
第8章 Chapter III A Chicago Evening(3)

"Do you suppose we will ever have a house as fine as one of these, Frank?" she asked him, longingly.

"I'll tell you what my plan is," he said. "If you like this Michigan Avenue section we'll buy a piece of property out here now and hold it. Just as soon as I make the right connections here and see what I am going to do we'll build a house--something really nice--don't worry. I want to get this divorce matter settled, and then we'll begin. Meanwhile, if we have to come here, we'd better live rather quietly. Don't you think so?"

It was now between five and six, that richest portion of a summer day. It had been very warm, but was now cooling, the shade of the western building-line shadowing the roadway, a moted, wine-like air filling the street. As far as the eye could see were carriages, the one great social diversion of Chicago, because there was otherwise so little opportunity for many to show that they had means. The social forces were not as yet clear or harmonious.

Jingling harnesses of nickel, silver, and even plated gold were the sign manual of social hope, if not of achievement. Here sped homeward from the city--from office and manufactory--along this one exceptional southern highway, the Via Appia of the South Side, all the urgent aspirants to notable fortunes. Men of wealth who had met only casually in trade here nodded to each other. Smart daughters, society-bred sons, handsome wives came down-town in traps, Victorias, carriages, and vehicles of the latest design to drive home their trade-weary fathers or brothers, relatives or friends. The air was gay with a social hope, a promise of youth and affection, and that fine flush of material life that recreates itself in delight. Lithe, handsome, well-bred animals, singly and in jingling pairs, paced each other down the long, wide, grass-lined street, its fine homes agleam with a rich, complaisant materiality.

"Oh!" exclaimed Aileen, all at once, seeing the vigorous, forceful men, the handsome matrons, and young women and boys, the nodding and the bowing, feeling a touch of the romance and wonder of it all. "I should like to live in Chicago. I believe it's nicer than Philadelphia."

Cowperwood, who had fallen so low there, despite his immense capacity, set his teeth in two even rows. His handsome mustache seemed at this moment to have an especially defiant curl. The pair he was driving was physically perfect, lean and nervous, with spoiled, petted faces. He could not endure poor horse-flesh. He drove as only a horse-lover can, his body bolt upright, his own energy and temperament animating his animals. Aileen sat beside him, very proud, consciously erect.

"Isn't she beautiful?" some of the women observed, as they passed, going north. "What a stunning young woman!" thought or said the men.

"Did you see her?" asked a young brother of his sister. "Never mind, Aileen," commented Cowperwood, with that iron determination that brooks no defeat. "We will be a part of this. Don't fret.

You will have everything you want in Chicago, and more besides."

There was tingling over his fingers, into the reins, into the horses, a mysterious vibrating current that was his chemical product, the off-giving of his spirit battery that made his hired horses prance like children. They chafed and tossed their heads and snorted. Aileen was fairly bursting with hope and vanity and longing. Oh, to be Mrs. Frank Algernon Cowperwood here in Chicago, to have a splendid mansion, to have her cards of invitation practically commands which might not be ignored!

"Oh, dear!" she sighed to herself, mentally. "If only it were all true--now."

It is thus that life at its topmost toss irks and pains. Beyond is ever the unattainable, the lure of the infinite with its infinite ache.

"Oh, life! oh, youth! oh, hope! oh, years! Oh pain-winged fancy, beating forth with fears."

  • 修真之九阳问情


  • 万噬屠魔录


  • 天行


  • 女主今天也很二


  • 天行


  • 魔仙无界


  • 余生九月


  • 凰色生香


    【女生版】“长安,总有那么一天,我会陪着你,喝你最喜欢喝的酒,赏你最喜欢赏的景,在你的余生里,成为你最喜欢的人。”他不知道,当他说出这句话的时候,她就已经原谅他了。十万里河山,九千个日月,八方相守,七军追随,扫六朝金粉,得五陵豪杰,却落得个四面楚歌,虽三呼万岁又如何?不如换两心相映,全一世长情。===【男生版】数年前一场灭门血案,纠葛出今日翻覆权谋。乱世烽烟起,君非君,臣非臣,江山空无主。天下逐鹿,功在千秋。===【萌萌哒作者君版】人家这么萌,你真的不要戳一下、暖一下、收藏一下嘛(づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭?~
  • 我的管家女仆


  • 黑裙


    独立上进、怀揣梦想的安倩,大学毕业后入职国际品牌酒店EL BENCH。从“贴身管家”到部门总监,其间历经初涉职场的迷茫、理想与现实的冲突、爱情同事业的摩擦。十年时间,安倩依靠自己不服输的个性和独具一格的创造力,最终成为EL BENCH酒店集团史上第一位中国籍总经理,与此同时也收获了属于自己的美好爱情。