am asked how we passed the time when we were together in the dingle,I would answer that we passed the time very tolerably,all things considered;we conversed together,and when tired of conversing I would sometimes give Belle a lesson in Armenian;her progress was not particularly brilliant,but upon the whole satisfactory;in about a fortnight she had hung up one hundred Haikan numerals upon the hake of her memory.Ifound her conversation highly entertaining;she had seen much of England and Wales,and had been acquainted with some of the most remarkable characters who travelled the roads at that period;and let me be permitted to say that many remarkable characters have travelled the roads of England,of whom fame has never said a word.

I loved to hear her anecdotes of these people;some of whom I found had occasionally attempted to lay violent hands either upon her person or effects,and had invariably been humbled by her without the assistance of either justice or constable.I could clearly see,however,that she was rather tired of England,and wished for a change of scene;she was particularly fond of talking of America,to which country her aspirations chiefly tended.She had heard much of America,which had excited her imagination;for at that time America was much talked of,on roads and in homesteads-at least,so said Belle,who had good opportunities of knowing-and most people allowed that it was a good country for adventurous English.The people who chiefly spoke against it,as she informed me,were soldiers disbanded upon pensions,the ***tons of village churches,and excisemen.Belle had a craving desire to visit that country,and to wander with cart and little animal amongst its forests;when I would occasionally object that she would be exposed to danger from strange and perverse customers,she said that she had not wandered the roads of England so long and alone,to be afraid of anything which might befall in America;and that she hoped,with God's favour,to be able to take her own part,and to give to perverse customers as good as they might bring.She had a dauntless heart,that same Belle.Such was the staple of Belle's conversation.As for mine,I would endeavour to entertain her with strange dreams of adventure,in which I figured in opaque forests,strangling wild beasts,or discovering and plundering the hoards of dragons;and sometimes I would narrate to her other things far more genuine-how I had tamed savage mares,wrestled with Satan,and had dealings with ferocious publishers.Belle had a kind heart,and would weep at the accounts I gave her of my early wrestlings with the dark Monarch.She would sigh,too,as I recounted the many slights and degradations I had received at the hands of ferocious publishers;but she had the curiosity of a woman;and once,when I talked to her of the triumphs which I had achieved over unbroken mares,she lifted up her head and questioned me as to the secret of the virtue which I possessed over the aforesaid animals;whereupon I sternly reprimanded,and forthwith commanded her to repeat the Armenian numerals;and,on her demurring,I made use of words,to escape which she was glad to comply,saying the Armenian numerals from one to a hundred,which numerals,as a punishment for her curiosity,I made her repeat three times,loading her with the bitterest reproaches whenever she committed the slightest error,either in accent or pronunciation,which reproaches she appeared to bear with the greatest patience.And now I have given a very fair account of the manner in which Isopel Berners and myself passed our time in the dingle.

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    阮遇一点都不慌。左蹦一下右蹦一下。偶尔被打中的几枪还都被盔和防弹衣挡住了一大半伤害。基本屁事没有。靠近两人三米左右后对着两人的头9K一枪一个小朋友。青颜:不知道为什么脸突然好疼。饺子遇见锅:主播操作太好了吧!求带我上分啊啊!我每次感觉都被打得怀疑人生啊!!丨号我老婆:对了。赴你生了吗,男孩女孩?/淡定jPg阮遇看了一眼,目前观看直播的人数是25人。她薄唇微启:“好了,该让你们见识一下什么是欧皇了。”饺子遇见锅:欧皇,我不信!能有多欧?青颜:前面的你刚来一会儿就知道了。少年赴:谢邀,是个小少爷。|号是我老婆:恭喜啊,恭喜。本人是静静:恭喜恭喜。∑(??д??lll)青颜:哈哈,恭喜恭喜。/狗头看到我请叫我滚去学习:哈哈,我的头都要笑掉了。恭喜恭喜。令朗定然十分俊朗。少年赴:っ(* ̄)( ̄▽ ̄*)ゞへへ~?哎呦客气客气。阮遇看着画风逐渐走偏的评论,噗嗤笑了一下。少年赴:啊!我死了!你这个,磨人的小妖精!!!食堂阿姨你的手稳些:我刚来这是怎了?简介什么的不会写。发一段节选好了。斜眼笑
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