

Let us review the threefold distinction on which this whole study rests, between masculine, feminine and human. Grant that woman, being feminine, cannot emulate man in being masculine--and does not want to.

Grant that the masculine qualities have their use and value, as well as feminine ones. There still remain the human qualities shared by both, owned by neither, most important of all. Education is a human process, and should develop human qualities--not *** qualities. Surely our boys are sufficiently masculine, without needing a special education to make them more so.

The error lies here. A strictly masculine world, proud of its own *** and despising the other, seeing nothing in the world but ***, either male or female, has "viewed with alarm" the steady and rapid growth of humanness. Here, for instance, is a boy visibly tending to be an artist, a musician, a scientific discoverer. Here is another boy not particularly clever in any line, nor ambitious for any special work, though he means in a general way to "succeed"; he is, however, a big, husky fellow, a good fighter, mischievous as a monkey, and strong in the virtues covered by the word "sportsmanship." This boy we call "a fine manly fellow."

We are quite right. He is. He is distinctly and excessively male, at the expense of his humanness. He may make a more prepotent sire than the other, though even that is not certain; he may, and probably will, appeal more strongly to the excessively feminine girl, who has even less humanness than he; but he is not therefore a better citizen.

The advance of civilization calls for human qualities, in both men and women. Our educational system is thwarted and hindered, not as Prof.

Wendell and his life would have us believe, by "feminization," but by an overweening masculization.

Their position is a ****** one. "We are men. Men are human beings.

Women are only women. This is a man's world. To get on in it you must do it man-fashion--i.e., fight, and overcome the others. Being civilized, in part, we must arrange a sort of "civilized warfare," and learn to play the game, the old crude, fierce male game of combat, and we must educate our boys thereto." No wonder education was denied to women. No wonder their influence is dreaded by an ultra-masculine culture.

It will change the system in time. It will gradually establish an equal place in life for the feminine characteristics, so long belittled and derided, and give pre-eminent dignity to the human power.

Physical culture, for both boys and girls, will be part of such a modified system. All things that both can do together will be accepted as human; but what either boys or girls have to retire apart to practice will be frankly called masculine and feminine, and not encouraged in children.

The most important qualities are the human ones, and will be so named and honored. Courage is a human quality, not a ***-quality. What is commonly called courage in male animals is mere belligerence, the fighting instinct. To meet an adversary of his own sort is a universal masculine trait; two father cats may fight fiercely each other, but both will run from a dog as quickly as a mother cat. She has courage enough, however, in defence of her kittens.

What this world most needs to-day in both men and women, is the power to recognize our public conditions; to see the relative importance of measures; to learn the processes of constructive citizenship. We need an education which shall give its facts in the order of their importance; morals and manners based on these facts; and train our personal powers with careful selection, so that each may best serve the community.

At present, in the larger processes of extra-scholastic education, the advantage is still with the boy. From infancy we make the gross mistake of accentuating *** in our children, by dress and all its limitations, by special teaching of what is "ladylike" and "manly." The boy is allowed a ******* of experience far beyond the girl. He learns more of his town and city, more of machinery, more of life, passing on from father to son the truths as well as traditions of *** superiority.

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    许家于苏家祖上有恩,苏家那报恩爷爷用孙身相许,承诺若日后违背婚约必赔偿两成身家。吝啬爸妈当年200万嫌贵舍不得出手赎儿子的自由身,一拖拖到现如今的200亿,许家那挂名未婚妻还要各种幺蛾子膈应他……到底是巨款赎身,还是咬牙就义,苏家大少每日一闭上眼就是那个风情万种的娱乐圈第一女神做着鬼脸朝他吐舌:我就是要强扭你这个瓜—— 文案二 便宜老爸给她定的娃娃亲,有钱有势有颜有品还有很多钟意的灰姑凉。 谁让便宜老爸得罪了老妈,她就死活赖着不退婚,进入演艺圈撩遍男色,膈应死他俩—— 苏子衡:你求你退婚行不行?每天看你跟别的男人卿卿我我真他妈眼烦 盛凌:想退自己退,老娘懒得退(内心OS:主动退婚损失200亿,当我傻子么?) 苏子衡:你确定不退? 盛凌点头:不退不退就不退,略略略…… 男主暴躁傲娇,女主傲娇暴躁,一对活宝幼稚鬼! PS:为什么许家大小姐会叫盛凌?行走娱乐圈谁还不批个马甲什么的,对吧?
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