

"Oh! cousin Katherine must wait. I promised this trimming to Anna to remember me by, and I would not disappoint the dear girl for the world.""It is not your cousin Katherine, but the Orphans, who will have to wait; and surely a promise to a relation is as sacred as one to an acquaintance.""Acquaintance, aunt!" echoed the niece with displeasure. "Do not, I entreat you, call Anna an acquaintance merely. She is my friend--my very best friend, and I love her as such.""Thank you, my dear," said the aunt dryly.

"Oh! I mean nothing disrespectful to yourself, dear aunt," continued Julia. "You know how much I owe to you, and ought to know that I love you as a mother.""And would you prefer Miss Miller to a mother, then?""Surely not in respect, in gratitude, in obedience;but still I may love her, you know. Indeed, the feelings are so very different, that they do not at all interfere with each other--in my heart at least.""No!" said Miss Emmerson, with a little curiosity--"Iwish you would try and explain this difference to me, that I may comprehend the distinctions that you are fond of ******.""Why, nothing is easier, dear aunt!" said Julia with animation. "You I love because you are kind to me, attentive to my wants, considerate for my good;affectionate, and--and--from habit--and you are my aunt, and take care of me.""Admirable reasons!" exclaimed Charles Weston, who had laid aside his book to listen to this conversation.

"They are forcible ones I must admit," said Miss Emmerson, smiling affectionately on her niece; "but now for the other kind of love.""Why, Anna is my friend, you know," cried Julia, with eyes sparkling with enthusiasm. "I love her, because she has feelings congenial with my own;she has so much wit, is so amusing, so frank, so like a girl of talents--so like--like every thing Iadmire myself."

"It is a pity that one so highly gifted cannot furnish herself with frocks," said the aunt, with a little more than her ordinary dryness of manner, "and suffer you to work for those who want them more.""You forget it is in order to remember me," said Julia, in a manner that spoke her own ideas of the value of the gift.

"One would think such a friendship would not require any thing to remind one of its existence,"returned the aunt.

"Why! it is not that she will forget me without it, but that she may have something by her to remind her of me-----" said Julia rapidly, but pausing as the contradiction struck even herself.

"I understand you perfectly, my child," interrupted the aunt, "merely as an unnecessary security, you mean.""To make assurance doubly sure," cried Charles Weston with a laugh.

"Oh! you laugh, Mr. Weston," said Julia with a little anger; "but I have often said, you were incapable of friendship.""Try me!" exclaimed the youth fervently. "Do not condemn me without a trial.""How can I?" said Julia, laughing in her turn. "You are not a girl.""Can girls then only feel friendship?" inquired Charles, taking the seat which Miss Emmerson had relinquished.

"I sometimes think so," said Julia, with her own good-humoured smile. "You are too gross--too envious--in short, you never see such friendships between men as exist between women.""Between girls, I will readily admit," returned the youth. "But let us examine this question after the manner of the courts--""Nay, if you talk law I shall quit you," interrupted the young lady gaily.

"Certainly one so learned in the subject need not dread a cross-examination," cried the youth, in her own manner.

  • 天行


  • 谜亡大陆


  • 拿来就用的女人读心术


  • 京城四少


  • 逆流时光


  • 封剑乾坤


  • 拾镯记


  • 天行


  • 富婆计划


  • 徒弟怎么还不去拱别家的白菜


    灵阁是个交易场,交易的东西很特殊,而阁主的任务就是下山传销,上山与客户交易,灵离作为阁主,当然是“尽职尽责”。但是这位徒弟,麻烦你别动手动脚的好不,我可是你师父兼奶妈啊,别以为你是我好不容易拉扯大的就不会动手教训你!几分钟后好吧,确实不会。养了这么多年的猪,要是打伤了,别家的好白菜看不上咋办。——————————————————————————终于有一天,灵离实在忍不住了,抓着正在做饭的徒弟问道“你咋还不下山去拱别家的白菜呢?”徒弟放下手中的菜,温柔的望着灵离“我已经拱到了。”灵·钢铁直女·离十分鸡冻:“哪呢?快带过来,让为师好好瞧瞧!哎呀,我终于有徒媳了!”1V1,一个只知道玩的阁主和一个在爱挖坑给师父跳的徒弟(女主不是傻白甜)(剧情不止这一点,大故事里有小故事,)新人新书。萝卜白菜,各有所爱。[不喜勿喷]欢迎各位入坑(* ̄︶ ̄*)