

Miss Pontifex had expressed a wish to be buried at Paleham; in the course of the next few days I therefore took the body thither. I had not been to Paleham since the death of my father some six years earlier. I had often wished to go there, but had shrunk from doing so though my sister had been two or three times. I could not bear to see the house which had been my home for so many years of my life in the hands of strangers; to ring ceremoniously at a bell which I had never yet pulled except as a boy in jest; to feel that I had nothing to do with a garden in which I had in childhood gathered so many a nosegay, and which had seemed my own for many years after I had reached man's estate; to see the rooms bereft of every familiar feature, and made so unfamiliar in spite of their familiarity. Had there been any sufficient reason, I should have taken these things as a matter of course, and should no doubt have found them much worse in anticipation than in reality, but as there had been no special reason why I should go to Paleham I had hitherto avoided doing so. Now, however, my going was a necessity, and I confess I never felt more subdued than I did on arriving there with the dead playmate of my childhood.

I found the village more changed than I had expected. The railway had come there, and a brand new yellow brick station was on the site of old Mr and Mrs Pontifex's cottage. Nothing but the carpenter's shop was now standing. I saw many faces I knew, but even in six years they seemed to have grown wonderfully older. Some of the very old were dead, and the old were getting very old in their stead. I felt like the changeling in the fairy story who came back after a seven years' sleep. Everyone seemed glad to see me, though I had never given them particular cause to be so, and everyone who remembered old Mr and Mrs Pontifex spoke warmly of them and were pleased at their granddaughter's wishing to be laid near them.

Entering the churchyard and standing in the twilight of a gusty cloudy evening on the spot close beside old Mrs Pontifex's grave which I had chosen for Alethea's, I thought of the many times that she, who would lie there henceforth, and I, who must surely lie one day in some such another place though when and where I knew not, had romped over this very spot as childish lovers together. Next morning I followed her to the grave, and in due course set up a plain upright slab to her memory as like as might be to those over the graves of her grandmother and grandfather. I gave the dates and places of her birth and death, but added nothing except that this stone was set up by one who had known and loved her. Knowing how fond she had been of music I had been half inclined at one time to inscribe a few bars of music, if I could find any which seemed suitable to her character, but I knew how much she would have disliked anything singular in connection with her tombstone and did not do it.

Before, however, I had come to this conclusion, I had thought that Ernest might be able to help me to the right thing, and had written to him upon the subject. The following is the answer I received -"Dear Godpapa,--I send you the best bit I can think of; it is the subject of the last of Handel's six grand fugues and goes thus:-[Music score]

It would do better for a man, especially for an old man who was very sorry for things, than for a woman, but I cannot think of anything better; if you do not like it for Aunt Alethea I shall keep it for myself.--Your affectionate Godson, ERNEST PONTIFEX."

Was this the little lad who could get sweeties for two-pence but not for two-pence-halfpenny? Dear, dear me, I thought to myself, how these babes and sucklings do give us the go-by surely. Choosing his own epitaph at fifteen as for a man who "had been very sorry for things," and such a strain as that--why it might have done for Leonardo da Vinci himself. Then I set the boy down as a conceited young jackanapes, which no doubt he was,--but so are a great many other young people of Ernest's age.

  • 杠上大神:女配难逍遥


  • 三国寻人启事


  • 雨恋狂夏


  • 转世重生蜕变成仙


  • 妈咪快看爹地追来了


  • 神级快穿boss你剧本又拿错了


    【快穿,1V1,甜文爽文】燕辞和别的宿主不一样,人家只有一个系统,她这里有俩,还是精神分裂的那种。 【扫黑除恶,辞爷无敌!坑蒙拐骗,辞爷威武!】——系统1:宿主,我认为......宿主,你在干啥?燕辞:摆摊,卖宝石。系统1:您是国师怎么出来摆摊了?!——系统2:宿主,我认为你作为杀手......宿主,你又在干啥?!燕辞:教育他们不要打打杀杀。系统2:宿主!你剧本拿错了!他们是来杀你的人!燕辞:我把剧本换了。——系统1:宿主,贱婢带着她马子打上来了,就在城外......宿主,你在干啥?!燕辞:收拾东西,准备跑路!系统1:你是皇帝你跑啥?!燕辞:我把剧本给别人啦,走走走,一会被人杀死了肿么办?——不久后,系统看着那个双腿张开一副吊炸天的土匪模样的宿主,长叹:燕雀安知宿主之志哉?!后来,见证了宿主抱着我好过你不好过的心态走遍位面后,发现燕辞变了:我不好过可以,你敢让我和我的马子不好过我就打死你!某男主:...... 【女主有点小病娇,不喜勿喷】
  • 天行


  • 清风拂过那些年:回忆无边


  • 誓必奉陪


  • 画坛创神记

