


The Cricks lived at Toad-Water; and in the same lonely upland spot Fate had pitched the home of the Saunderses, and for miles around these two dwellings there was never a neighbour or a chimney or even a burying-ground to bring a sense of cheerful communion or social intercourse. Nothing but fields and spinneys and barns, lanes and waste-lands. Such was Toad-Water; and, even so, Toad-Water had its history.

Thrust away in the benighted hinterland of a scattered market district, it might have been supposed that these two detached items of the Great Human Family would have leaned towards one another in a fellowship begotten of kindred circumstances and a common isolation from the outer world. And perhaps it had been so once, but the way of things had brought it otherwise. Indeed, otherwise. Fate, which had linked the two families in such unavoidable association of habitat, had ordained that the Crick household should nourish and maintain among its earthly possessions sundry head of domestic fowls, while to the Saunderses was given a disposition towards the cultivation of garden crops. Herein lay the material, ready to hand, for the coming of feud and ill-blood. For the grudge between the man of herbs and the man of live stock is no new thing; you will find traces of it in the fourth chapter of Genesis. And one sunny afternoon in late spring-time the feud came--came, as such things mostly do come, with seeming aimlessness and triviality. One of the Crick hens, in obedience to the nomadic instincts of her kind, wearied of her legitimate scatching-ground, and flew over the low wall that divided the holdings of the neighbours. And there, on the yonder side, with a hurried consciousness that her time and opportunities might be limited, the misguided bird scratched and scraped and beaked and delved in the soft yielding bed that had been prepared for the solace and well-being of a colony of seedling onions. Little showers of earth-mould and root-fibres went spraying before the hen and behind her, and every minute the area of her operations widened. The onions suffered considerably. Mrs.

Saunders, sauntering at this luckless moment down the garden path, in order to fill her soul with reproaches at the iniquity of the weeds, which grew faster than she or her good man cared to remove them, stopped in mute discomfiture before the presence of a more magnificent grievance. And then, in the hour of her calamity, she turned instinctively to the Great Mother, and gathered in her capacious hands large clods of the hard brown soil that lay at her feet. With a terrible sincerity of purpose, though with a contemptible inadequacy of aim, she rained her earth bolts at the marauder, and the bursting pellets called forth a flood of cackling protest and panic from the hastily departing fowl. Calmness under misfortune is not an attribute of either hen-folk or womenkind, and while Mrs. Saunders declaimed over her onion bed such portions of the slang dictionary as are permitted by the Nonconformist conscience to be said or sung, the Vasco da Gama fowl was waking the echoes of Toad-Water with crescendo bursts of throat music which compelled attention to her griefs. Mrs. Crick had a long family, and was therefore licensed, in the eyes of her world, to have a short temper, and when some of her ubiquitous offspring had informed her, with the authority of eye-witnesses, that her neighbour had so far forgotten herself as to heave stones at her hen--her best hen, the best layer in the countryside--her thoughts clothed themselves in language "unbecoming to a Christian woman"--so at least said Mrs.

  • 快穿之宿主她不崩世界了


    你还在为宿主总在崩世界而烦恼吗?你还在为宿主完不成任务而困扰吗?你还在为自己业务不达标而苦闷吗?亲,这边建议您给宿主换一个部门呦~小白觉得自己的宿主就是一个很好的例子#世界维修部门。白夏:人家崩的好好的,你非要去修人家。你说你欠不欠儿呢?小白:好的宿主,了解了。#男主恋爱部门。白夏:是老娘不美吗?呸,渣男。小白:了解#剧情维护部门。白夏:人家俩谈个恋爱,碍着谁了?惹着谁了?真爱无价懂不懂?小白:哦可,咱们再换……终于,在时空管理局重开了一个部门之后,白夏终于找到她心仪的部门了。那就是女配逆袭部门!!!撒花?(*??`*)?只不过在她逆袭的道路上,总有一两个不长眼的挡路,没关系,搞掉不就好了吗?白夏:我可真真是个小天使!小白:对对对,您说啥都是对的!小白:嘤嘤嘤,我怂怪我吗~ ###本文又叫《论一个从心的系统是如何见证大佬之间的恋爱的》《宿主她不崩世界就开始崩人设》《在给宿主换了一个部门后,系统的业务总达标》
  • 斗破从夺舍失败开始


  • 异界邪王


  • Stepping Heavenward

    Stepping Heavenward

  • 妖道及音


  • 我的老婆是元婴修士


  • 疯狂敢死队


  • 玉管清弦声旖旎


  • 靠!叫你放开我,听到没有


  • 37天37度

