

Our names were called in English style, the high-chief wife of Mr. St- (an unpronounceable something); Mrs. Straw, and the like. And when we went into the other house to eat, we found we were seated alternately with chiefs about the - table, I was about to say, but rather floor. Everything was to be done European style with a vengeance! We were the only whites present, except Wurmbrand, and still I had no suspicion of the truth. They began to take off their ulas (necklaces of scarlet seeds) and hang them about our necks; we politely resisted, and were told that the King (who had stopped off their SIVA) had sent down to the prison a message to the effect that he was to give a dinner to-morrow, and wished their second-hand ulas for it. Some of them were content; others not. There was a ring of anger in the boy's voice, as he told us we were to wear them past the King's house. Dinner over, I must say they are moderate eaters at a feast, we returned to the ava house; and then the curtain drew suddenly up upon the set scene. We took our seats, and Auilua began to give me a present, recapitulating each article as he gave it out, with some appropriate comment. He called me several times 'their only friend,' said they were all in slavery, had no money, and these things were all made by the hands of their families - nothing bought; he had one phrase, in which I heard his voice rise up to a note of triumph: 'This is a present from the poor prisoners to the rich man.' Thirteen pieces of tapa, some of them surprisingly fine, one I think unique; thirty fans of every shape and colour; a kava cup, etc., etc. At first Auilua conducted the business with weighty gravity; but before the end of the thirty fans, his comments began to be humorous.

When it came to a little basket, he said: 'Here was a little basket for Tusitala to put sixpence in, when he could get hold of one' - with a delicious grimace. I answered as best as I was able through a miserable interpreter; and all the while, as I went on, I heard the crier outside in the court calling my gift of food, which I perceived was to be Gargantuan. I had brought but three boys with me. It was plain that they were wholly overpowered. We proposed to send for our gifts on the morrow; but no, said the interpreter, that would never do; they must go away to-day, Mulinuu must see my porters taking away the gifts, - 'make 'em jella,' quoth the interpreter. And I began to see the reason of this really splendid gift; one half, gratitude to me - one half, a wipe at the King.

And now, to introduce darker colours, you must know this visit of mine to the gaol was just a little bit risky; we had several causes for anxiety; it MIGHT have been put up, to connect with a Tamasese rising. Tusitala and his family would be good hostages. On the other hand, there were the Mulinuu people all about. We could see the anxiety of Captain Wurmbrand, no less anxious to have us go, than he had been to see us come; he was deadly white and plainly had a bad headache, in the noisy scene. Presently, the noise grew uproarious; there was a rush at the gate - a rush in, not a rush out - where the two sentries still stood passive; Auilua leaped from his place (it was then that I got the name of Ajax for him) and the next moment we heard his voice roaring and saw his mighty figure swaying to and fro in the hurly-burly. As the deuce would have it, we could not understand a word of what was going on. It might be nothing more than the ordinary 'grab racket' with which a feast commonly concludes; it might be something worse. We made what arrangements we could for my tapa, fans, etc., as well as for my five pigs, my masses of fish, taro, etc., and with great dignity, and ourselves laden with ulas and other decorations, passed between the sentries among the howling mob to our horses.

All's well that ends well. Owing to Fanny and Belle, we had to walk; and, as Lloyd said, 'he had at last ridden in a circus.' The whole length of Apia we paced our triumphal progress, past the King's palace, past the German firm at Sogi - you can follow it on the map - amidst admiring exclamations of 'MAWAIA' - beautiful - it may be rendered 'O my! ain't they dandy' - until we turned up at last into our road as the dusk deepened into night. It was really exciting. And there is one thing sure: no such feast was ever made for a single family, and no such present ever given to a single white man. It is something to have been the hero of it. And whatever other ingredients there were, undoubtedly gratitude was present. As money value I have actually gained on the transaction!

Your note arrived; little profit, I must say. Scott has already put his nose in, in ST. IVES, sir; but his appearance is not yet complete; nothing is in that romance, except the story. I have to announce that I am off work, probably for six months. I must own that I have overworked bitterly - overworked - there, that's legible. My hand is a thing that was, and in the meanwhile so are my brains. And here, in the very midst, comes a plausible scheme to make Vailima pay, which will perhaps let me into considerable expense just when I don't want it. You know the vast cynicism of my view of affairs, and how readily and (as some people say) with how much gusto I take the darker view?

Why do you not send me Jerome K. Jerome's paper, and let me see THE EBB TIDE as a serial? It is always very important to see a thing in different presentments. I want every number.

Politically we begin the new year with every expectation of a bust in 2 or 3 days, a bust which may spell destruction to Samoa. I have written to Baxter about his proposal.

  • 爱以刻薄相欺


  • 满级大佬她在线捉NPC


    (无限流+马甲+1v1+护妻狂魔+双强) 传说,三界之中,曾经出过一位令人闻风丧胆的人物,非人非鬼亦非神,驱百鬼,抓百人,制炼狱,三界奈何不得,遂除之后快。 一千余年后,冥界易主,新主长侯奈何桥,等一……心上人! ……“白央,白央~”,午夜梦回,白央便又听见了这个陌生的声音,急切却又温柔……不知什么时候起,她开始做一些稀奇古怪的梦,那些梦发生在一间一间的“屋子”里,那里面,除了一些“人”,还有无尽尸骨……无论她怎么努力,也摆脱不了那些可怕的东西,最让她诧异的是——一间间的“屋里”,总有一个剑眉星目的少年,桃花眼微眯,是说不尽的情话,娇贵又傲娇,还自以为是,可偏偏啊,甚得她心。 男主篇………… “我在这里,等了你许多年,终于……等到你了”“一见钟情不过是借口,一个害怕你知道我蓄谋已久的借口”“我见过许多人,听过很多故事,唯独没有一个你”“孟婆的汤熬了一年又一年,奈何桥上人来人往,而我依旧还在徘徊……”(PS:简介无能,移步正文)
  • 天道圣尊归来


  • 惊华世隐


  • 天行


  • 易烊千玺:就此分离


  • 天雨神泪


  • 青青子佩,悠悠我思


  • 临安有妖


  • 异能修武

