
第7章 Try Metaphysics.(1)

After a long avoidance of the painful subject, the king and queen resolved to hold a council of three upon it; and so they sent for the princess. In she came, sliding and flitting and gliding from one piece of furniture to another, and put herself at last in an armchair, in a sitting posture. Whether she could be said to sit, seeing she received no support from the seat of the chair, I do not pretend to determine.

"My dear child," said the king, "you must be aware by this time that you are not exactly like other people.""Oh, you dear funny papa! I have got a nose, and two eyes, and all the rest. So have you. So has mamma.""Now be serious, my dear, for once," said the queen.

"No, thank you, mamma; I had rather not."

"Would you not like to be able to walk like other people?" said the king.

"No indeed, I should think not. You only crawl. You are such slow coaches!""How do you feel, my child?" he resumed, after a pause of discomfiture.

"Quite well, thank you."

"I mean, what do you feel like?"

"Like nothing at all, that I know of."

"You must feel like something."

"I feel like a princess with such a funny papa, and such a dear pet of a queen-mamma!""Now really!" began the queen; but the princess interrupted her.

"Oh Yes," she added, "I remember. I have a curious feeling sometimes, as if I were the only person that had any sense in the whole world."She had been trying to behave herself with dignity; but now she burst into a violent fit of laughter, threw herself backwards over the chair, and went rolling about the floor in an ecstasy of enjoyment. The king picked her up easier than one does a down quilt, and replaced her in her former relation to the chair. The exact preposition expressing this relation I do not happen to know.

"Is there nothing you wish for?" resumed the king, who had learned by this time that it was useless to be angry with her.

"Oh, you dear papa!--yes," answered she.

"What is it, my darling?"

"I have been longing for it--oh, such a time!--ever since last night.""Tell me what it is."

"Will you promise to let me have it?"

The king was on the point of saying Yes, but the wiser queen checked him with a single motion of her head. "Tell me what it is first," said he.

"No no. Promise first."

"I dare not. What is it?"

"Mind, I hold you to your promise.--It is--to be tied to the end of a string--a very long string indeed, and be flown like a kite. Oh, such fun! I would rain rose-water, and hail sugar-plums, and snow whipped-cream, and--and--and--"A fit of laughing checked her; and she would have been off again over the floor, had not the king started up and caught her just in time. Seeing nothing but talk could be got out of her, he rang the bell, and sent her away with two of her ladies-in-waiting.

"Now, queen," he said, turning to her Majesty, "what IS to be done?""There is but one thing left," answered she. "Let us consult the college of Metaphysicians.""Bravo!" cried the king; "we will."

Now at the head of this college were two very wise Chinese philosophers-by name Hum-Drum, and Kopy-Keck. For them the king sent; and straightway they came. In a long speech he communicated to them what they knew very well already--as who did not?--namely, the peculiar condition of his daughter in relation to the globe on which she dwelt; and requested them to consult together as to what might be the cause and probable cure of her INFIRMITY. The king laid stress upon the word, but failed to discover his own pun. The queen laughed; but Hum-Drum and Kopy-Keck heard with humility and retired in silence.

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    明晞可算是鼓起勇气表白了,可该死的易炀磨蹭了好几天之后却说了对不起。 不谈恋爱耍流氓就算了,怎么跑走了还要追随千里。 他看着眼前那笑容纯粹的姑娘,怎么都舍不得她跟着自己受苦。 眼前是看得到的财盆满钵,也是一不小心就跌落的万丈深渊。 这一次,不论富贵还是贫穷,你愿意和我在一起吗? 我爱你,从来都只是因为你 ——————————应国家号召,许多电视台开始找各种社会阶层人员上节目易炀作为创出一番天地了的物联网界大佬居然破天荒的去参加了什么综艺节目全网少女突然就沸腾了起来,一个个都想给易炀生猴子可谁知道下一秒易炀毫不客气的在微博秀出自己在超市带着俩孩子的照片网友:呜呜呜呜,为什么要英年早婚。——————————大明星路尧惊现神秘女友夜游商城,疑似好事将近。 两人共同乘车归家,手持婴儿物品. 各大网络媒体爆炸 易炀穿着睡衣下楼,不满地看着自己招摇的发小带着自己老婆出门给干儿子买礼物。 路尧抱着干儿子出门:宝贝叫爸爸 易炀:放下我儿子! 卖房创业男青年X初入职场小菜鸟物联网届不断崛起的大佬和锦鲤跃龙门的产品经理


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